The Creatures of Sleepypeak

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"Agent Miller! There has been another attack in the city!" A random agent informed holding the evidence and case file of the attack. "Not again!! What's the damage, Agent Chen?" Agent Miller asked, rubbing his temples at what's to come. "One of them was spotted. They attacked a waitress and mauled her to death, and her boss is missing assumed to be taken as there is this thick, gooey substance with petal like material in them." Agent Chen explained while holding up the sample of the gooey substance found at the scene of the crime. The blonde Agent shook his head in anguish and frustration. "How did we let this happen again!!" He yelled out in frustration as he slammed his fist on the table. "Honey, calm down. Let's just hear the rest of Agent Chen's report to find any clues to our scp's whereabouts." The other Agent Miller said as he held his husband's hand, rubbing his knuckles. "Go on, Agent Chen, weren't listening, any other clues or details?" The black agent asked, looking at the woman with attention. "Ahem, well, there was only one at seen at the restaurant this time." "One? You mean there's more of them!?" The blonde Agent asked with shock. "Yes, sir, it seems that there's more than one of these creatures reeking havoc on different towns." She shuddered as she remembered the gruesome scenes she had to come across. "Well, in that case, you said only one was seen at them restaurant, maybe it's the same one?" Agent Miller, with a goatee, asked, looking for an answer. "Oh no sir its not the same one they all have different features and were scene in multiple towns at the same time in the same night." She explained with a nervous look on her face. "Fine, tell us the features of the one that attacked last night." The blonde Agent Miller said, looking her in the eyes. Agent Chen gulped as she read the witness statements. "The witness log from last night reads that the creature that was sighted at the restaurant before the incident was smaller than the usual ones, has bat like appendages including, ears, nose, and tail, along with the fact it's wings were those of a bat but were a translucent light blue that glowed. This creature also had a sort of helmet on and attacked the waitress first by flying down and tackling her, ripping out her throat with its fangs. It drank her blood and then went after the boss, who was trying to crawl away and wrapped him in the gooey substance and flew away into the night." the female agent said as she grimaced at the gory details of the log. "Did anyone try to stop the creature of catching it or fighting it off?" The blonde asked. Agent Chen shook her head. "Negative, sir, the creature let out a loud shriek that left bystanders disoriented. Even people outside the establishment were affected by the shriek"

"Damnit!! It's bad enough that this creature harmed and killed people, but now there's more than one of them!?" Agent Miller grunted in anger as his husband tried to calm him. "Is there anything else in the witnesses testimony that will give us a lead on where to find these creatures or a weakness, or the whereabouts of the missing victims?" The dark agent asked, eager for a lead on the scp's. The half and half Agent nodded and pulled up the rest of the witness logs to look for answers. Both of the Miller agents read the logs word for word gathering up as much information they can give. Finally, when they were done, the blonde agent looked at Chen. "Gather the crew, we're going to Sleepy Peak!" "But, Agent Miller isn't your daughter ther-" "YES!!! That's why we're going to make sure those things don't hurt her!" He yelled at the woman who gasped. "How do you know if they're there!? What if they're somewhere else and you're just attracting them to your daughter's camp! We can't put more people into jeopardy!"

"My husband is right. They're there. The witness log for all of the recent incidents have one thing in common, they all happened around Sleepy Peak, and we have to go there to protect our daughter from them, her friends from them." The bearded Agent Miller said as he loaded his pistol up with bullets. "Get the crew ready. We drive tonight. Make sure to get heavy sedatives and a reinforced cage. We aren't taking any chances for this!" He ordered Chen as she saluted and nodded as she pulled out her walkie-talkie, calling all task force to site A. "You sure we're up for this?" The beared Agent Miller asked his husband. "We have too, for Meredith." He encouraged, holding his hand, giving it a comfort squeeze. They both smiled at each other before Agent Chen came in to notify them that the crew was here.

"Send out a warning to Sleepy Peak that they're in peril, make sure every TV, radio, and newspaper has instructions to keep the citizens safe." The female agent ordered

of Sleepy Peak This warning
is brought to you by the SCP
Foundation, if you live in Sleepy
Peak or in the area you are at risk
of an attack from SCP's 15379. They
are keter class entities with a thirst
for blood and meat, we advise to
stay inside, making sure your home
is secure, and be armed. If you
must go out here are some survival
tips for if you should encounter
these SCP's: 1. Be near man made
territory, these scp's are weaker in
more industrial areas
2. Carry a light or something that
produces white noise, this has been
proven effective against them
3. If you are in close proximity of
the creatures, DONT MOVE. They
react to movement and fear just
stand still and keep calm, and they'll
move along-
Stay safe, Sleepy Peak, the
The foundation is here for you.
Secure, Contain, Protect, that is all.

TV turns off.

"What do we do, Gwen!! We have to keep the campers safe from these monsters!!!" David, the overly happy camp counselor exclaimed while holding his co counselor's shoulders. "David, it's probably just a fake news story, I mean, come on, nothing goes on in this shithole to the point they have to make up stories to keep people from dying of boredom." Gwen, the unhappy counselor, says, not really caring about the news. "The campers will be fine. There's nothing out there that's maiming people.
David starts rambling about keeping the campers safe while Gwen rolls her eyes, wanting to get back to writing her fanfiction. Little did they know someone was listening to the news, someone with ears of a honey badger. "Shit. We're so busted" Max the cynical 10 year old whispered as he looked at the other campers knowing that he's gonna have to explain to them that their feeding frenzy on this town is coming to a close.

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