Johnny Tran

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One of the bikers came up to Jack's window and tapped it with a gun.

"Follow us!" He yelled. Jack gulped and did as he was told. They rolled up to a Chinese like area when suddenly the engine started sputtering as they rolled in.
"Shit not now!" He said. He wasn't sure if his engine would last to much longer. On top of that he was feeling more and more on edge as he drove. He did not like being held at gun point again.
They rolled into a courtyard and stopped near a statue. Jack and Dom got out of the car and the bikers got off. They removed they're helmets and the leader spoke.

"I thought we had a agreement." He said. "You stay away. I stay away. Everyone is happy."

"We got lost." Dom responded. "What do you want me to tell you?"

"Who's the kid?" The leader asked.

"My new mechanic. Jack meet Johnny Tran, that's his cousin in the snakeskin pants is Lance." Dom kept his face unreadable. Jack could feel a chill creeping up his spine.

"Hiring young aren't we Dom?" Johnny responded.

"He lost a race. When you gonna let me get a crack at that S200 of yours?"

Johnny took a look at Jack.
"This your ride?"

"It was." Jack said with a slight shake in his voice. "It's his now."

"No it's not I haven't taken delivery." Dom said.

Johnny smirked.
"So it's nobody's car." He said as he began walking around and examining it. "Someone put in the wrench time. What do you think Lance?"

Lance thought for a moment before speaking.
"It's an amazing machine."

"It is indeed." Johnny said. "Lets go. See you in the desert in a month. Be ready to have your ass handed to you." He said to Dom.

"You're gonna gonna need more than that crotch rocket." Dom said bravely and Jack could feel goosebumps crawling along his arms.

"I got something." Johnny said as he got on his bike. Everyone of the bikers followed and got on. The sound of the engines roared to life and they rolled out.

"What was that all about?" Jack asked still on edge.

"I'll tell you later." Dom responded. "Lets get out of here. If this thing holds." He said as the two began walking towards the car. Suddenly the sound of two bikes approached and they turned around. Johnny and Lance held up they're guns and opened fire!
Bullets flew straight into the car as Jack and Dom jumped back. They held fire open for a while before taking off after the car caught on fire. Suddenly Dom's eyes went wide.

"Nos!" He yelled!
Jack's eyes went wide and he dove for the car and threw open the door. He grabbed the photo off his mirror and just as he was almost out of the car a explosion threw him back! He flipped over and rolled on the ground as the car flew up into the air and Jack fell to the ground clutching his arm. Burns left all over it.

Dom rushed to him and helped him up.
"You alright?"
Jack nodded.
"The hell was that about?" He asked.

"None of your business!" Jack snapped and stuffed the photo in his jacket. He winced from the burns he saw on his arm.
Soon the two were walking out of the archway entrance.
"So what was that about?" He asked.

"Long story." Dom said yet again.

"We got a twenty mile hike, Humor me." Jack said.

Dom sighed.
"Business deal that went sour." He hesitated. "Plus I made the mistake of sleeping with his sister."

Jack looked at him. "I will never understand what it is with adults and sleeping with other peoples family members. That is the most cliche thing I can think of. Like it's right out of a movie."

"You'll understand when you're older."

"I think I'd rather not." Jack said as they began they're hike.

Dom thought as they walked. What had Jack risked his life for? He wouldn't have done that for any old item. He noticed Jack winced a bit as they walked.
"You need a doctor?" He asked.

"I'm fine." Jack spat back. "I've dealt with much worse."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15 ⏰

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