𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧

5 2 8

Colorado, Denver

October 20, 2020 – 3:25 A.M.

The creature ran towards us, my mother took a step forward, in her hands balls of energy glowed a shade of blue, she cast her magic on it but the creature managed to dodge. Now that my mom was here, everything felt more real than the other times, especially after being fully aware of the risks she and I were facing. Everything could go wrong, if I got injured I could end the dream and I would never be able to break the crystal.

Both she and I were determined to end this wicked game and find out who was the damn witch that was doing this to me and my clans. Besides, for my mother this was quite personal, because this was the werewolf who had killed my father in that fateful night.

She ran up to the wolf and again beams of energy came out of her hands and hit the enemy, the creature got close enough to attack her with its claws, and my mother was thrown away, I screamed running at her. She stood up and continued casting spells.

- Come with me Jade – his voice sounded in my head – Come with me and no one will get hurt.

I heard loud screams everywhere and I was distracted for a few seconds, seconds that were enough for someone to attack my mother, she screamed my name. I ran to her, the wolf that had attacked her had been growling at me and I used my magic by throwing him the other way.

- Jade.

He growled at me. My body moved on its own, I walked up to him but inside I tried to resist, his paw lifted caressing my face. I wanted to dodge but I couldn't, I felt pain, he scratched me and licked my blood from his claws.

- Sweet.

- He's manipulating you! Jade, I know you can resist.

- Pathetic! – another growl.

- I believe in you.

That little sentence she said woke me up and suddenly my body relaxed, I no longer felt trapped or subject to obey the creature's orders.

- Jade – she looked at me with a smile on her lips – I love you, my daughter.

- I love you too, Mom.

- Jade!

- I will defend what is rightfully mine! – I growled at the creature.

I ran towards him while my mother was still doing her combat spells, I glanced at her who gave me the sign I was waiting for. The flames that came out of my hands lifted me up making me fly for a few seconds before falling back to the ground, I smiled, again I took off and reaching him I took advantage of his distraction. I made a strong movement with my arm launching a ball of black energy, hitting the necklace which made an explosion throwing the creature away.

- Mom, now!

I screamed looking back, she closed her eyes as she spoke unfamiliar words, a bluish circle formed around her. I saw the chain holding the crystal snap and fall to the ground away from us, I threw another ball of energy at the werewolf and ran towards the stone leaving it behind as I growled in pain. 

Without a second thought, I channeled all the energy I could, concentrating it on the crystal, which quickly exploded everywhere and fell to the ground in the form of dust. We succeeded, she had broken the spell and I had broken the crystal, I was no longer under the control of the creature or the witch.

- Without sacrifice there is no victory.

That voice rang in my head and I searched for him, everything around me stopped when I saw his body fall to his knees on the floor, blood was dripping from his mouth and tears in his eyes staring directly at me. The werewolf pulled away removing the claws that pierced her chest, my mother smiled one last time at me before falling to the ground.

I couldn't speak, I couldn't even breathe. I could feel something stuck in my throat as tears streamed from my eyes. The pain circulated throughout my body and I felt a painful tingling in my hands.

- Happy birthday, Jade.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03 ⏰

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𝐁𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧Where stories live. Discover now