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Apparently, the pizza diversion had worked. In an instant, Kamui Wood had all of the Villains restrained, and Edgeshot hold Kurogiri, the portal creator, close.

Nakahara was tied up in a corner of the room, and was looking at them with a raised eyebrow.

«- Well, you sure took your time. The Mackerel's plan couldn't be that hard to follow, uh ?»

All Might gaped at the frail, red haired detective. He was pretty sure everyone else in the room was doing the same. The young man stood up, and in a flash of red, all his chains and cuffs fell to the ground, broken. He crammed his neck.

«- Ouch. That chair is uncomfortable as fuck.» he turned towards the Villains. « Seriously, if you want to convert someone to your cause, begin by offering decent seats.»

«- YOU-»

Before Shigaraki could finish his sentence, shadows surrounded the members of the League, and appeared in the air, Nomus peeking out of them.

«- EDGESHOT !» All Might turned towards the N°4, panicked.

They couldn't loose them now. They didn't have the right to fail.

«- It's not Kurogiri !» the Ninja Hero answered him.

Nakahara stretched some more.

«- Time for shit to go down.» he made direct eye contact with All Might. « Tell Dazai to move his ass, I might have to use it

With that, shadows seeped out of his mouth, enveloping him. In a matter of seconds, they had all disappeared. They, the Heroes, spent way too much time staring dumbly at empty space.

«- NO !»

Distantly, in a corner of his mind, Toshinori wondered what "it" was.

But Dazai's plan was meant to be perfect. His plans always where. How come he'd failed ?

Why did he even ask. All for One was too powerful. Even a master strategist couldn't see all of his moves. It was just impossible.

«- ALL MIGHT !» Gran Torino brought him back to reality. « You have to go and find the League ! You have to save Nakahara !»

He opened his mouth. What about the-

«- We will take care of the Nomus,» cut in Edgeshot. « Go.»

They were in an abandoned district, cement shells of buildings, memories of the past. And in the middle of it, stood All for One.

All Might didn't hesitate. He fell from the sky, punching at his nemesis.

«- It sure took some time to find me, All Might,» he taunted. « You are getting weaker.»

Toshinori greeted his teeth, not giving up. The Villain kept using some sort of wind Alter to slow his attacks.

The added pikes sure didn't help.

→ to be continued

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