Prologue: Part 2

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An Urgent Deadline/To the Dwarfs' Mine/Frantic Dashing/Egos Clashing/A United Front/An Endless Hunt/A Lesson Learned

guys its a little long


Walking out of the Diasomnia mirror along with Silver and a few of your other doormates, you spot a few familiar faces. Turning to Silver you watch as he tries to blink away his morning drowsiness, "Hey, Silver." You gently grab his arm and shake it, grabbing his attention. "Hm.. Yeah?"
"Is it all right if we catch up later?"
"Yeah, that's fine." He nods so you turn to the two other friends in your group who quickly assure you that it's fine and that they'll see you later.
Preparing for whats to come, you roll your shoulders and straighten your back before walking up to the two Octavinelle students, Jade and Floyd. Making it halfway across the room, the two quickly spot you break and give you their best welcoming smiles- that seem more creepy than friendly. "Leech-kun!" Floyd opens up his arms and with his long legs he easily strides up to you, barely giving you a second to prepare for the tight squeeze he encases you in. Awkwardly patting his back, "Hello Floyd, Jade." You mumble against the boys throat, taking in his oddly sweet but fishy smell. Jade nods his head to you in acknowledgement, not saying anything to allow his brother this moment. "I've missed you so much, Leech-kun. It got pretty boring during the summer without you there." He lets go and stands up straight, barely towering over you. "Next time you should come over." He gives you a cheeky grin but you merely give him a grimace at the thought, "I'd die." And you would, water and vampires don't mix well for some stupid reason.
"That's okay. I'll keep whatever bits of your body I find and put it in a jar and-"
"Now, now Floyd. We wouldn't want our friend to leave us so soon. Maybe we should settle for winterbreak this year." Even though he addresses Floyd, Jades eyes are peircing right into your own, letting you know that you don't have much choice in the matter. "We'll come pick you up to bring you back to our dorm. Do not try to escape. Please." Boney fingers pull at your cheek harshly, directing your attention back to the twin closest to you. "Ehh~ Leech-kun wouldn't even think about it, right?" "...Of coursh not" Your words come out slightly wrong due to Floyds hold but the Leech twins understood perfectly. Or at least you assume so since Floyd let go. "Now..." Jade steps closer to you, now standing side by side with his brother. Leaning in towards your face he lowers his tone to a near husky whisper. "Onto business. What did you want from us?" Whispering back, you explain that you only had one potion saved for when you got back to school and you already used it yesterday so you need to speak with Azul for more. "To be honest, we thought you ran out completely. Especially because you never texted or returned our calls. We were worried for your safety and wondering if you would ever return." Jade digs his fingers into the under pocket of his uniform, pulling out a small bottle of yellow liquid. "This'll barely hold but it's all I could get from Azuls old supply. I'd recommend getting to all your classes and dorm rather quickly today." He presents it to you, allowing you to take it. Flashing the Leech twin a genuine smile, "Thanks, Jade. Sorry about not returning your calls. I'm still getting used to the whole technology thing. I often forget I even have the thing." You nearly face palm to yourself, how could you forget that?! The three Octavinelle students specifically gave you their numbers just in case you needed a resupply. You could have asked for some before you even got to school.
"Heyy, I helped out too. Why don't I get a thanks?"
"He didn't." Jade mutters quietly enough for you to hear but Floyd heard him anyways. Letting out an annoyed whine, Floyd pushes Jade away from you, complaining how its unfair that Jade gets all the praise. Your face falls flat as you stare unimpressed at Floyds needy act. "Thank you too, Floyd." You add just to please him. "Now, if you'll excuse me I have a class to run to." You turn to leave but Floyd quickly grabs hold of your shoulders and swings you back around to face him. "Wait, wait!" He lets go of your shoulders to dig through your pockets, ignoring your protests until he finds what he wanted. Holding a folded up piece of paper between his fingers he quickly unfolds it, uncaring of his handling as a few rips tear through it. His eyes scan the contents and once he's done a pout forms on his lips. "We only have two classes together. Potions and flying, Jades also in flying with us." Potions and flying could be the possibly two worst classes to share with either one of the twins, you are not excited for this school year. At all. Speaking of classes, how long have you been talking to these two? Checking the time on your now remembered phone (you actually completely forgot about it and left it at the dorm during the break. It was laying face down on your desk and was like that until this morning), you noticed classes should be starting in about 20 minutes- and you have over 600 missed notifications from all your friends. You'll read those later. The Mirror Hall is quite aways from the school so you should probably get going. "Classes start soon. Would you like to walk together or are you busy?" You look up towards the two who seem quite pleased that you would ask them. "Of course. We would love to escort you. We wouldn't want you tripping and catching aflame."
"I wouldn't die from tripping, it'd only take me a few seconds to get up."
"What if you couldn't get up?" You stare weirdly at Jade, unsure if this was a jest or a threat. Did he spike your potion to paralyze you so that you'd either die or have to 'owe' them a favor or something for saving you? No, he wouldn't do that.. Actually, yes he would. Now you're nervous to pop the cork but it's either burn straight away or have a few moments before your skin starts to flake with the possibility of being paralyzed. You'll take your chances and use what little trust you have in these two. Popping open the bottle in your hand, you drink half of it that should hopefully last long enough for you to make it into the school and maybe a few classes, you'll save the rest for when you have to head back to your dorm. "All right, let's go." Floyd swings his arm around your shoulder and leads you out of the mirror hall, Jade walking alongside you. The second the sun hits your skin you flinch and let out a little hiss, something the twins don't miss, the two letting out a little chuckle causing you to glare at them.

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