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A beautiful girl enter in Gucci company and went to reception..

"V..?" She just said with blank face receptionist feel little scared...

"Umm.. B-boss is in important meeting who are yo- hey stop where are you going.." Girl didn't stop and going to the meeting room... ignoring the receptioner...

"Ma'am please... You can't just go there...stop before i call the guards..." But girl didn't care and enter the meeting room..

V got angry when his meeting got disturb and about to yelled at the person but stop when he look at her...

"You...." V didn't get answer but get a tight hug from the girl making everyone gasped... And what shock them more when thire boss hug her back... V notice and sign them to get out...and they quickly obye...

"I miss you so much..." Girl said v break the hug and look at her...

"I miss you too...



"When i heard the news about that bastard... I know it was you behind it..." Lisa said v smirk

"Who else... " V said and wink at her..

"And what about his b!tch...?" Lisa ask

"Well he is in my special place... I make... Both bitchs are there ." lisa smirk evily

"Can i see them... " v look at him confused


"Nothing just want to little chat..." Lisa said with innocent voice but smirk not leaving on her face

"Why not...hoseok will show you.."

"By the way... Where is hoseok.?" Lisa ask

"With my new target..." V smirk and show her suga picture..

"You find him too... Thats great... His b!tch must be with him too... " lisa said with creepy smile

"Yeah he work in club...as a stripper..." V said making lisa brust in laughter

"Really... Wow.... A fcking stripper... What a job you find park jimin... " lisa said and look at jimin pic... Then stop laughing and her eyes become darker..

"Remember what you said to me... How you fcking used to insulted me... I remember every words you said to me..fcking park jimin.....and i will make you pay.." lisa said... Making v sad and anger because he was there that time... What jimin do to lisa..

Lisa take out cigarette and lighter... First she light her cancer stick then jimin pic....

"V... Leave that b!tch to me... He is mine..." Lisa said looking at jimin burning pic...

"He is all yours... Thats why i call you here to know i found your culprit..." V said

"So ...Whats the plan...?" Lisa ask and v smirk

"First you tell me....Do you still contact with taemin...?" Lisa smirk.

"I see where your mind going v... And i like it..."


Hoseok was in club looking for one person..." where the fck is he.." he mumbled

He was keep looking but he suddenly bumped into Waiter and drink fall on him..

"I-I'm so sorry sir... " waiter scaredly said hoseok look at him

"Hey its ok... Don't worry about it...here" hoseok give him some money

"No sir... " Waiter deny

"Hey take it... Whats your name... You look young..?" Hoseok ask

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