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Now this is Ms. Hutchins's classroom you guys I said as I opened the door Class attention please she exclaimed as we entered today we have two new students joining us; if you guys can join me up here she smiled why don't you guys tell us something about yourselves "damn they couldn't even tell you their names before you got them speaking to the class" I thought as I sat down in my seat.

Hello, my name is Adonis and uhh I like anime, Hola I'm Vito and I like to wield; Well thank you two for that well you guys can sit in those two seats in the row next to Warren today we took a test but I see in you guys records you guys are caught up so far and we'll start the next lesson tomorrow. Now for you other students, we have five minutes left, and if you haven't finished your test please try to finish filling out your last remaining questions, and for the rest of you please talk quietly cause I know there's no point in asking all of you to be quiet.

Exactly I whispered and I turned to Evan hey you think you passed it I questioned him Yeah I better I didn't put all that time studying to fail cause I promise you if I fail I ain't ever studying again but anywho I see you cool with the new kids you gonna introduce me? Yeah sure, spss yo Adonis, Vito this is my best friend Evan, Evan this Adonis and Vito, Nice to meet you said Adonis Yo Vito replied Nice to meet y'all too so who's class do you guys have next? Me and Adonis have Mrs.Oneal next I replied, what about you Vito asked Evan I have gym with coach Washington it says as he pulled out his schedule, Bet I have him next too Evan replied.

"Bring Bring Bring" Alright you guys we'll be starting a new lesson tomorrow and for the remaining students please put your test on my desk you guys have a great rest of your day exclaimed Hutchins. Alright so Evan can you show Vito where to go Don you ready to learn some English, Yeah bet see you at lunch Evan said as he dapped me up follow me he said to Vito as they headed out the door guess I'm following Adonis said just grinning come on then I grinned back.

So before we get in this lady's class I just want to tell you she's a very happy person, is that supposed to be a bad thing he asked curiously you'll see I responded and there she is as I pointed to her standing at the door as soon as we were about to walk in we suddenly hear "you must be Adonis come here I'm Mrs.O'Neal as she have him a bear hug and all I could do was hold in my laugh as he was frozen in shock. Since I see you walking with Warren you can be his lab partner for the day you're definitely about to have a good first day and almost forget I'm so happy for you to join my class she grinned, and after he flattened out the wrinkles in his shirt he looked at her with a smile and said nice to meet you Mrs.Oneal and I'm happy to join your class too and after that, we finally sat.

See I told you I busted out laughing Yeah next time I ask if that's a bad thing just say yes he replied laughing too when you said she was a happy person I didn't think that happy now but I'd rather have a teacher like her than have one I want to cuss out he continued yeah you right that's why most people don't play too much in her class because she's cool people.

Hello class! Today we have a new student joining us Adonis can you wave your hand? Hello he waved shyly Thanks she continued Now today's class I told you guys since you all did so well on your periodic table projects we will be having a little fun and today we are going to be working with chemicals to make elephant toothpaste so please group by group come up here and get your equipment and everybody quickly got their equipment ready to get started.

Soon as everybody got their equipment everybody was excited to finally do something fun in this class. So before you guys start I have put the exact instructions you need to follow in your equipment container but first I'm going to give you guys a demonstration so you guys know how it should turn out she grinned.

Alright so first things first we put on our protection gear and that'll be these goggles, our trench coats, and our gloves. Next, we will be using two beakers, hydrogen peroxide, yeast, dish detergent, food coloring, and last but not least water. The first instruction is to pour one-fourth of the dish soap into the beaker second you put half a cup of the hydrogen peroxide and after that in your other beaker you pour your packet of yeast and you'll add the little bit of water guys have and we gotta wait for it to fully activate which takes five to ten minutes so while that's working its magic we'll get everything else ready. Next, we'll add three drops of food coloring into the peroxide so the paste has some color added to it, and look at that it seems the yeast is ready.

Alright, you guys pay close attention now and as everybody looked with anticipation as she poured the yeast into the peroxide beakers and "PLOP" the foam shot out the beaker "Wooo" some shouted "Hahaha" people laughed see easy Squeezey said Mrs.O'Neal now it's you guys' turn and if you have any questions I'll be right at my desk she exclaimed. This about to be a breeze I said as I turned to Adonis exactly he responded I guess we can each do a beaker so we can quickly get it done and chill for the rest of class you wanna do the yeast or the coloring and peroxide he asked and I quickly replied I'll do the yeast!.

So Warren can I ask you a question he asked as he handed me the water and yeast packet Yeah? What is it, Well you've been asking things about me and V since we got in here so I just wanted to ask questions to get to know you while we do this project he said shyly looking down at his beaker and for some reason it made me grin yeah true I replied well what do you want to know I inquired Well I'll start light What's your favorite color, Gold!, hehe why you said it like that well why gold, hmm I guess because it represents success in a way ya know like luxury, wealth, and overall prosperity I said as I was putting the yeast in the beaker, oh I never thought of it that way he said in a surprised manner I didn't think we'd get deep that quick he laughed well I guess my next question is what's things you like to do for fun?, Let's see I guess starting with my favorite is getting high, hmm I guess playing mortal kombat and reading mangas.

Oh really? He said with excitement what are your top three he continued, I guess I'll have to say my top three are Soul Eater, Black Clover, and there's a lesser-known one called Titans Bride that I fuck with. Yeah, I see you have taste Soul Eater definitely is in the top five, and I haven't tapped into the manga but definitely watch the anime, and Imma definitely have to look into what was it. Titans bride? yeah hehe, ion thinks you'll be interested in it but you can still check it out I said as I poured the water in really hoping he doesn't search it up. Ok? Well, we'll have to see about that later then he smirked like he knew what it was about.

Well now we just got to wait a few minutes for the yeast to activate I replied so what's the next question Donnie "Donnie?" Yeah, is j something wrong with that as I arched my brow No he responded just wasn't ready to get to the nickname stage that quick he laughed alrighty then I guess my question would be if you could have any power what would it be? Haha I laughed what's funny Donnie asked confused and I quickly replied it's just the fact I thought of this question many times before and my answer would be magic because it's on a broader spectrum where I can do more things instead of just picking one specific power. Plus I feel learning to use magic would be fun as hell "It is" huh? I said you're right now that you say that, you do pretty much get many options for the price of one he replied quickly oh ok? Yeah, I had a lot of time to decide that but now it's my turn what would yours be? Well, before I reply to that I have a question that relates to my answer.

So I know this will sound weird but when you bask in the sun how do you feel? That is a weird one I said intrigued well when the sun is shining on me hmm I guess I feel relaxed, warm, and hmm I guess overall happy. Exactly! I also had asked myself this question many times and my answer is kinda like yours but in a specific category which would be light magic where I can use the light to heal people, create weapons out of light, and be a shining light for the people that need it he said zoned out but serious and all I could say was you did have a lot of time to think of this question I laughed.

Yeah I sure did he replied as he turned to me I think the yeast over there is ready he pointed oh it most definitely is, and I see you got the other ingredients together so sir Adonis will you have the honor of pouring the yeast in the other beaker with me I asked tryna break the tense energy around and I raised the beaker towards him wondering if he'd entertain it, as I saw him start smiling he said oh yes sir Warren I will accept this great honor and we both busted out laughing, alright let's finish, and as he put his hand on mine as we poured the yeast in suddenly that green aura appeared again "SWOOSH" and Oh Shit! Shot out of my mouth.

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