The Postponed Ones

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Lewis, Ava, and Alex being carried on the back buy's money to go to the hotel they wanted to go to in the middle of the night. "Where did you get the money from?" Lewis asked, placing knocked-out Alex on the bed. "I took it when you threw that ball at Jack, you gotta focus on what you're doing Lewis." "Yeah I know, I checked Alex's pulse and it was still beating normally." Ava brings up 200 grand from her pocket, "What are we going to do with all this money?" Ava askes "I don't know, maybe start a business." Lewis says in a sarcastic tone. Ava stops and looks at Lewis, "Ava! No, I was only joking." "Can you guys shut up and go to sleep already?". Ava and Lewis both look at Alex "Alex you're awake?" "No, I'm dead now, shut up and go to sleep."

Ava and Lewis go to sleep and then in the middle of the night Alex wakes up, he walks up to the window and sees a greenish looking guy walking on the streets his whole entire body was glowing and he was leaving greenish ink trails on the floor. After seeing this Alex runs and wakes up only Lewis. "Bro come on, it's 3 in the morning and you wake me up for this crap." "I swear I saw a greenish looking guy walking on the street." Alex says "Last night before we went to the casino you were screaming at me that I don't use my brain, and here you are saying that there's a monster on the street." Lewis says annoyed "No it's not a-" "Just be quiet I'm going to sleep." And Lewis walks to sleep.

Alex walks outside looking at the trails that were greenish but this time it was gray. The color had faded out, Alex looked at his footsteps and saw that there was a long trail of gray on the floor. So then Alex follows it just wondering what he was doing and where it's going to lead him to. And then he looks at his arm. "I didn't even realize that my hand was burnt during the fight." He thought in his mind. "Well New York really is something."

Some hours later Alex was still following the trail. A voice from behind is heard "Hey Alex!" Alex looks back and sees a boy about his age wearing a blue T shirt and black pants "Who are you, and how do you know my name?" "Ha, you forgot so soon, remember when Mars hit us and you guys were on the launch pad?" Alex takes a second or two to remember "Oh! Are you Joshua!" Alex says "Ehm, no Josha died, I'm Jacob, you're looking for that greenish looking kid, right?" "Yeah but slow down, I don't even get this, how did you survive the gas." "Oh, well I wore one of the protective masks and when you guys closed the launch pad someone needed to click the button for you guys to launch, so I did that." Alex looks at Jacob straight in the eyes "So you saved my life?" "Yep, not much. Anyways you owe me and the place you are going leads to that underground bunker.". Jacob opens the bunker door and goes down a ladder. "You coming?" Jacob asks. "Yeah, I'll be there in a sec."Alex said. "What's going on, how did he come back, where did he find me, how did he find me? I don't understand anything that's happening right now." Alex says in his mind. "Oh don't worry, you will soon understand. So I have this thing where I can read people's minds but only if I focus really hard, which I did for you." Jacob says clawing into the underground bunker. "Welcome, this is where I made myself stay. I provided weapons, cool armor, and equipment for all of us." Alex picks up a rocket launcher with a spear on the tip. "HEY HEy hey, stop, don't touch things in here, you don't know what they do and they are deadly." Jacob says "Wait, when you came you were the only person that survived." Alex asks. Jacob's face turns into a frown.

"I wasn't the only one that survived The Chamber of Secrets, The Goodmens, The Nightwatchers, and OverSeas all survived the gas. They were fighting over the launch pad and I pretended to be one of the Goodmen and went in the launch pad with them, just when the door was closing the leader from outside the pad pulled my shirt screaming "YOU'RE NOT ONE OF US!" and then I kicked him with my foot and he fell in the gas." Alex looks at Jacob slowly "You killed the Goldman?" "I guess?" Alex says in a relieved state "Good, that guy was chasing me for ages" "For what?" "Oh, my Dad killed one of his men while they were trying to kill me for money from the Nightwatchers''.

Hmm I see you're confused I'll just give you this


THE GOODMENS - A group of men always away from each other changing their location to have a meeting, they don't kill people but will kidnap. They pretend to be a stranger offering you help while actually taking background information about you and trying to gain your trust.

OVERSEAS- A sniper team that is on the water, they shoot anyone they see from far and close making the targeted boat sink, after the boat sinks they will loot whatever is in the boat, they have underwater building that are all over the world and have already started making them on The New Earth

NIGHTWATCHERS- A cruel group of people that assassinates and slaughters people for money or a high amount of information. They take revenge at the highest point and are working against the Chambers of Secrets.

CHAMBERS OF SECRETS- A small group of people with a count of 5 have powerful information of locations, people, hidden groups all over the world. They each have a notebook that contains all the information that they have with drawings and maps of the world. They can easily tell when something is wrong, someone is lying, or an assassination is going on. They aren't afraid of telling themself to the public and even facing death. They see everything in black and white and have a speed reaction time. They have fought the Nightwatchers many times and speared most of them most of the time. They would kill innocent people for information and can change someone's mind, behavior, and even make the body go against themselves just by touching the person's arm. They are not worth the trouble.

"So where did everyone land?" Alex asked, "In the bottom of the ocean, but at least the Goldman is dead." Jacob says. Alex walks away "I gotta go I'll come back later!" Jacob jumps in the air "WHERE ARE YOU GOING! TAKE ME WITH YOU!" "Nah sorry I'll come back." Alex says and he goes to the hotel.

When he gets to the hotel he uses his security card and goes inside and finds a newspaper. He reads the newspaper, The New Ones, Roage Aile calls it a rectangular ship that hit San Diego, Las Vegas, and New Orleans all at the same time. These were the only ships found but we are not sure if they are more. We have no idea where they came from or who they are, therefore not consider humans. If you see anyone doing anything that isn't usual call 555-866-9238. Everyone be safe and remember to call the number, another thing happening today is- Alex stops reading the paper. "I had no idea this was going to happen'' Jacob says leaning on the wall as if it were casual "STOP READING MY MIND, AND I TOLD YOU NOT TO COME!" Alex screams, throwing the newspaper on the floor, "Did you really?" Jacob asks in a calm voice. Alex punches Jacob and Jacob starts bleeding. "Alex, calm down." Jacob looks up at Alex with blood from the top of his head and Alex starts feeling bad, "Look- I'm so sorry- I didn't mean to-" "No, I understand I shouldn't have come. I should be going now." Jacob walks toward the window about to jump but stops and looks at Alex "There's more out there, be safe." And he jumps down

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