Chapter 12: Guardian Angel

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The back door was locked, so we went into a room.

Alexa- "Selena, come help me this window it won't budge!" *strains*


We opened the window using all of our strength and crawled over the stool. (sill)

"Try to pull the window back down some."

Alexa- "Got it!"

*exhales* "Fresh air."

"It's like a desert out here, where are we."

Alexa- "No idea, I believe that the van turned here from our left. *points* we need to start running to see if there are any road signs out here."

We heard the door open, so we ducked down and eased away from the window.

Unknown voice- "The window is cracked, check out front hurry!"

Alexa- *running* "This has to be pubela, Juan said that he lives here."

Unknown man- "There they are go get them!"

"Oh no and good catch, we need to hide."

Alexa- "There are three men chasing us where will we hide from three people?"

"There is a gas station!"

Alexa- "They will look here, but worth the try."

We ran into the station.

Alexa- "Help us please three men are trying to kill us!" *scared*

Kind man- "Quick I have a bunker." *lifts fake floorboard behind his counter*

We hurried down a ladder.

"Thank god for this man." *out of breath*

The store bell chimed.

Kind man- "Hello gentleman, you look tired how about a fresh, pop?"

Unknown voice- "Have you seen two women around here?"

Kind man- "I saw two women run behind my store I went out my back door and told them to scat! They ran back through those trees." *points*

Unknown voice- "Man forget it im tired!"

Another voice- "Why so Luca can punish us? Especially since Simmons is in the city!"

Another Voice- "Well we will search those woods, but then we're done."

Alexa- "Simmons... you don't think?"

"Can't be, deputy Simmons has been with the NYPD station number two for many years before us."

Kind man- "Come on out ladies have a cold soda, they're gone."

"Thank you so much, what's your name?!"

Kind man- "My name is Christopher, but everyone calls me Chris."

Alexa- "Chris do you have a phone?"

Chris- "Ye-"

"No, we can't call the cops we need to get back to our room, pack our bags, and get out of this country!"

Alexa- "Our flight isn't unti-"

"I know, but we can get a refund and go to my hometown hopefully tomorrow. Getting kidnapped on our first day here is crazy."

Alexa- "You're right we don't need to be here!"

Chris- "Kidnapped! By those guys? They are deadly I try to stay out of their way, I can drive you to the nearest bus station!"

*Looks at Alexa*


Chris- "Well please take whatever you need it's about a thirty-minute drive, so you'll need snacks."

"Thank you so much, Chris, you're our guardian angel."

We both hugged him.

We grabbed a few things and quickly got into his car.

The Forgotten Ones (Book Two): My Life As Selena Lopez (S1)Where stories live. Discover now