Chapter 2

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You'll find out what this is ;)
Toby POV

On my way home, it started to rain.
Wow. Even the sky is sad. After all, it is where the death happened.

I started feeling really angry. Then suddenly, a black mark appeared on my right hand.

It looked like a black flower with circles in every corner, and in the middle a circle with the Japanese character for Earth in it.

Earth? What does that mean? I'm getting even more confused than I was before!

I tried scratching it off, but it was permanent, like a tattoo. The more I scratched, the angrier I got.

"It's spreading! Why are there ink rocks on me?! They look like scales!"

"Hush child. No need to anger yourself."

"Who the heck was that?!"

"I am the voice in your head when you sleep. I am you, you are me. We are united as one."

"Are you my conscience?!"

"No. I am the almighty Earth dragon. My name is Gagura. The mark on your hand is a seal that keeps myself from being set free of your captivity. The scales are those of mine. If you don't gain control of yourself and calm down, I will be forced to take over your body."


"Hush, child. There are others. Calm yourself."

"I have a name, you know."

"Yes child, I know. But sometimes its fun to tease people. Just like I used to do with the other dragons. However, all of them have also been sealed."

"Why would there be dragons sealed inside someone though? I am thoroughly confused."

"I shall tell you when you aren't focused on something else, like you are now. You don't have to speak out loud. I can hear your thoughts because I am sealed inside you. I can tell your emotions, your plans, your thoughts. All of it. Speak with me when you get home. Not now, child."

"Um....okay then."

Author's Note

How'd you like it? Eh? Eh? Yeah? OK. If you were wondering, Toby can read Japanese because he spent a summer in Japan for his parent's business.

See ya later, peeps.


UPDATE: im 99.9% sure that i got more than half of the inspiration for this book by watching naruto ??
no shame though i used to live for anime

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