Potato Brains & Shallow Bitches

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The day started like any other torturous day of school. I was standing with Andrew at his locker and rambling on about what a shitty place SeaWorld was. Being the good friend he was he went along with it like usual.

That's the kind of person Andrew is. He can get along with anyone and everyone just adores him. I have to admit that he is your basic Oaks Hill inhabitant. Annoying model looks and a wardrobe out of a Tommy Hilfiger magazine to match. Looking at the two of us no one would assume that we've been inseparable since pre-school when we both thought nap time was a lost cause. Instead everyday we would sneak off to the tiny wooden cottage in the playground with stolen food from the teachers cabinet. I'm proud and amazed to say that we never got caught.

"Hasley,  I promise when I have time I will watch Blackfish. It's first on my Netflix queue," Andrew said before someone stepped in front of him.

My boyfriend, Mark, came in out of nowhere kissing me on the head and saying hey. Andrew, annoyed about being cut-off, decided to greet Mark too.

"Oh hey there Mark. Guess you didn't see me there, but it's totally fine to interrupt our conversation. I always love it when you do that, I look forward to it every. single. day." Andrew said to Mark sarcastically.

"Uhm, okay dude." Mark replied, not catching on to Andrew's contempt. Mark's not the most observant person. Or smart for that. He shrugged off Andrew and looked at me saying,

"You're coming to my show tonight right? It's gonna be fucking sweet, and would be even better with my favorite groupie there,". He nudged me jokingly. I rolled my eyes with a smile.

"Wouldn't miss seeing you jump around a stage sweatily playing guitar for my life," I replied leaning back against my locker.

"Please, you love seeing me sweat. It turns you on," he said with a wink, "I gotta go but I'll see you in fifth period,". He gave me a quick hug and kiss and went on his way.

Andrew rolled his eyes at me

"I can't believe you're with a meathead like him. I get you're into the 'alternative' type but Mark literally has the IQ of a potato," he complained to me.

To be honest, I'm not even that into Mark. The only reasons that he ever really sparked my interest was because a) he's a nasty guitar player and b) he is crazy hot. The first time I saw him my eyes melted a bit. Sure he isn't the smartest guy on earth but I felt comfortable with him. Though sometimes I worry that he likes me more than I like him. Then again it's just a stupid high school relationship so it doesn't really matter anyways.

"Speak for yourself Andrew. You're the one going out with a girl who has more shoes than than self respect," I nagged at Andrew.

The girl I was referring to was Molly Luther.  Little Miss Chanel herself. If I had to summarize Oaks Hill into one being, it would be Molly. All prep, plastic, and designer brand clothing. I loathed her. It's safe to say that I just about attacked Andrew when he told me they were seeing each other. I couldn't be so mad at him though, considering who I was dating.

"Oh look, I said shoes and here she appears," I mumbled to Andrew when I saw Molly approaching. I faced my locker to take cover.

"Hey babe, how's it going," Molly purred to Andrew as she hugged him. I think I need to throw up. Preferably on her.

"Oh Hasley, you're here too... hey," Molly said boredly. She looked me up and down with a sneer. "That's an interesting outfit you have on. Very 'original'," Molly said trying to compliment me. It was actually painful seeing her trying to be civil. Me and her have never gotten along ever since the kindergarten rebellion when I got a paint stain on her new dress.

"Thanks," I said monotonously. I did have a fashion taste different than most people here, but I liked it. I don't really know what my fashion style is, but it's definitely not you're average Oak Hills style.

"Ready to go to class Andy?" Molly sing-songed to my best friend.

"I just need to get my books," Andrew said as he shoveled through his locker. Molly huffed and told him that she would just see him in bio.

As Molly sauntered away I swiveled to face Andrew. I threw a look of disgust across my face and said,

"Why of all girls on the planet do you choose her. I mean I get she's hot and all, but really? I honestly don't understand,"

"I've told you a million times. I know she may seem like a shallow bitch but she has a lot more going on than clothes and makeup," Andrew tells me.

"Seem?" I ask incredulously, "She is a shallow bitch,".

Andrew laughs while finally getting a hold of his bio books.

"At least I'm not dating a potato brain," he teased.

I smile while shoving him into the locker. 

"See you in fifth period, loser," I call to him as I walk in direction of my next class.




A/N: I know not really anyone's reading this but if someone is I really appreciate it. I made an image of Hasley's basic fashion style, tell me what you think.

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