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The Great Hall, Hogwarts, Scotland, 1975

It was a normal Saturday at Hogwarts. Around 12 pm, only now was everyone beginning their day.

The late morning was a normal occurrence for most of the students. Especially on a weekend.

At the Gryffindor table, sat a group of four boys. The tallest with Shaggy brown hair, pale skin covered in scars, chocolate eyes, and a lanky figure. He at quietly, with a book in his other hand. This is Remus Lupin, or as the other boys called him: Moony.

The boy next to him was a pudgy boy, on the shorter side. He had blonde hair, grey/brown eyes, and olive skin, and he was also quietly eating. This is Peter Pettigrew, or Wormtail.

Across from Peter was another shorter boy. His hair was black and hung around his shoulders in handsome curls. He had a strong jawline, pale skin, and grey eyes. He was quietly conversing with the boy next to him. This is Sirius Black, also known as: Padfoot.

Lastly, he was a boy with unruly dark curls, tan skin, and brown eyes, and he was slightly shorter than Remus. He was listening to Sirius' whispers. This is James Potter, or Prongs.

Down the table sat a beautiful red-haired girl. Her green eyes were scanning the last of her homework she had finished last night for her Charms class. She was on the thicker side and was quite short. Her face was slightly flushed from the steam of her morning tea, which made her freckles stand out.

Her name is Lily Evans.

Around her sat her friends, Phoebe, Clover, Marlene, and Mary.

Her other friends, Emmeline, Pandora, Hesita, and Dorcas ; at their own tables (Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, and Slytherin).

At the head table sat the professors, including the Gryffindor house head, Minerva McGonagall; and the Headmaster, Albus Dumbledore.

Suddenly, a large bang sounds from the head table, and all the students and teachers cover their ears.

After the sound is gone, the hall doors are flooded by some of the families of the hall as well as some ministry officials.

"Dumbledore, what is going on?" Asked a man in professional robes, the current Minister of Magic. Nobby Leach.

"I'm unsure myself, Minister. You arrived just as this appeared?" The old wizard held up a piece of parchment.

"Mum, Dad?" Called James, gaining two of the adults' attention. Fleamont and Euphimia Potter made their way towards their son and his friends.

The other adults migrated towards their own children as well. And it was then that one student took not of a blonde girl, the same age as one of the Ministry officials. But the auror didn't recognize her from his year.

"I'm Benjy Fenwick. You are miss?" He questioned to the pretty blonde.

The girl glanced at him warily. This was a girl Lily Evans recognized immediately.

"Petunia? How are you here?" She asked, standing up and making her way to her older sister.

"Unsure... I was in the garden and ended up here." She answered quietly. She was nervous. This was her sister, whom she had resented for years because of jealousy and her friends calling her sister a freak. Who her parents seemed to favor and who got to go to school in this amazing castle.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06 ⏰

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