15 2 1

  "are you sure?" I questioned Dominic as he held up the dress to me. It was beautiful and blue, my favorite color. 

  "Yes." He shoved it into my hands. His hair was tossled about due to his morning bed head, still he looked perfect. his every curve i had seen bare and yet everytime i looked at him i couldnt help but to stare in surprize at him, "Its fine it used to be my little sisters, your lucky i found it in all this mess." he motioned over his sholders to the room behind him  that stood stacked with clutter. "I havent layed eyes in there in years." I nodded at dominic and smiled to myself at the dress, it had belonged to his sister  and somehow it made me feel alittle like i was part of a family, a real family. 

"Bath. now. " Dominic motioned  to the bathing room with his head. his tone was flat and it made me feel like a little kid in trouble. but as i meet eyes with Dominic i saw they had grown dark and a testing smile was on his face. Before i could smile back he had a hold of my waist ans was forcefully shoving me twords the bathroom. I let out a surprised srcream, but. continued forward anyways. He didnt let up on his hold on my waist until we had reahed the bathroom door. 

"bath, now." he repeared forcing me up against the door from behind, sending my heart into overload. his hand came to brush up the side of the silk robe i had barrowed and came to rest on the nape of my neck . I half turned my head to get a glance at his face. It was drawn hard and if i had learned anything it was that that look was lust. 

"Okay, gezzz." was all i said as i shifted out of his hold and opened the door to slip inside, partly out of imbarassment and partly out of not knowing how to respond to him.  just as i slipped into the bathroom ,still avoiding eye contact whith him. His hand slapped against the door stopping it from closing. 

"did you think you would get out of it that easily," Dominic asked, stepping throgh the bathroom door shutting it and turning the lock. All i could do was look at him with a surprised look on my face.

"What do you mean," was alll my mind could think of to say as he slowly took a step twords  me, out of impulse i took a step back cowering away. Dominic looked so in control and i couldnt lie how that started a little flame in me. i reached the edge of the bathtub and Dominic closed in on me. his hands wrapping arond my waist and wondering over my body until they found there familiar hold on the nape of my neck. He turned my head forcing my thick black hair to fall from my shoulders. 

"I mean," he whispered moving his head to whisper in my ear, "I would love to join you." at his last words  my robe  slipped off of my shoulders and he steped in closer and reached around me. Face to face i was forced to look him dead in the eyes  and the flame that had started in me became a forest fire, i was just about to reach out to him and pull him and teach him all that i had learned from him when from behind me i hurd the water begin to run, and Dominic relasing his hold on me took a step back. Yet, his eyes never left mine as he slipped off the shirt and sleep pants he had slipped on earlier.  It took almost everything in me to stop staring at the perfectly chizzled man before me. 

"Do i even have a choice," I half asked, looking him dead in the eyes, He was completly naked when he motioned to the running water with his eyes, breaking our heated but silent exchange. 

"No." he laughed to himslef, "Now get in." 

Dominic rushed me to the bath before the water ran cold and he laughed and joked teasingly about last night wail he scrubbed my back and washed my long black hair. I couldnt help to notice how his much calmer and gentler side was showing through,  . His fingertips leaving traces of tingling sensations where ever he touche,  everytime he spoke i could feel something inside me melt. like i was being drawn to dominic and i couldnt help it yet i loved it. I thought about mama and father and if they had even noticed my absence and if so did they care. I wondered about Ruth the old woman me and Dominic where about to go see and how she was so sure i was a princess. I kept thinking everything running marathons in my head  until me and Dominic where dressed and ready to leave. I watched him carefully as he loaded up the dead deer into the same cart as yesterday and hooked it up to his horse. he looked like prince carming but the villiage boy cuter virsion. i laughed to my self and he shot me a dirtty look before lifting me onto the horse by my waist a little to easily in my opinion. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2013 ⏰

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