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i woke up to someone's face nesting against the nape of my neck, My eyes flew open as shivers crept down my spine as a bare chest pressed up against my back. where was i? who was behind me it wasnt ma'ma and it wasnt father. i turned my head slowly as to make sure not to alarm what was in bed with me.

As soon as i saw his face and as soon as i felt him jolt and saw his eyes slowly open, it all came back to me... from the willow tree to the deer to the Bounty's house, even... last night. before I could even conjure up a blush his face was with in inches of mine again, his hands slipping to a familiar hold on my neck. Not threatening, just comforting.

"so," he started looking at me, a small smirk on his lips, oh, those lips....then his expression changed and he let go of my chin, only moving back a fraction of the distance, "Learn anything?" Then I truly and fully remembered, what happened last night, every kiss and shove he forced at me, he had asked me for a favor. I began to speak but he hushed me, I shut up and nodded for him to continue.

"I've been on this earth for twenty- eight years and I've had my fair share of women, but you, lady Guinevere have been the sweetest of them all."

The first time i had heard him speak my name, this morning made a shiver go throughout my whole body and I was confident that Dominic had felt me shiver for he shifted his weight on me in surprise.

"Ha, And what makes you think i would of gone along with this..." i looked up at him cocking a eyebrow. But he just looked back with a serious a look on his face.

"Well," he almost whispered, his face becoming so close to mine our noses touched " It doesn't really look to me, like you have that much of a choice." he grabbed my book that rested next to him, "I saved this and you agreed to come with me." suddenly he ripped the covers off of us, exposing my naked body to him.

My jaw almost dropped as a big smile came across his face.

"I enjoy teaching you so much, its almost a win-win." I couldnt help but blush, "But, at anytime you can leave if my teaching isn't up to your standards my lady." he smiled into my lips as he licked my upper lip daringly, as to dare me to defy his teaching. And the answer was nope, i could never say his teaching wasn't up to my standards and he knew it. he knew that I would stay here and if I did go home... either way i was trapped. i liked it here though, I could learn things and Dominic's house his dog, his horse... I loved knowing that there were other things in this world that I had never dreamt of.

I checked him up and down checking for any sign of joking in his eyes, he wasn't. he just stared right at me. suddenly i felt my face go red and i realized i couldn't leave... even if I wanted to... which I didn't. . yet something was drawing me here keeping me close and if it wasn't the sight of Dominic naked i had no clue what it could be.

He let go of my hands and removed himself from my body and slide off the side of the bed laughing over his shoulder he whispered to me"follow me."

and i did.

Finding My Way Out **undergoing a makeover***Where stories live. Discover now