Chapter 4

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~~Lloyd POV~~
I have been staring at the ceiling unable to fall back asleep. After my nightmare, I can't seem to let it leave my head.

I can't stop myself from wondering if it was just a dream or if it was a vision. I turned my head to look at my clock sitting on my nightstand and realize it is 5:20. Oh gosh...I facepalmed myself realizing I've been in my head for like ever.

I quickly got up and changed into my Gi, before I left I looked back at Harumi to make sure she was still sleeping. Which she was, I wanted her to get as much sleep as possible, because of what she had to endure to get back here.

I turned away and made my way down the hall to Arin and Sora's room. It took me a minute to open the door, I didn't really think much about what happened last night with Arin.

I took a deep breath and opened the door. "Rise and Shine!" I yelled "Evil doesn't sleep and neither should you" I continued. I opened my eyes and stood there wide eyed. "Anddd they are already awake" I told myself.

I turned around and made my way to the courtyard. To find... " Nobody?" I said to no one in particular. "Where is everyone?" I asked myself.

"Kai!, Nya!?, Zane?!, Arin?!, Sora?!...Anyone!!" I yelled, trying to see if that got anyone's attention. It didn't, I started to walk around, I went into the kitchen, no one, the gaming room, no one, their rooms, on one, I even checked the Dragon stables and the underground base. 'Where is everybody' I thought.

I couldn't even find the dragons. 'Maybe they went out or something' I thought to myself. That's when I heard someone yell "LLOYD! ANYONE HERE!" Someone yelled. I started to make my way upstairs and was faced with a familiar face. "Cole?!" I said standing in disbelief.

"LLOYD!" Cole said running to give me a hug. "It has been forever" he said emphasizing the word forever.

"Where have you been" I asked.

"That's a long story" Cole answered.

"Well you better have all the word to say" I said wanting answers

little disclaimer, I am bad at writing these so please go easy on me....anyways continue...

~~Cole's POV~~

"Alright, I guess it all started after the merge.." I started.

I woke up in a weird land, it looked like a garbage dump. That's when I say two pairs of eyes starring at me from behind a pile of garbage.

"Hello?" I said to try and get the attention of whoever was there. I saw two kids come out from the pile. I don't know if they didn't know what to say or what, but they just stared and looked at me like they have never seen another person before.

One kid looked like me except he didn't have black hair and he wore a bird hat it seemed like and he had whiskers that looked like they were drawn on or something. He also had a ripped light blue shirt with vertical stripes and dark colored pants with a jacked and a metal sleeve completed with a crossbody satchel and shoulder pads. The other kid looked like serpentine, like a hypnobrai. He was a darkish light purple color with light purple, dark purple, and yellow designs, he had red colored eyes too. He had a brown colored vest and white bandages wrapped around one of his wrists, he also had a crossbody satchel with a baseball bat, he too...just like the other kid had dark colored pants.

"Who are you?" One of the kids asked me, while tilting their head.

"Oh, oh, oh, are you lost too?" The serpentine kid asked me.

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