Karma'a A Bitch

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"We've been here before." Hen said walking over next to Buck and Sofía.

"When?" Buck asked.

"Before you two joined us, kid." Bobby replied as Sofía looked around before helping Hen with cutting his shirt off.

Hen handed Sofía a large pad of gauze and telling her to keep pressure.

"The bullet she fired at him." Bobby realized as he looked around at the scene, making Sofía look up at the tree.

"Did it fly out of the tree when he blew it up?" Hen asked looking at Bobby.

He shook for a second then exhaled and stopped moving.

"Karma's a bitch." Hen said making Sofía nod in agreement.

"Chimney what do you want me to do?" Sofía asked him as she looked around the house for her  shoes. "I'm gonna have to call Bobby as it is and tell him I'm going to be late."

"Whats wrong is everything okay?" Chim asked making Buck's head jerk around to him.

"What's wrong with Sofía? Is everything okay?" He asked Chim walking over to him.

Chim waved him off, but Buck persisted, reaching to take Chim's phone from him.

"Knock it off Buck." Chim went to move away from him not paying attention as Hen plucked the phone out of Chim's hand. "That's not fair!"

"Everything okay?" Hen asked her.

Sofía gave out a short laugh and shook her head. "I'm fine, I just have two kids under the age of 10 in my house right now, because Violet's moms are gonna be late. And I don't know how late because their plane got delayed."

"So two kids and no where to take them?" Hen asked thinking over in her head.

"Yeah." Sofía lets out a sigh. "I was just gonna call Bobby and apologize profusely."

"Hey no worries." Hen shook her head as Buck took off to do something. "We'll get it fixed for you."

"You guys really don't need to worry about it. It's fine, it's my own mess and I can deal with it. I always do." Sofía shrugged  because she can deal with it on her own.

"Tell her to bring them to the station." Buck walked over to Hen.

"Buck says to bring them to work." Hen relayed to Sofía.

"But I don't want to cause a problem." Sofía was quick to disagree.

Buck held his hand out for the phone and Hen passed it to him.

"Sofía, I promise you it's fine." Buck told her softly. "Just go ahead and bring them to the station."

"But what about Bobby and the fire Chief..." Sofía started to ramble and he stopped her.

"Don't worry about it." Buck told her. "Besides I believe we promised Chim we'd all give blood today."

Sofía shook her head realizing she wasn't winning against all three of them. "Okay." She replied softly. "We'll be there soon."

"Girls!" She called out after she had hung up.

She could hear the pattering of two pairs of feet making her smile to herself.

"Hi Mamá." María smiled running for her mom, who quickly scooped her up into a hug.

"How would you two like to see where I work, and who I work with?" Sofía asked looking between the two of them.

"Yes." María cheered nodding excitedly.

"Can we get a snack on the way?" Violet asked Sofía with a smile.

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