Chapter 14: I added some rain

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What the fuck was that? Was it a dream, was it some sort of consequence for me existing?! I am confuzzled. 

I looked at the love square. Was there some sorta code to follow with this? Some sort of rule made for this world?

I look at it intensely. 

A few minutes fly by and it starts to click.

I need to be in love with Chat as ladybug. Being the only way to make the love square.

This totally is a marichat fanfic.

I looked at the paper again, flipping it to see if the mysterious signature would come back. It didn't. 

I sighed. I was hoping there was going to be some sort of clue to the voice I hear before I fell...

The scene replayed in my head, over and over again. What did she mean by user? Is it connected to my dreams, is that why Plagg and Tikki were there? 

I sighed, what is going on? I had a great schedule, with my new ladybug job and stuff. Everything thing was in place. Now I have to flirt with Chat?

I groaned. Why am I the one who jumped universes? My life was beginning to get better...

(Flash back time!)

It was a foggy afternoon, the first day of highschool. Me, being an eleven year old probably didn't help any senior's self-esteem. I'm sorry, I'm sorry I'm like this. I can't help it.

The looks they gave me, was I that terrible? Why can't I just be like everyone else? 

I clutched my backpack in fear as I felt the envious glares of the teenagers. I could feel their whispers.

Who does she think she is?

Lucky bitch, she got a full ride to Oxford.

Ha, she won't get past us. We'll put her in place. 

I was used to the stares. I had to go through the same thing in middle school.

Oh, how I was wrong

They hit me, kicked me. I couldn't breathe as they shoved me into the wall, was my ribcage broken?

The bystanders watched, as a group of jocks beat me to a pulp. Even the teachers watched. Their look, I knew what it meant. It was the, the little brat deserves it, look. 

I looked up at the boys. I knew self defense, learned it from dad. But I didn't want to see the disappointment on Mom's face when she heard her daughter hit her school mates.

And Ally, she wouldn't be happy either. So I just layed down on the floor, a mess of blood and tears.


I didn't want my life to be like this. They said I had a gift. A gift that could be shared with the world. A gift that would make the world a better place.

A gift... 

...3 years after

It's graduation day. I've dealt with most of the bullying, it's been rough. But you get used to the pain after the 40th time.

It numbs out after that.

Because my teachers hated me, they made me fail senior year twice. They usually put bets on when I would give out when the guys hit me. Some would even laugh.

I stood on the podium, ready to give the salutatorian speech.

The principal was the only nice one, he wanted me to be valedictorian. But the teachers refused, saying it would be insane to give a 14 year old the valadictorian speech. He compromised with a salutatorian speech, so there I was. And with my parents and family friends (all from the military) in the audience, I got to do my speech in peace.

My speech seemed bright and cheery, but some words added some grey to the blooming rainbow. 

I added some rain.

(End of flashback)

Different person, same Ladybug 🐞Where stories live. Discover now