Chapter 11 ~ planning ~

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It was around five when Chai Son heard from Kallan, a quick impersonal phone call to let him know that he had arrived back in the city safely but they couldn't talk for long because it sounded like Kallan was in his office and Chai Son could hear telephones ringing and office staff talking in the background.

He was glad that Kallan had arrived home safely and it had been great to hear his voice again but he really hadn't expected a phone call so soon after the way they had parted this morning, cordial but nothing more.  

He had to back off and give Kallan the space he needed or he was going to fuck things up royally and that was the last thing he wanted to do nor did he want to appear possessive.

They had both shared a wonderful few days together and if nothing came of it then so be it, he would just have to accept it and move on but at least he knew that he had done his best and he had recovered after his ex, he could recover again, he hoped.

He had a truck booked in for tomorrow for a service, a guy from the next village so at least he'd have something to keep his mind occupied.

He hadn't eaten since this morning so he decided to make himself some supper and eat it outside on the porch but when he did, he saw the laundry still hanging, reminding him that only a few short hours ago, Kallan had been here with him.

Grabbing the laundry basket he gathered the clothes and sheets and folded them quickly before sitting back down at the porch table to eat his supper, there, now he couldn't see any reminders ... 

meanwhile in Bangkok, Kallan had just left the office and decided to go to his favorite take out place to pick up his dinner, it seemed strange to be back in the city after spending the last few days in the countryside.

At this time in the evening, all he could see were bright neon lights and people scurrying to and fro, going home from work, going to work on night shifts, couples strolling hand in hand and the traffic ... all he could hear was traffic and car horns blasting out. 

If he was with Chai Son now, they would be sitting outside listening to the sounds of nature, feeling a cool breeze as it whispered through the trees and watching the fire flies, he missed being there, he missed Chai Son.

After ordering his meal he drove home to his apartment and as he was going up in the elevator he remembered what Chai Son had said, that it was great to go away but always nice to come back home.

When he let himself into his modern apartment and the lights came on automatically, the first thing that came to mind was that the place felt cold and unwelcoming. The floor to ceiling windows displayed an amazing view of the city which he had always loved, in fact they were one of the reasons he had bought this place.

He would spend hours outside on his balcony with a glass of wine just enjoying that view but now he had something to compare it to and it didn't seem so amazing any more, on the contrary it felt cold and unappealing and the comparison had the added bonus of Chai Son being there.

When he had spoken to Chai Son earlier he had seemed out of sorts, should he have perhaps waited a little bit longer before calling. He wanted to call again now that he had time to talk but he was afraid that Chai Son would think he was too clingy

Should he have stayed a few more days? he'd wanted to but he had to get back to his company. He knew his secretary was more than capable of holding the fort but what kind of boss would he be if he just took off for several weeks.

He remembered Chai Son's expression as he'd looked across at him before driving away, he'd wanted so much to run back and hold him. They had made love only hours before and it had been amazing and he felt awful about leaving so soon.

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