A distaster

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One day a girl named Charlotte was on her way to school, but she woke up late, so she didn't have time to shower, eat, apply makeup or wash her face. She went to school barefaced and smelly, and to make it worse she was late to all her classes. Everybody in school made fun of her for her stinky appearance, but there was nothing she could do about it. It was all a disaster until.... This huge mafia lord came to her school looking for her because he wanted to marry her, but she was only 19 years old and he was 24. He came up to her introducing himself to her.

"Hey, my name is Soobin I'm 24 and I'm a mafia lord and I want to marry you." he said in the boldest tone ever.

She was shocked at how bold he was, and he didn't even care a second about her looks. She looked up at him as she was sitting on the floor in an empty hallway crying. She was amazed at how stunning he looks. He leaned in closer to get a closer look at her, that's when he realized she was crying. His soft expression turned into a cold and hateful face as if he was going to kill someone right there and then.

"Who made you cry?" he asked pissed off

"My classmates they made fun of me because I woke up late, so I didn't have time to get ready this morning." she said sobbing

"GIRL DONT, YOU LISTEN TO THEM, THEY'RE JUST JEALOUS THAT YOU WAKE UP PRETTY UNLIKE THEM!" he yelled in the zestiest tone ever. She got shocked by the sudden change in his voice and personality. She started giggling a bit, he looked happy seeing her giggle.

"But I'm gonna have to ask you they're name so I can kill them" he told her.

Charlotte was shocked at how fast he could change up in just a moment. She said that she has zero interest in basically helping with multiple murders and that this is the first time she had gotten bullied, and it will probably never happen again.

"Fine no need to help, but do you remember why I came?" Soobin asked Charlotte with a huge grin on his face. She looks at him with huge eyes and says,

"Yes, I do, I just don't get why you want to marry a depressed snob like me."

"Depressed? What do you mean?" he asks curious.

"Yes! I hate my life and myself, everybody hates me too, even my own parents they abuse me every day as if I some kind of punchbag. And my grades are great, I get A's all the time, but they are never appreciative. One time when I got a B+ in math they got so pissed and almost killed me they started dragging me to the stove in the kitchen heating up a knife and they started cutting and burning my skin it was so painful. I can't live with them anymore and my elder siblings have it as hard as me and it hurts more when my parents force me to watch them abuse my sister Julia. My brother Marcus he moved away a year ago after he got a job back in France because we used to live there until we had to move to Korea for dad's work, and now I just want to unalive myself, but I won't because I know that one day, I will find purpose in life." Charlotte said tearing up.

"Oh mi gosh I never knew you had it like this." he said shocked at how miserable her life was.

"How could you know you just met me today" she said in a comforting tone hoping it will help his overthinking.

"I think that's why you met me, as your purpose. Maybe I'm your purpose, like we can give it a try, right?" Soobin said hopeful

"Fine I'll marry you, but I'm warning you, I'm possessive okey" she said scoffing.

He had a huge smile on his face dragging her from the floor to take their home until she told him that she still has classes. He let her go telling her to meet him outside when she finished school.

After school Charlotte met him in the parking lot, as they drove off, they had a conversation about how they could invite Juilia to move in with them and that they will pick up their clothing the next day, Charlotte agreed. They went to Julias school as she studied law, they picked her up. Julia was shocked to see the car and the man inside.

"Charlotte, are we getting kidnapped?" Julia asked concerned

"Blink twic- argh" as she was gonna finish her sentence, she got a contraction. She was 5 months pregnant, but her boyfriend left her when she told him, and she was good at hiding it so no one except Charlotte knew.

"OH MI GOSH ARE YOU OKEY?" Charlotte asked with worry in her eyes.

"Yeh just a contraction" she answered simply squinting her eyes.

"Are you pregnant?" Soobin asked amazed at how young she is, yet she was still single and pregnant

"No" she said sarcastically, Soobin just giggled.

They drove home and where amazed by how big and stunning the house where. Charlotte and Julia just looked at each other with their eyes and mouth wide open. They ate dinner and went to their rooms. Charlotte fell asleep in her room, Soobin and Charlotte was actually going to share a room, but figured they would do that after the wedding. Charlotte fell asleep doing homework. It was morning when she woke up and it was amazing, turned out that the little disaster that happened yesterday turned into a beautiful thing. 

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