Chaptee Ten

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A verse for you: "For in much wisdom is much grief and he that increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow" Ecclesiastes 1 Vrs 18.

Elizabeth's dress is up there, please vote and comment.




Joshua and Elizabeth got home after her succeeded In comforting her, he asked the maids to change her clothes and put her to bed.

He kept thinking about what she had said, what does she mean by God is cruel.

For once he has never thought God was cruel, God is love the bible said but what was Elizabeth saying. He would have to ask her the next day.

Elizabeth on the other hand was turning from one side to another trying to open her eyes but she couldn't.

" Elizabeth why are you running from me?"

" Elizabeth the lord wants you "
" No! I don't want to " she yelled

" Elizabeth you can't defile God"
" Let me be"

" Elizabeth...."

" Elizabeth....."

" Come to me Elizabeth..."

" You can't run forever I am your maker"

" Elizabeth....."

" Elizabeth...."

Immediately she screamed attracting the attention of everyone in the room.

Joshua immediately ran into her room to see a crying Elizabeth.

" Shhh.... It's okay Eli it's just a nightmare" he patted her back and in no time she went back to sleep.

Josh was tired so she slept next to her.



Elizabeth woke up with a pounding headache,it felt like her head wanted to fall out of her Head.

She held her head groaning loudly. She looked around this was definitely not her house and this were not her clothes.

Had she been kidnapped? She wanted to scream when she saw her head on a rock.

She looked up to see josh sleeping peacefully, she tapped him lightly.

" Josh!" She called tapping it.

" Hey!" He opened his eyes slightly.

" How did I get here?" She touched her head.

" You were drunk and I brought you here"

" What time is it?" Joshua groaned taking his phone from the beside table.

" Ten am"

" Omg!" She scrambled out of bed feeling dizzy she stood her ground closing her eyes.

" Sit down for a few minutes Elizabeth" he said holding her down trying to massage her head

While he was massaging her head someone walked into the room looking at them with wide eyes.

" Mom! Why'd you barge in like that?" He groaned.

" Uhh.... I am sorry" she stared at Elizabeth.

" Umm.... I better get going josh" she stuttered embarrassed.

" Hi Elizabeth" his mother Sarah greeted.

" Hi Sarah I am sorry I didn't plan for us to meet like this nice to meet you I better get going I am sorry. Bye josh" she blabbered taking her things heading out.

The Transgressor ✓Proverbs 13 Vrs 15✓Where stories live. Discover now