Thank you

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Thank you everyone who read this book, commented, added to reading list and supported me I really appreciate.

May the good Lord bless you, it wasn't easy but the lord was faithful In all ways.

I am sorry for saying God is cruel I for one know God isn't. Younno there are times we feel down and think he doesn't listen to us or gets us, or things aren't working for us that was what happened to Elizabeth.

1st Corinthians 13 says "Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity I am nothing"

God is love so I can't say he is cruel.

Thank you everyone once again expect my next book 😌 it's gonna be a Christian book too and y'all are gonna love it.

And about me writing short books, my mom always told me to write short books so as to finish them quickly and start other ones and ever since then I have been writing short books.

So sorry it's short. Thank you once again.

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