XXVI. Calm

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Friday, April 22nd, 2016

"That's it!" Isla proclaimed suddenly, excitement glowing in her eyes. She turned to me with the sincerest smile on her face that I'd ever seen. "We're done. Your parts are finished."

I pulled off my headphones, a little surprised. There was more I wanted to change and rerecord. "Really? I thought there was-"

"Oh, if you're worried about being paid, I'm planning on paying you for the whole eight weeks." She frowned a bit and I shook my head quickly, hoping I hadn't offended her.

"That's not what I meant. I just figured there was probably more that I could improve on."

She sighed in what seemed like relief. "Oh, okay. No, girl. This all sounds so much better than I could've ever imagined. Thank you for your dedication to my project."

Standing up and gathering my stuff, I said, "You're welcome. Just doing my job. I appreciate you so much for this opportunity, and your friendship."

"Whoa. Wait a minute. Where are you going? You're just taking off?" I stopped what I was doing to glance at her sheepishly.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I was just going to head home to my kid and start booking flights back home. I miss my house," I rambled, awkwardly sitting again, and carefully setting my backpack down.

Isla rolled her eyes, but there was a small smile on her face and she radiated warmth. "Fine. Just go. Be with your little girl, and that hottie of yours. I guess we can celebrate another time. And we will." She stood up and dragged me to my feet, hugging me in a vice-like hold for probably a second too long before she let me go. "Don't forget about me. We're friends now."

I promised I wouldn't before I said my goodbyes and tried not to bolt from the studio. Even though that was all I wanted to do. I felt like I'd barely seen Bexley for more than an hour a day the last week and a half. I really missed her.

Unfortunately, I'd barely made it three steps out the front door, before I heard my name. I could live a thousand lives, and I'd still never forget that voice. I froze mid-step, feeling my chest tighten painfully.

"Aspen!" All of a sudden, she was standing directly in front of me right as I was about to convince myself I'd imagined it.

"M-m-mom?" I had a hard time getting the word out. I almost expected the woman to laugh in my face. Instead, tears welled up in her eyes and she glanced over my head at someone standing behind me.

"You do remember. See, she does remember."

White hot rage pooled in my stomach as I whirled around, but it dissipated in seconds, confusion and nausea takings its place.


The man started to nod, but shook his head. "No, I'm his twin brother, Christopher. He never told you about me?" I shook my head, at a complete loss for words. "Of course not. That asshole."

"Honey, I know this is a lot at once, but this is Christopher Springs. Your real father."

"What? Why are you telling me this? Why are you even here?" The rage was back, but that time it wasn't going away. I wanted to scream, or yell, or have a complete and utter public meltdown. But, somehow, I managed to stay calm.

"Let's go somewhere to talk."

"No. I really need to get home." I started to walk passed them, but they followed closely behind me, while I headed toward the car Cas sent to pick me up.

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