" Isla Corazon"

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The raindrops from above and the tears from his eyes are falling together to his face. He's so scared and when he think about that man his heart hurts a bit maybe because he feel guilty. Why do he need to sacrificed his life for him? Why did he gave him his life jacket when he can just wear it and save his own life? He remember how happily that man approached him.

Avel come to his senses when he heard the woman talking.

" The waves are getting bigger. The lifeboat can't save us. Even if we know how to swim the waves won't spare us." one of the woman said.

" All I know was enjoying my life. I haven't told my parents how much I love them." the other woman said.

The water is getting inside the lifeboat. It can only accommodate 4 people. He's the only man among them but he couldn't do anything to help these women in this kind of situation because the nature is their enemy.

" We can't do anything anymore. Goodluck to all of us!." the girl in black shirt said as if she's already accepting her fate.

Another big wave hit the lifeboat and they all fell down the water, though they are wearing a life jacket but the big waves are drifting them.

"Is this my ending? What kind of ending is this? Is this my karma for running away? But why? I just want to be happy. I don't want to die yet!." avel asked himself but a hard thing hit his head and everything becomes darker to him.
Isla Corazon

Aaaahhh!!!." Charles shouted and immediately get off the bamboo bed while catching his breath. His head is hurting so much. Everytime he was having a dream, he was seeing those things...water and fire. He grabbed his head, he want to know if what was the connection of those dreams to his life. He's forcing his mind to think of what exactly happened but everytime he do it his head was aching badly.

An old man enter his room and he give charles a cup of water.
He's the leader of the pirates called " Hunter X". (They called themselves as Hunter because they are hunting cargo vessels and robbed them and X- because they consider themselves as unknown),  in this remote island and everyone called him leader marcus. The houses here was built of woods with no electricity, the lights they are using was made of torch. There was also an abandoned resthouse in the island but they are using that house to hide their weapons.

" Foster father." charles said to the old man.

The old man stare at the handsome man  in front of him.

It's been 3 years ago when that accident happened to hope...

" Hope Farrel Godinez, handsome, hot and smart and also known for being a hotshot in business world. He achieved many things in life and most of all he's a loving person. He was so happy saying goodbye to his parents because he was leaving for his business trip abroad.  A passenger of an international plane but the plane encountered a bad engine failure and landed in the ocean. His family was brokenhearted when they confirmed that hope was one of the passenger of that plane. They can't accept the truth that in just a blink of an eye they've lost  their son. Some news said that there wasn't any survivor of the accident but no matter how much  they blame the airline management they can't bring the life of all the passengers including hope.

But miracles of all the miracles, hope survived. His body was found in the seashore by leader marcus and he saved  him. They treated his wounds and he was unconscious for about five days and when he woke up his head was hurting badly and he had no idea if who are the people around him carrying long guns on their arms. They have beards and long hairs. An old man asked hope  his name and the old man introduced himself as the leader of the group. He couldn't answer because he, himself don't even know his name. He was shocked when leader marcus said that maybe he has an amnesia because of the big wound cut on his head. So, leader marcus give him the name "Charles".
Charles was the name of his dead son. He treated hope like his own son, leader marcus is a brave and fierce leader but he was kind to him and that what makes other hunter x members jealous of him but no matter how much they disagree they can't do anything but to accept him in Isla Corazon.

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