Chapter 3

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"Why does she get to watch over the hatching? She just started working. She probably never even done this before. She'll just kill them!" The woman shouted.

"Dr.Wu requested that she would do it. If you want to be there you can stand by and watch. But Brook is doing the hatching of the Triceratops."

Why does she not like me? I never said a word to her and she hates me. But she is right I never saw or helped in the birthing of a dinosaur and I don't know Dr.Wu and I don't know why he wants me to watch the hatching

I just can't wait to get out of the lab so I don't have to listen to that woman Kira complain about me. Just want go to Owen's house and sleep.

"Brook your boyfriend is here." Kira sneered.

"I don't have a boyfriend." I sat and grabbed the helmet out of my locker am my bag.

"Oh to let you no in won't help you with the birthing tomorrow. I hope you fail."

I turned and walked to the doors of the lab that lead outside. As I neared the glass doors I could see Owen outside leaning against his bike with his arms crossed over his chest. He is so handsome. How will I be able to live with him.

I walked outside and he smiled as I walked down the steps towards him. He took my bag from me as I but on the helmet.

"How was work?" He asked and pulled the visor over my eyes and he laughed.

"Horrible." I said and pushed it back up and glared at him.

He laughed and got on the bike. I put my bag on and sat down behind he and wrapped my arms around him. He started the back and drove home.

"Owen I need your help with something." I said and sat down next to him.

He was working on his back like he does every night after dinner. He'd have to quiet soon because it looked like it was about to rain.

"What do you need?" He asked putting the wrench down and turned to me.

"When you come to pick me up after work I need you to come to the lab. I need to show you something. I can't tell you it's a surprise."

I didn't want to tell him it was a hatching because I don't know if want to see that or not and I need someone to be with me."

"Ok. I'll come. I won't get eaten by a dinosaur right?"

"No." I said and laughed.

He laughed to and picked the wrench back up and went back to work. I sat and watched him for a bit then he turned to me again.

"They want you to get back in with the raptors. I said that'd be fine if you agreed. Do you want to get back in with the raptors?"

"Yeah I want to. But I can't tomorrow. The next day I can."

"Ok. Crap it's starting to rain."

I helped Owen get his bike and tools in the shed. We then went inside and sat on the couch. Owen started watching a football game and I got my tablet out and started doing things for work.

This tablet sucks because it freezes every five minutes. I want to throw the thing across the room.

"Why do you keep grunting?" Owen asked looking at me weird.

"This tablet sucks."

He lean over and took the tablet from me. I tried to get it back but he leaned away and stretched his arm out.

"Owen give it back."

"No. What are you doing with it?"

I grabbed it and he fell backwards and let go of it. I dropped the tablet as I realized the position I was in. Owen was on his back and I was on top of him. My legs were in between his and his one arm was across my back. I looked up at him and he was just staring at me. I pushed myself up and got off him. He sat up as I bent to pick up my tablet.


"I'm going to go to bed." I said and left the room.


I stood inside the glass doors waiting for Owen to come. He should be here by now. The eggs are about to hatch. I looked down at my watch and heard the engine of a motorcycle. I looked up and saw Owen parking his bike. I walked outside as he walked up the steps.

"About time you got here."

"Sorry. Blue didn't want me to leave."

"Come on." I said and grabbed his arm and pulled him inside.

I jogged down the hallway still holding his arm. We got to the lab and I stop but the door and grabbed gloves out of the box on the wall.

"Here put these on."'I said and handed him the gloves.

I put my own on and opened the door and walked to the incubator. I opened the lid and saw the one of the two eggs had a crack going down the side.

"What dinosaur is hatching? Why isn't someone from the lab helping you?" Owen asked staring at the egg.

"It's a Triceratop. The girl that was supposed to help me doesn't like me so she won't help me."

The crack became wider and a little leg poked itself through. Then towards the top a small horn showed itself.
"Owen gentle hold the side of the egg."

He did as told and I helped the triceratop out and held her in my hand and she made little noises.

"She's so cute. Here hold her Owen."

He took it and held it. She then started to nibble on his finger. He started laughing.

"I thought you said a dinosaur wasn't going to eat me."

I laughed and then the other egg started to crack.

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