1- Namjin

281 17 3

Black car park in front of a big building...guard quickly open the door..
A man come out wearing all black.....guard bow down to him.

"Good morning sir..." Guard said looking down...scared to look up

He didn't say anything just "hmm" And get inside the building which he own...

people stop their works when they saw their boss enter... they all quickly stand up and bow to him.. he walk to his office room...they all standing there until boss goes inside the office room... Too scared to even look at him...they keep their eyes down.....he enter the office room and when door closed... they all breath like they were holding it... then they sit down...back to their works..


He was checking some files when he heard knock...

"Come in..." He said

"Hey how are you.." Smile sheepishly

He cross his hand on his chest "You are late... Again.."

"Im sorry...it was so much traffic..."

"That's old excuse....make new one.."

"I'm not making excuse...."

"Tell me the truth or you are fired.."

" hehehe You won't do that...because you love me..right V.."

He didn't say anything just look at him with blank face...

"Ok fine i overslept..."

V smirk..."good now... punishment.."

"No please...don't.."

"You know there always a punishment hoseok.." V said and hoseok pout

"please no...."

" and not just one but two... 1 for being late and 2nd for lying to me..."

"Oh come on...."

"Yes and your 1st punishment is...." V said and grab a telephone and dail number hoseok look at him worriedly

"Yes you can bring those files.." V cut the call

"What files...?" Hoseok asked nervously

"Oh you will see..." V said and smirk

In few sec someone knock

"Come in..." V said and one of employee enter with so many files...

Hoseok gulp and look at v

Man put the files on table and leave the room..

"These files contain our 5 years records..... i want you to recheck them and tell me which year we had most benefit and lost..."

"Whaatt no i can't do that....it will take me a whole day to do it"

"oh yes you will.....and i want report in 2 hours..."

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