Mickey's Christmas Carol JDD Version

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Note: This story was made before I came up with the idea of Melody D Rabbit, so she won't be in this, just letting you know... anyway... on with the story!

Before the story starts, an elderly Demon Dragon, named Boney 10 (voiced by Mel Brooks), came to a dark scene. Boney 10: "Hello folks, this is a remake of Mickey's Christmas Carol, where in this version, the characters keep their normal names and with characters that didn't played in the original or as anthropomorphic version of themselves, plus noun of this is cannon, so just relax... oh right, Tommy will be the narrator for this story... well... enjoy the tale." said Boney 10, before leaving the scene. This story begins in an old fashioned city of London, with the look of the late 19th century, and it was a special day of Winter, for it was Christmas eve, the day before Christmas. Down below at the streets, there were many Toons walking on the snow, most of them were Disney Toons of course. Selling apples on an apple cart, there was a fox Toon boy named Tommy D Fox (voiced by Tara Strong), a Mew girl named Gidget D Mew (voiced by Lisa Ortiz), and two hyena twins named Jokey (voiced by Bill Fagerbakke), and Jokeo D Hyena (voiced by Tom Kenny). Tommy: "Get your yummy apples here!, fresh and delicious!" Jokey: "You can say that again." Gidget: "Um... those are for the customers." Jokeo: "Uh guys... they're here..." said Jokeo, looking at the 4th wall and sees the readers. Tommy: "Oh hello there everyone, welcome to the remake of Mickey's Christmas Carol, we're here to tell the story." Gidget: "That's right, we'll be the narrators here." Jokey: "And we're also here to enjoy the food here." Jokeo: "Save the eating for later." Tommy: "Now this story will have the cast from the original version, with some other Disney characters that weren't in the original to make this more unique in comparison." Gidget: "Okay Tommy, tell us the story." Tommy: "Okay... [clearing throat] the Marley(s) were dead to begin with..." Jokey: "W-w-what, beg pardon?" Tommy: "That's how the story begins, the Marley(s) were dead to begin with... as dead as a doornail..." Jokey: "Uh... that's some beginning, kind of... spooky..." Tommy: "Thanks, anyway... in life, the Marley(s) were business partners with an old miser duck named Scrooge McDuck... you'll see him walking around here..." Jokey: "When?" Tommy: "Now." said Tommy, before Scrooge McDuck (voiced by Alan Young), came to the scene, walking passed the kids. Jokeo: "Say... has it suddenly got colder out here?" asked Jokeo, as Scrooge was on his way to his counting house, and a kitten bumps into him by mistake. The kitten in question was named Oliver (voiced by young Joey Lawrence), and he was trying to look friendly, before seeing Scrooge glaring at him. Oliver: "Uh... sorry sir... and Merry Christmas..." Scrooge: "Christmas... bah... humbug!, now get out of my way!" Oliver: "Y-yes sir..." said Oliver, before making a run for it, unaware that Scrooge took a his can of money from him when he bumped into him. Scrooge: "Hmm... not a lot... but every penny counts." said Scrooge with a chuckle, making Gidget glaring at the mean old duck. Gidget: "The nerve of that duck!, stealing that poor kitten's money like that!" Jokeo: "No kidding... he's a real... uh... what's the word?... one that's insulting but something that I can be allowed to say..." Jokey: "A jerk?" Jokeo: "Yeah, that works." Tommy: "Yes, Scrooge is a real jerk indeed, and if you think being near him for a few seconds is bad, well you would be miserable of being his employee, like Mickey for example." said Tommy, before Scrooge enters his counting house, seeing Mickey (voiced by Wayne Allwine), holding a piece of coal. Mickey: "Oh... good morning Mr Scrooge, uh sir..." Scrooge: "Mickey, what are you doing with that piece of coal?" Mickey: "Uh... I was just trying to thew out the ink." Scrooge: "You used a piece last week, now get on with your work." Mickey: "Uh, speaking of work sir, tomorrow is Christmas, and I was wondering if I uh... have half the day off?" Scrooge: "You know that I don't pay anyone for not working." Mickey: "Yes sir, but you won't have anyone to have business with tomorrow, which would waste a lot of coal and money." Scrooge: "Alright... I suppose you can, but I'll dock you half a day's pay... oh and another thing, I have another bundle of my laundry for you to wash." said Scrooge, before throwing a bag of his laundry to the mouse. Mickey: "Yes sir... understood..." said Mickey, while Tommy and his friends went inside. Jokey: "Oh man... it's even colder in here than outside..." Jokeo: "You ain't kidding... it's gotta be cold enough for ice to last outside of a freezer for days in here..." Tommy: "Anyway, this is the part where Donald, Scrooges nephew and only living relative, comes at the door." said Tommy, before Donald (voiced by Tony Anselmo) comes to the scene through the door. Donald: "Merry Christmas!" Mickey: "A Merry Christmas to you too, Donald." Scrooge: "Bah... humbug." Donald: "And a Merry Christmas to you too, uncle." said Donald, before Scrooge gave him a mean glare. Scrooge: "What's so merry about it, to me it's another work day, and if anyone thinks else, should be boiled in their own Christmas pudding!" Mickey: "But sir, Christmas is a time of giving, to be with one's family." Scrooge: "I say bah!, humbug!" Donald: "Oh come on uncle, if you give family a chance, then you'll be happy." Scrooge: "The only thing that makes me happy is having lots of money, and what are you doing here anyway?" Donald: "I came to invite you for Christmas dinner tomorrow." Scrooge: "Are you nuts?!, you know I can't stand that food you eat, now get out or I'll force you out!" Donald: "Okay... I knew it was a long shot... all I ever wanted was to be with my family... even if that family is you..." said Donald sadly, before leaving the scene, and the kids couldn't help but feel sorry for the poor duck, and cross with Scrooge. Jokey: "Poor Donald... having that rotten duck for an uncle." Tommy: "Yes... but now it's time for a pair of gentleman to ask donations for the poor to appear... um I said now it's time for a pair of gentleman to ask donations for the poor to appear..." said Tommy, who noticed the supposed gentleman were not at the door, before Mickey came over to him, whispering something to his ear that made him face palm himself. Gidget: "What's wrong?" Tommy: "We haven't managed to get someone to fill the roles for the gentlemen who asked for donations..." Gidget: "Oh no... wait... where's Jokey and Jokeo?" Tommy: "Huh... that's odd, they were a moment ago..." suddenly, a knock on the door was heard, and Scrooge opens it to see Jokey and Jokeo, holding some cans. Gidget: "What..." Tommy: "Well that solves the role..." said Tommy, seeing that the twins were filling in the role. Scrooge: "Who might you two be?" Jokey: "Uh... we're here to ask for donations for the poor." Jokeo: "And we were hoping you would give a donation..." Scrooge: "Well... if I did that, then the poor wouldn't be poor anymore, right?" Jokeo: "Well... yeah." Scrooge: "And if they weren't poor anymore, they wouldn't want you to get donations for them anymore, then you'd be out of a job, and you don't want that, right?" Jokey: "No, I don't think so." Scrooge: "Then begone!" said Scrooge, before he slams the door, making the two wince from the sound. Jokeo: "Wow, that is one rotten duck." said Jokeo, before the scene changed to late at night, which was closing time. Scrooge: "Alright Mickey, you may go now." Mickey: "Oh thank you sir." Scrooge: "But be back later tomorrow." Mickey: "I will sir, and bah humbug... oh... I mean a Merry Christmas to you sir." said Mickey, before leaving the scene and off on his way home. As the clock was close to strike midnight, Scrooge was on his way home himself, and soon he was at his mansion. Tommy: "Uh guys... before we get closer, I must remind you that the Marley(s) are dead, and buried in their graves." Jokey: "Uh... why are you telling us this now?" Tommy: "Let's just say... what happens next involves them." said Tommy, as Scrooge was using his key to unlock the door. Suddenly, the knocker of the door changed form, into the faces of three dragon like creatures, calling out Scrooge's name, much to his surprise. Scrooge: "ScreamClaw... ThunderSmacker... and SpaceWarp... Marley?... no!... that can't be..." said Scrooge, before he touched one of the faces, which let out a load roar and fire coming out of his mouth, scaring the daylights out of Scrooge and the kids. The old duck opened the door and slammed it shut, hoping that what just happened was over. Tommy: "Scrooge's house was usually dark, but darkness was cheap, and he like it... but the incident at the door made Scrooge nervous, so he lit up a candle and searched the rooms." Jokeo: "Okay, that does it!" Tommy: "Huh?" Jokeo: "How do you know what Scrooge is doing?, while we're out here and he's in there." Tommy: "I'm the storyteller, I know everything what happens." Jokey: "Yeah right, Mr smarty pants." Tommy: "As I was saying, to conduct a proper search, Scrooge was forced to light up the rooms." said Tommy, as the lights in the mansion were lit up. Jokeo: "How does he do that?" Jokey: "Maybe Gidget's helping...?" Gidget: "Guys, just roll with it." meanwhile, inside the mansion, Scrooge was searching the rooms of the place, but so far nothing. Once he begins to climb up the stairs however, he heard the sound of chains moving. He turned around and saw nothing, before continuing climbing up, only to hear the chains again. He turned around faster and saw nothing, before looking down below and saw nothing. Once he slowly climb further up of the stairs, he hears the sound again, and uses his cane to see if it can feel someone behind him. Once he turned around this time, he saw shadows on the wall that weren't his own, scarring him out of his wits, he ran up to his room and locks up the door. At first he sighed in relief, but then he heard the door knocking, which made him run to his chair, hiding from whoever or whatever was behind the door. Scrooge: "Go away!, whoever or whatever you are!" called out the old duck, before three demon dragon creatures, wearing lots of chains walked through the door like they were ghosts, came to the scene. The first one was name ScreamClaw (voiced by Mark Hamill), the second was ThunderSmacker (voiced by Jim Cummings), and the third was SpaceWarp (voiced by Frank Welker), together they were the Marley trio or Demon trio. ScreamClaw: "Now come on, aren't you happy to see your old partners again?" Scrooge: "What... ScreamClaw... it is you... and ThunderSmacker and SpaceWarp... but how can it be?" ScreamClaw: "Well... you're looking at our ghostly demon selves." ThunderSmacker: "And believe me, I don't feel all that superior while wearing these chains." SpaceWarp: "Y-y-yeah... what he said." Scrooge: "But... why are wearing those chains?" ScreamClaw: "Simple... remember when we were alive, we robbed the widows and swindled the poor?" Scrooge: "Yes, and all on the same day, you had class." ScreamClaw: "Well it turns out that what we did was wrong, so as punishment, we became Demon dragons that are forced to carry these heavy chains, through eternity!" ThunderSmacker: "Maybe even longer..." SpaceWarp: "With n-n-no hope... we're doomed..." ScreamClaw: "And the same fate will happen to you, Scrooge, once your time comes." Scrooge: "What?!, no it can't!, please help me!" ScreamClaw: "Well there is a way to escape this terrible fate... tonight... you will be visited by the 3 spirits of Christmas." ThunderSmacker: "Do what they say, or your chains will be heavier than ours." SpaceWarp: "Y-y-yeah, what they said." ScreamClaw: "Expect the first ghost when the bell tolls 1, and second at 2, and the third at 3." Scrooge: "Can't I meet them all at once and be done with it?" ScreamClaw: "Look to see us no more..." said ScreamClaw, before he and the other demons bumped into what looked like another ghost that was slipping on Scrooge's cane on the floor. The ghost in question was Goofy (voiced by Bill Farmer), and he was surprised by the slip and the trio. Goofy: "Gawrsh, floor is slippery." ScreamClaw: "What the?, who are you?" Goofy: "I'm the ghost of Jacob Marley, I mean this is Mickey's Christmas Carol right?" ScreamClaw: "Yes, you did had the role in the original, but this is a remake, here, we're the ghost of Marley." Goofy: "Oh... oops, then I better be off... farewell." said Goofy, before he walks through the door in a ghostly way. Scrooge: "Wait!, watch out for that first... [hearing Goofy falling down the stairs while making his goofy yelp] step..." ScreamClaw: "Uh... anyway... look to see us no more..." said ScreamClaw, before he and the other two demons flew through the window. Scrooge went to take a look outside and saw many ghosts that were forced to carry heavy chains. The sight of the ghosts scared Scrooge a lot, forcing him to shut the window and tried to hide under the blankets on his bed. Tommy: "Once Scrooge was out of his bed, he sees that the ghosts were gone, all alone in his room once more." Jokey: "Oh man... talk about spooks vile..." Jokeo: "Shouldn't we be worried about the kids?" Tommy: "Relax, this is culture." Jokeo: "Oh..." Gidget: "Come on guys, it's time we get up there." Jokeo: "How?" asked Jokeo, before Gidget uses her psychic powers to make herself and the others to float up into the air, close to the window. In the bedroom, Scrooge, in his pajamas, was using his candle to take a look around to see any sights of the spirits that the trio told him would come, but so far nothing. Scrooge: "Spirits... humbug!" said Scrooge, before he blows out the candle and went to bed. Soon, the clock tolls 1, and something or someone really small came to the scene and used some kind of magic to light up the candle, and using his umbrella to bang on the clock's bell to wake up Scrooge. It wasn't long before Scrooge wakes up and sees what looked like a cricket, named Jiminy (voiced by Eddie Carroll), the first spirit to come. Jiminy: "Well it's about time, I haven't got all night." Scrooge: "W-who are you?" Jiminy: "Me?, why I'm the ghost of Christmas past, but you can call me Jiminy Cricket." Scrooge: "Oh... I thought you'd be taller." Jiminy: "Listen Scrooge, if people measured my kindness, you'd be no bigger than a speck of dust." Scrooge: "Kindness has little use in this world." Jiminy: "You didn't always think so, come on, it's time to go." Scrooge: "Then go." Jiminy: "Yes, but you're coming with me." said Jiminy, before he opens up the window. Scrooge: "What do you mean, where are we going?" Jiminy: "We're gonna visit your past." Scrooge: "I can't go out there, I'll fall." Scrooge: "Just hold on to me and my umbrella will fly us there, just make sure you don't hold me too tight." said Jiminy, before he opens up his umbrella, and once Scrooge holds the spirit in his hand, the pair began to fly out of the window and off to who knows where, with the kids following them in the air through Gidget's psychic powers. It wasn't long before Scrooge, Jiminy, and the kids, arrive at a warehouse, where it seems to have a party going on inside. Scrooge: "Wait... I think I know this place... yes!, it's Boney 10's place... I couldn't have worked for a kinder fellow..." Tommy: "Yes, it was the place where Scrooge got his first job in his youth, a place where Boney 10 was throwing a Christmas party." said Tommy, before Jokey was lighting up a lamp, only to lit up Jokeo's tail also by mistake. Jokeo: "Hey, hey, hey!, light the lamp!, not me!" Jokey: "Oh sorry!" Jokeo: "Put me out!, put me out!" yelped Jokeo, before Jokey pushes him into a barrel full of water, which of course got the hyena covered in ice. Jokey: "... Oops..." Gidget: "We better get inside and thaw him out." Tommy: "Yeah..." said Tommy, before he, Gidget and Jokey, take Jokeo's frozen body into the warehouse in hopes to thaw him out. Once he took a look at the window, Scrooge had his heart filled with joy as he sees many of his friends in the days of his youth, including Boney 10 playing the violin. Scrooge: "Why it's old Boney 10 himself... and all of my dearest friends!, I can't believe I'm seeing them all again..." Jiminy: "Yes, but you didn't exactly treated them like friends in the future." Scrooge: "Oh... I suppose I haven't... I got a little busy with work..." Jiminy: "And does that shy lad in the corner look familiar?" asked Jiminy, pointing at a certain duck at the corner of the party. Scrooge: "Why... that's me..." Jiminy: "Yes, that was before you became a mean miser, consumed by greed." Scrooge: "Well nobody's perfect... oh my... there's Isabelle..." said Scrooge, seeing a female duck named Isabelle (voiced by Tress MacNeille), standing under the mistletoe. Isabelle: "Oh Scrooge, come over here." young Scrooge: "Yes Isabelle?, you need something?" Isabelle: "Well... in case you haven't noticed... I'm standing under the mistletoe." young Scrooge: "You're also standing on my foot." said young Scrooge, as he noticed that Isabelle was indeed standing on his foot, before the lady duck takes his hands and begins dancing with him. Boney 10: "Alright folks, dance like you've never danced before!, and keep Christmas in your hearts all year long." called out Boney 10, while everyone in the party danced their hearts out. Tommy and the others began to join the fun once Jokeo thawed out of his icy condition. Once the music was close to end, Isabelle kissed young Scrooge on the cheek, making him let out a loving sigh and hearts were floating around him. Once the music ended, everyone applauded in celebration for a wonderful party, and it wasn't long before the kids got out to see that Scrooge was looking happy while watching his young self with Isabelle. Scrooge: "Oh... I remembered how much I was in love with her..." suddenly, a big gust of wind blew over, and Scrooge was now in his counting house. Jiminy: "But as time went on, you began to be in love with something else." Scrooge: "Why... this is my counting house... but why are we here?" Jiminy: "Simple, look over there." said Jiminy, before pointing at the young Scrooge counting to large stacks of gold coins on his desk. Young Scrooge: "9,772... 9,77..." Isabelle: "Scrooge?, can I talk to you?" young Scrooge: "Yes, what is it?" Isabelle: "For years I had this honeymoon cottage, and I've been waiting for your decision to marry me... now I must know, have you made your decision?" young Scrooge: "I have... your payment on the cottage was an hour late, there for closing it!" this broke Isabelle's heart, and she began to cry. The sight made Scrooge feel terrible, realizing the mistake he made, while Jiminy glared at him. Jiminy: You loved the gold more than that wonderful lady, as a result, you lost her forever." said Jiminy, before Isabelle slams the door shut, causing the stacks of money on young Scrooge's desk to fall down. Scrooge: "Jiminy... please... I can't bare these memories anymore... take me home..." said Scrooge in sadness, as he sees Isabelle leaving from the scene in the rain. Jiminy: "Remember Scrooge, you fashioned these memories yourself." said Jiminy with an echo, before the scene changes back to Scrooge's room, with the old duck back on his bed. Scrooge: "Why was I so foolish?... why did I give her up over for some gold?... why?!" said Scrooge, with his heart filled with regret over the mistake he made long ago. Tommy: "And so with the spirit gone, Scrooge was back in his room, with his heart filled with guilt and regret." Gidget: "Well he should, after what he did to poor Isabelle." Jokey: "Goes to show that greed is poison to the heart." Jokeo: "Yeah... money may fill your pockets... but it can't fill up the heart or soul..." that was when the clock's bells chimed twice, meaning it was 2 in the morning. Tommy: "Once Scrooge heard the Clock bells, he knew the second ghost was due to appear." said Tommy, before Scrooge hears someone in his room. It was a giant named Willie (voiced by Will Ryan), the second Christmas ghost. Willie: "Fee... Fi... Fo... Fum... I smell an old English duck..." said Willie, before he grabs Scrooge and holds him up like a little bag. Scrooge: "No please!, don't eat me!" Willie: "Why would the ghost of Christmas Present... that's me... or as most people know me... as Willie... want to eat a distasteful miser like you?, especially when there so many other yummy food to enjoy." said Willie, as he showed Scrooge the many foods around the giant. Scrooge: "Why... there's turkey... grapes... and pig... where did all of this food come from?" Willie: "From the heart Scrooge, it's the food of generosity, which you have long denied your fellow men." Scrooge: "Generosity?, no one has ever shown me any generosity." Willie: "You never gave them any reason to, and yet... there are still some people with enough warmth in their hearts... even for the likes of you." Scrooge: "I doubt it highly." Willie: "You'll see..." said Willie, before he lifts up the roof, and puts his leg over the mansion, and did the same with the other, before putting the roof back in place. The giant picks up a lamp post and uses it as a flashlight, before he begins his search for a certain house that belonged to another certain duck. Scrooge: "Where are we?" Willie: "This is the home of your nephew, Donald, who is with his girlfriend, Daisy." said Willie, pointing at a window to Scrooge, showing him that inside the house was Donald, and a female duck named Daisy (voiced by Tress MacNeille), who looked very familiar. Scrooge: "Isabelle?" Willie: "Uh not exactly, she's the daughter of Isabelle." Scrooge: "Then that means... Isabelle is married..." Willie: "Yes, to someone who didn't trade her for a pile of gold, like a certain miser I'm looking at right now." this made Scrooge winced a little, knowing that what Willie said was true, before looking at the window again, seeing that Donald was looking a little sad. Daisy: "Donald?, are you alright?" Donald: "Yeah... it's just that... I wished my uncle would come." Daisy: "Why even bother trying to invite him, from what my mother told me, he's a greedy selfish old duck who cares only for money... I mean he broke her heart after closing her honeymoon cottage just because the payment was an hour late." Donald: "That might be true... but he's still my uncle... and all the family I have... Daisy: "That's not true... you got me for family." Donald: "Yeah... you're right, thanks." Scrooge couldn't help but feel guilty and sad... realizing that maybe he should have accepted his nephew's invitation. Willie: "Come, there is more to see." said Willie, before taking Scrooge to another house, which was more like an old shack. Scrooge: "Why did you bring me to this place?" Willie: "This is the home of your overworked and underpaid employee, Mickey." said Willie, before pointing at a window to Scrooge, showing him that inside was Mickey with his wife, Minnie Mouse (voiced by Russi Taylor), and a dog named Pluto. Scrooge: "What is she cooking?, a goose, surly they have more food than that, I mean there's something in that cooking pot." Willie: "Well actually, that's your laundry." Scrooge: "Oh..." said Scrooge, before Minnie went over to her husband. Minnie: "Mickey, where are the kids?" Mickey: "They should be back soon." said Mickey, before the front door was opened, revealing a pair of dalmatian pups named Patch (voiced by young Bobby Lockwood), and his younger sister, Cadpig (voiced by Kath Soucie). Patch: "Hi." Minnie: "There you are kids, had a lot of fun outside?" Cadpig: "Uh huh, we sure did." Mickey: "Where's Oliver?" asked Mickey, before Oliver, the kitten came inside, while using a crouch to keep himself up due to his hurt leg. Oliver: "Here I am... sorry if I'm late." Mickey: "Oh don't worry, you're just in time for dinner." Minnie: "Come now children, it's time to set up the table." while the family were busy setting up the table, placing the cooked goose on a plate, Tommy and Gidget went inside. Tommy: "As you can see, they were poor and little to eat, but they were still grateful." Gidget: "Hey... where are the twins?" asked Gidget, before the hyena twins fell in through the chimney and landed on the fire place, which put their buns on fire. Jokey: "Ah!!!, me buns are on fire!" Jokeo: "Mine too!, ah!!!" called out the pair, before opening the back door and landed on the snow, putting out the fire on their behinds. Jokey: "Ah... much better..." Jokeo: "That trick worked a lot better when Santa Claus did it..." Jokey: "Hey... isn't that Patch and Cadpig from 101 Dalmatians?" Jokeo: "And Oliver from Oliver & Company?, what are they doing here?" asked the twins, seeing the pups and kitten with Mickey and Minnie. Tommy: "They're the adopted children for Mickey in this story, and Oliver is the Tiny Tim as well." Jokey and Jokeo: "Oh..." back with Scrooge, he couldn't help but stare at the kitten, feeling like he knew him somewhere. Scrooge: "Hey... I think I know that kitten..." Willie: "You should, after all, you robbed him when he bumped into earlier." this made Scrooge to wince a little, remembering what happened when he bumped into him. Scrooge: "Oh... but... um... it was only a few bucks." Willie: "Meant for his operation." Scrooge: "You mean... it's more than just a hurt leg?" Willie: "I'm afraid yes." suddenly, there was a knock on the door, and Mickey went to open it and see a trio of kittens singing a Christmas carol. The first was a white girl kitten named Marie (voiced by young Liz English), the second was a black male kitten named Berlioz (voiced by young Dean Clark), and third was an orange male kitten named Toulouse (voiced by young Gary Dubin), and together they were known as the Aristocat kittens. Mickey: "Oh gosh, it's nice to have cute Christmas carolers at the door at Christmas." Marie: "Hi Mr Mouse... is Oliver home?" Mickey: "Indeed he is, please come in." said Mickey, before the kittens get in and Marie went to give Oliver a big hug. Marie: "Is your leg any better?" Oliver: "Yeah, I just need to get enough money to pay for a visit to the doctor and I'll be all better... unfortunately, I lost my can of money this morning..." Berlioz: "Oh that's too bad..." Oliver: "Don't worry... I'll be okay." Toulouse: "Would you like me to make a painting for ya?" Oliver: "Sure, if you like." Berlioz: "And I can play the piano to play some Christmas music." Marie: "And I can sing something nice." Oliver: "Thanks." said Oliver, while Minnie went over to Mickey. Minnie: "Oliver's so lucky to have friends like those three..." Mickey: "Yeah... he has a heart of gold, helping those in need despite his hurt leg..." Minnie: "And he says that we must thanks Mr Scrooge... even if he paid you so little and work you so hard..." Mickey: "I know... but at least we still have each other..." Scrooge heard this and couldn't help but feel more guilty for his actions, and now wished he did more for the poor family. Scrooge: "Willie... tell me... will Oliver be okay?" Willie: "That would be the future... my realm is the present... but I do see that if these shadows remain unchanged, I see an empty chair where little Oliver once sat." Scrooge: "But... that means... Oliver will... [then sees that the room of the house went dark] where did they go... spirit?!... Willie?!, where are ya?!" called out Scrooge, as he noticed that Willie was nowhere to be found. Tommy: "Again and again Scrooge called out for the spirit, but his calls weren't answered, before the sound of the clock striking 3 was heard." said Tommy, before the clock tower's bell tolls 3 and fog was formed around the area. Scrooge: "Don't go please!, you must tell me about Oliver!... don't go!" Gidget: "Wait... is 3 chimes the cue for the final ghost?" Tommy: "Yeah... and this one is the most frightful one of them all..." said Tommy, before watching Scrooge beginning to coughed out some smoke that appeared in the fog, and then noticed a tombstone in front of him, spooking him a little. He looked up and sees a hooded figure with a cigar, who was the Ghost of Christmas Future, AKA, Pete (voiced by Jim Cummings). Scrooge: "Uh... are you ghost of... Christmas Future...?" Pete: "Yes I am... but you can call me Pete." Jokeo: "Guys... this is getting too scary for me..." Jokey: "Me too... can we skip this part...?" Gidget: "I might be with the twins on this one..." Tommy: "You're right... sorry folks, you're on your own for this one, we'll meet ya at the finale." said Tommy, before he and the other kids left the scene. Scrooge: "Please tell me... what will happen to little Oliver?" Pete: "Look over there." said Pete, pointing at a small hill, located at a cemetery, where Mickey and his family were mourning for a tombstone, and Mickey placed Oliver's crouch on the stone, meaning that it was Oliver's grave. Mickey: "Oh Oliver... my the lord take care of you..." Minnie: "It's okay dear... at least now... he's in a better place..." said Minnie, before she takes the pups away from the grave, and Mickey followed them, with tears in his eyes. The sight has left Scrooge very devastated and heartbroken, feeling guilty as he felt responsible for Oliver's passing. Scrooge: "Oh no... Pete... I didn't wanted this to happen... please tell me that these events can be changed..." said Scrooge, before he hears the sound of someone laughing. He turned around and saw what looked like the Demon trio, his late business partners, laughing at at grave that was ready to be buried. ScreamClaw: "Well I can't say that we didn't warned him." ThunderSmacker: "No kidding, he let his greed get the better of him, with no mourners, and no friends of family to bid him farewell." SpaceWarp: "Y-y-yeah... at least he'll hang out with us... if he f-f-finds a way out of the Underworld." ScreamClaw: "Oh well... rest a bit before we threw his body into the hole, not like it'll be going anywhere anytime soon." said ScreamClaw, before he and the two demons left the scene laughing, while pulling their heavy chains once more. Scrooge took a step closer to the grave, taking a peek at the coffin deep in the hole. Scrooge: "Pete... who's lonely grave... is this...?" asked Scrooge, before Pete lights up a match, and showing the name on the grave stone, which said 'Scrooge' on it, leaving the old duck to gasp in shock. Pete: "Why yours, Scrooge... the richest man in the cemetery!" said Pete in an evil way, before shoving Scrooge into the hole. Pete laughs in an evil way as he watches Scrooge trying to hold on to a tree root, as the coffin opens up, revealing the gateway to the Underworld itself, scaring Scrooge out of his wits. Scrooge: "No!, spirit please!, I'll change!, I'll change!" Pete: "So long Scrooge." said Pete, as Scrooge lost hold of the root, and falls into the coffin. Once the smoke and flames were gone, Scrooge sees that he was in his own room again. Scrooge: "Why... I'm back in my own room... I'm home..." said Scrooge, before he looks around in joy. Tommy: "Yes, Scrooge was back in his room, and still alive." said Tommy, as he and the other kids were looking at Scrooge through the window. Jokeo: "Hi guys, we're back." Gidget: "We promised we would be." Jokey: "Yup." Tommy: "And Scrooge was happy as he still has his life ahead of him, ready to make a difference. Scrooge: "Oh I don't know what to do... I'm light as a feather, happy as an angel... merry as a school boy... there's so much to do, and must be done right away..." Jokeo: "Hey uh... is it safe for us to be here?" Tommy: "Scrooge is saved, what can happen now?" asked Tommy, before Scrooge opens the window and was surprised by the sight of the kids. Scrooge: "Oh hello there boys." said Scrooge, looking at the hyena twins. Jokey: "Uh... hello Mr Scrooge... Merry Christmas day..." Scrooge: "It's Christmas day?, that means I haven't missed it... the spirits have given another chance... oh boys, about the donation yesterday... put me down for..." said Scrooge, before he whispered something into the twins' ears, making them gasp in shock and awe. Jokeo: "That much?!" Scrooge: "Yup, and not a penny less, I can promise you that." Jokey: "Gosh... that's so generous of you... I wished there was something we can do for you..." Scrooge: "Well... if you can buy me the biggest turkey on sale..." Jokeo: "But we don't have the cash." Scrooge: "Leave that to me." said Scrooge, before he gives the twins a bag of gold pennies, much to the twins' surprise. Jokey: "Wow... thanks." Scrooge: "And once you buy it, send it to Mickey's place, but don't tell him that it came from me." Jokey: "Uh... okay sir." Scrooge: "Now uh... can I ask you something?" Gidget: "If you wanna know how we're floating up in the air... simple... my psychic powers." Scrooge: "Oh... for a moment there, I thought you were ghosts." Gidget: "Nah, but I guess you had enough ghosts for one night." Scrooge: "H-how did you..." Gidget: "Like I said before... psychic." said Gidget, before she and the others went off to collect the turkey. Scrooge: "Now I better get going, and give everyone a very Merry Christmas." said Scrooge, as he begins to hop in joy, ready to bring a very Merry Christmas to everyone. As soon as he got outside, he starts wishing everyone he meets a very Merry Christmas, and it wasn't long before he find his nephew with Daisy. Scrooge: "Ah, dear nephew." Donald: "Uncle Scrooge, you uh... seem more happy today." Scrooge: "Why of course, it's Christmas after all, and I'm looking forward for Christmas dinner tonight with ya." Donald: "Wait... you mean you're coming?" Scrooge: "Why of course, we're family after all, and I see you have a lover." Daisy: "Um yes... my name is Daisy, daughter of the woman who's heart you've broken long ago." Scrooge: "Yes... I am terribly sorry about that, if you see her, tell her that I'll do my best to make it up to her." Daisy: "Really?" Scrooge: "Yes, and I hope my nephew is treating you well." Daisy: "Yes, I believe so." Scrooge: "I better be off now, remember to keep dinner hot." Donald: "I will uncle Scrooge, and a Merry Christmas to you." said Donald with happiness. Daisy: "Huh... I did not expected him to be so nice... it's a mystery..." Donald: "If you ask me, I think Christmas has finally come into his heart." Daisy: "Yeah... you might be right." back with Scrooge, he went to a toy store to buy some toys for the kids at Mickey's place. Scrooge: "Oh these will be the perfect gifts for the kids... especially for little Oliver... oh!, that reminds me... [filling Oliver's can with gold pennies] there, this should be more than enough... and now for Mickey..." said Scrooge, as he went on his way to Mickey's place. Once he got there, Scrooge went to clear his throat and trying to look like his old self before knocking on the door, and Mickey opens it to see his boss. Mickey: "Oh... Mr Scrooge, Merry Christmas sir..." Scrooge: "Merry Christmas... bah humbug... I have another bundle for ya." said Scrooge, before putting the bag on the floor, unaware that Oliver and the pups noticed a teddy bear's arm poking out of it. Mickey: "But sir... it's Christmas day." Scrooge: "Just another excuse for being lazy... and another thing, I had enough of this half day off stuff, you leave me no choice... but... but to give..." Oliver: "Toys?" Minnie: "Toys?" Patch: "Look!, toys!" said the kids, opening the bag full of toys, surprising the grown ups. Scrooge: "Yes toys... but what I was gonna say was... I'm giving you a raise Mickey... and making you my new partner." Mickey: "P-p-partner?!, really?" Scrooge: "Of course, you earned it, and it's the perfect Christmas gift for you." that was when the Aristocat kittens came to the room. Marie: "Mr Scrooge?, what are you doing here?" Scrooge: "Oh just giving my employee and his family a Merry Christmas, especially little Oliver here... oh that reminds me..." said Scrooge, before he gives Oliver his can. Oliver: "My money can!, you found it." said Oliver, before Scrooge admits that he took it and felt guilty about it and apologized. Scrooge: "I hope you can forgive me..." Oliver: "Of course, it's Christmas after all, and you gave it back... and it's full!" Scrooge: "Well of course, you'll need it to get your leg fixed." Oliver: "Thank you sir." suddenly, they heard the sound of someone knocking on the door, and Mickey opens it to see Tommy and his friends with the turkey. Tommy: "Hello, we came to bring you this turkey." Mickey: "Oh... why thank you young man." Jokey: "Hey look, Mr Scrooge is here." Scrooge: "Yes, I see you boys made it." Minnie: "Wait... don't tell me that..." Scrooge: "Yup, the turkey's on me too." Mickey: "Oh Mr Scrooge... Merry Christmas... and thank you so much..." Scrooge: "Merry Christmas, Mickey, God bless us." Oliver: "Yeah... God bless us... everyone." said Oliver, as he and everyone begin celebrating Christmas. Jokey: "Wow, what a great story." Tommy: "If you thought this was good, you should read the book." Jokeo: "Alright then." Gidget: "Well that's all for now folks." Tommy: "Yup, have a Merry Christmas and happy new year." said Tommy, as the story comes to a close.


Well there you have it folks, my version of Mickey's Christmas Carol classic, I hope you liked it, and I hope you'll all enjoy my other stories too, BYE!

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