~ Chapter: one~

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Third person pov

'Auradon It's beautiful, isn't it?'

'I'm Mal, daughter of Maleficent.'

'And this is our home. Hey I'm Hayden son of hades'

'It wasn't always'

'Me and Mal were born on the isle of the lost, where all of the villains had been banished'

'Locked away for good'

'Mal I was going to say that'

'Sorry not sorry'

'But that is until Prince Ben decided that their children should have a chance'

'Who is also Mals boyfriend'

'Hayden stop'

'Okay woman calm down'

'Anyway. So, five villain kids'

'Also know for the V.K.'s'

'Came to Auradon, including me and Hayden.'

'Long story short, Bens is king now'

'And I'm his hand'

'And I'm his girlfriend, and we are about to head back to the Isle to pick up what will hopefully be a long line of new V.K.'S who get to come to auradon and find their happily ever afters, too.'

'yeah, yeah can we hurry up I already know who I am going to pick'

'Wait what you already know'

'yeah now shut up and start to sing you idiot'

Haydens pov

As the others where singing I was walking to a house and as I open the door to see the Queen of hearts son sat at the table drawing something.

'It is good that you do not listen to your mother Luke' As I said that he turns around and looks at me.

'Hayden your back' he said as he runs at me and hugs me and I hugged him back and I then pick him up and spin him around as he laughs. And when I stop to put him down.

'Do you have your V.K slip of paper' And he nods his head and runs up stairs and into his room to get ready and the slip of paper.

'So you are taking my son off me' Someone said but I know who it is so I turn around to see that it was the Queen of hearts son.

'Yeah. You got a problem with that Queen of nothing' As I walk over to the table where Luke was sitting and grab his book.

'Oh. No you can keep him for all I care' As she sat on the sofa.

'I know I can because I have been In his life more then you have Queen of nothing' As I look at her and have my hand on my sword but before I could do anything I hear Luke coming down the stairs and I look at him to he him wearing an outfit I had given him.

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