Regrets and Mistakes of the Past

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You no longer pity me. Perhaps once the sight of my broken bloodied body would have moved you, but now you know of my betrayal.

I sold you and many others. My wealth is built because of the lives and blood of others. I have lived in luxury while those I once loved dwell in filth.

You are turning away, abandoning me to my fate. I don't blame you. My eyes see the torments you have gone through clearly.

Your pale thin body where the only area that fills out your clothing is your stomach. Another one, another mouth that you cannot afford to keep. You sell yourself for them; how many is it now? Ten? Twelve? More than twenty?

I have doomed you to this horrid life of little where you are given no choice. Now you take haunting pleasure in my brokenness. No matter, I will be dead soon enough.

Your eyes hold only contempt for the snake that lies before you. You have cursed me to Hell; you hope I rot forever, never finding peace.

My death will free you. It will feed and clothe your crying children. It thrills you, for as I lose, you win the only victory you have left.

My life leaks from me, and you close your eyes as I gurgle brokenly. You can no longer watch. You have seen too much death, and while you hate me, you do not want to see one more pair of eyes dim forever.

My wealth will be yours; you can free your fellow workers. You can give them decent jobs.

I know your thoughts. You are no longer a closed book to me. I know every single one of your secrets.

I wish to speak, but only nonsense pours forth.

You are relieved; you don't want to hear my words. Your shoulders relax even though your eyes are still averted.

Perhaps there is still pity in you. We loved each other once, but I have broken that.

The world begins to darken, and I struggle to hold on. I must try to tell you everything I haven't before.

Ah, it's coming faster! I cannot stop it! You are weeping now, for all the years you have gone without.

The last thing I see is your hair shining in the light, and I whisper one more thing in my mind.

I'm sorry, my sister.
And another person dies...
I'm gloomy. I promise that the next story will be happier, maybe. I am so sorry about the sadness of this collection, and I will try to make it up to you.
How of you saw the sister part coming? Please tell me what relationship you thought the characters had.
As always, please comment and review.

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