Chapter 3: The Light Of The Moon

43 4 15

February 12th, 2024.

Current Time: 2:30 PM.

Contains: Angst, Simping Animatronics, And Swearing.

A/N: Underlined Text Is Your Thoughts In This Chapter.


(Y/N)'s POV

The Daycare had now gone dark, with the only source of light coming from the fake stars hanging from the ceiling. My eyes had no problem adjusting to the lack of light since I was a day/night animatronic.

All of the children were snug in their blankets, so I went ahead and proceeded to follow my now active Nighttime Protocols of making sure the kids weren't getting any nightmares.

While I was checking on one of the sleeping children, I started to feel like I was being watched. The sound of jingling bells coming from behind me caused my Security mode to come on.

"Someone isn't following the rules," I said in a threatening tone. The presence of whoever was approaching me only came closer.

"You don't have to be weary around me Starlight.~ I'm supposed to be here," a male voice spoke. I used my eyes to scan the area, and my systems downloaded the information about this mysterious new entity.

"Moon, the Nighttime Daycare Attendant. Responsible for making sure the kids get the required sleep they need." I was told.

"So, you're supposed to be my other Co-worker besides Sun, correct?" I asked, my voice was no longer threatening, but there was still a whisper to it.

"Right you are Starlight.~ Might I say, I wasn't expecting such a beautiful looking animatronic to be the new Daycare Attendant," Moon said, finally stepping into my field of vision. His blue eyes were analyzing my features from top to bottom.

"Flattery is futile. You should be aware that I can be unpredictable," I warned, my eyes flickering from yellow to red, which seemed to strike some fear into Moon.

"Your red eyes are too familiar to me. Before you were built, I was infected with a virus that made my eyes permanently red. During that time, I harmed several employees, and even accidentally killed a few children," he said, shuddering as he recalled the memory.

My eyes went back to their elegant yellowy gold, and before I could process anything, my arms instinctively wrapped around Moon as I embraced him in a hug.

"Please forgive me for this action, but my scanners could detect that you needed some comfort," I said softly, unaware that the Jester I was hugging had a faint, red glow coming from his faceplate.

"It's perfectly fine (Y/N). I appreciate your concern," Moon replied, playing with the rings surrounding my head. I could hear my internal fans whirring the second his fingers made contact with my most distinctive feature.

What the fuck is this feeling?! I'm a machine! I shouldn't be programmed to have these emotions! I thought angrily to myself before I pulled away from Moon.

"Shit, I'm overheating!" I hissed, realizing just how much my body temperature had risen. The wire from the ceiling was lowering, and I used it to observe the sleeping children from above.


Moon's POV

I watched as (Y/N) 'swam' through the air as she looked over the kids from higher ground. The gears in my chest were spinning as I recalled the moment of her hugging me.

Why did that hug give me undeniable happiness? We literally just met and I'm already becoming a Simp for her! My thoughts piled up inside my head as I continued to think about the female Daycare Attendant.

I was so caught up in my own thoughts that I didn't notice (Y/N) descending onto the floor and going over to a frightened child. She knelt down in front of the little girl, and then to my surprise, she started singing.

(A/N: Play this now).

That's the most soothing voice I've ever heard! I said to myself as I felt my mechanical heart melt at (Y/N)'s singing. My eyes were practically hearts right now as she went around the Daycare singing her lullaby to each child.

Sun came out from our shared room wanting to know where the sound was coming from, and I could tell that his eyes were hearts as well. It was rare to see my brother awake during Naptime, but it was clear that he didn't want to go back to sleep after hearing (Y/N)'s voice.


(Y/N)'s POV

After all the children had gone back to sleep, I turned my attention to not only Moon, but Sun as well. Both of them were looking at me in a totally different way than when I had first met them, and it didn't take long before I found out the reason why.

"I take it you two like my singing?"~ I cooed, finding amusement in their flustered expressions. Moon was the first one to wrap his arms around me, while Sun just waved at me with a lovestruck grin.

"We do indeed like your singing Starlight.~ They certainly did a good job in designing you,"~ Moon purred, turning into a massive flirt. The rings around my head stopped spinning at the mention of my design.

"I wasn't originally programmed to the Daycare. I'm actually a rejected Glamrock animatronic that was vetoed right before my scheduled debut performance," I said with annoyance.

"I'm sorry to hear that Starlight. We're just glad you weren't scrapped," Moon said, gently rubbing my back. I was unaware that broken sobs were coming from my voice box, but Sun certainly noticed.

"Moon, she's crying!" the energetic Jester shouted quietly. I felt Moon lift me up bridal style in his arms before he attached himself to the same wire that hooks onto my back.

"Sun, wake up the kids while I take (Y/N) to our room," he told Sun. The happy-go-lucky Daycare Attendant nodded in response before he flicked the lights back on and clapped his hands to get the children's attention.


A/N: Third part is now finished! Y'all met Moon and sang to the kiddos. Sun and Moon are starting to develop a crush on you, but how long will it be until they confess? Keep reading to find out!


Word Count: 1,039.

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