The Frenzy

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It was nightfall and David and Gwen checked on all the campers to make sure they were in bed. "Geez gosh Gwen, I hope the campers are safe from the creatures." David worriedly hoped. "David they will be fine, there's no creatures out to get them or in general." Gwen said tiredly ready to fall asleep in her bed. "If you say so.." David said still unsure of the creatures existence.
The lights were turned off in the counselors cabin. It was go time. All 10 campers flew out of their tents into the night sky, hungry for their meal. Max was of course leading them as they communicated through shrieks and animalistic noises. They all flew across lake lilac towards where the woodscouts reside.
Max led them down to a tree branch to sit as the observe the camp grounds. Dolph listening with his bat ears trying to hear any movement or sound. The only sound that could be heard was soft snoring in the tents.
Dolph let a quiet shriek as he told Max that they were asleep. Max shrieked back as he flew off from the branch over the woodscouts barb wire fence motioning for the others to follow.

All of them landed and started making their way to the tents. They split up into groups of two for easier access to all 4 of them, well except for Jermey, no one wants to eat him.
Dolph and Space Kid were on lookout, Nikki and Nerris went for Snake, Nurf and Ered for Petrol, and Preston and Harrison had to rock paper scissors Max and Neil for who gets to take care of Pikeman and who has to get rid of Jeremy. Max and Neil won as Preston angrily hissed while Harrison made a disgruntled noise as they walked on all fours to the gross woodscout's tent.
Max and Neil arrived at Pikeman's tent, creeping in to not awake him. Max unsheathed his sharp claws as he was going for the red head's throat while Neil stood ready to collect his body. Just as the badger creature was about to go in for the kill a loud screech echoed through the air. Max and Neil's ears perked up on high alert as they ran out to see what happened.
Space Kid was on the ground writhing I'm pain as there as blade deep in his arm. Dolph was trying to help his boyfriend when another blade came from nowhere and hit him in his leg. The artsy bat creature let out a loud shriek in pain. Soon the woodscouts were awake by the loud screech.
The creature campers stood their ground as the woodscouts came out to investigate the sound. They wish they ran. Pikeman's eyes widen as he saw the creatures before them.
His men were just as scared as they tried to back away. That was until Max ran at full speed and clamped his strong jaws around the woodscout leader's arm, sinking his teeth into him.
Pikeman let out a cry as he tried to get him off but it was no use. The other woodscouts became incapacitated as well. Space Kid and Dolph shook off their blade injuries as the closed in on the woodscouts hungry for their flesh.
All of the campers surrounded the woodscouts who were bleeding and had no where to run. Preston started to make the gooey sticky substance to trap them in until a gunshot was heard, then a loud screech of pain. The mink creature was shot in the arm very close to his head. The creatures turned their attention too SCP Foundation personnel who were shooting at them. The creatures dropped the scouts as the flew dodging the bullets towards the armed men with angry shrieks.
Space Kid's paws glowed as he slammed them on the ground making the personnel float, while that was happening Harrison flew and slashed the men in half with his claws.
Preston made a screech at some of the men infront of him, and one by one they stopped shooting turned the guns on theirselves and shot themselves.
Dolph grabbed one of them by the back of their bulletproof vest and flew super high in the sky once he was high enough he dropped the terrified scp mobile task force to his death.
A soldier was facing off with the hyena creature when all of the sudden she summons what looks to be an energy based knife and throws it at him full speed, successfully decapitate him.
The wolf creature sprints towards moblie task force and bites one in the throat tearing it out.
Ered stomped on the ground as ice covered the dirt making the soldiers slip and fall.
Max melts the ice as it turns to water, while it's still wet Neil places his paws on the ground sending 1000 volts of electricity through the wet ground, electrocuting the men.
Brute force and strength was no problem to Nurf as he punched the ground sending shockwaves disorienting the mobile task force. He then proceeds to punch their skull into the ground.
All of the mobile task force/personnel were no match for the monsterus beasts. Finally for the finishing move they heard a clicking noise, they then look in horror as mint green fire engulfs them. Max blows a small flame out of his mouth, satisfied.

The creatures turn their attention back to the woodscouts who were cowering in fear.
They all walked towards them with hungry looks. All in one motion, Max slit Pikeman's throat as he laid on the ground dead, his fellow woodscouts gasped terrified. Max made a screech as his pack attacked the other members making sure they weren't alive. After that they covered their victims in the thick sticky gooey substance and flew in the night sky once more to take their prey to their new feasting place.

They drank the blood out of their prey and feasted on their bodies using their sharp teeth to tear them apart.
Once all we're satisfied they wrapped up the remaining parts and stuck them to the ceiling of the cave as they flew out heading back to their camp as sunrise was approaching soon.
They detransformed into their human forms and finally fell asleep.
Little did they know they are gonna be awoken by a surprise in the morning.

Back at the Agent's Basecamp:
"Agent Chen! What happened to our soldiers!" Agent Miller demanded. "Sir they were all killed, see for yourself." The female agent showed on the body cam she recovered from the fallen soldiers. The footage was gruesome to say the least. All these poor men succumbed to their fates to the creatures. "DAMNIT!" The blonde Agent Miller yelled, frustrated at their outcome. All their soldiers were killed and were left with no leads again. "Hold on sir, there seems to be a survivor!" Agent Chen exclaimed as she looked through the cameras and say an injured boy with glasses asking for help.
"Get that boy right now! He may be our only lead to taking down these creatures for good!" The goatee Agent Miller ordered as the female agent muttered a 'yes sir'.
"We got you now creatures, you won't hurt another innocent civilian again." The blonde Agent said.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08 ⏰

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