6. The attack

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Author's POV

Vardhan, Kashish, Sikander and Nandani were a few minutes away from the Thakur haveli. Suddenly Sikander noticed that some cars were following them. Sikander looked at Vardhan. " Thakur sa." said Sikander. Vardhan looked back with the help of the mirror and saw those cars. Vardhan and Sikander looked at each other. Then they picked the guns. Kashish and Nandani looked at each other. Sikander drifted the car and came down.

They both stood in front of the car. They pointed their guns on those men. They were ready to attack. The cars stopped and some men came down. Those men started to attack Vardhan and Sikander. They both started to protect themselves along with Kashish and Nandani. Kashish and Nandani had bent down. Kashish saw that Nandani was very scared. Kashish held Nandani's hand.

" Nandu, don't worry. I'll do something. " said Kashish. Kashish saw a gun kept on the floor of the car. Kashish picked that. Nandani looked at Kashish. " Kashish, no. " said Nandani. Kashish looked out of the window and saw a man ready to shoot Sikander. Kashish pressed the trigger of the gun and the bullet hit straight on that man's forehead. That man died. Vardhan and Sikander looked at each other. Kashish opened the door of the car and came down.

Kashish started to shoot all the men along with Vardhan and Sikander. Sikander was shocked by it. Kashish looked at Sikander. " Sikander, shoot before they shoot you. " said Kashish, " Yeah Rani sa. " replied Sikandar and started to shoot back. Within a few moments, all the men who were attacking Vardhan, Kashish and Sikander were lying on the road dead. Sikander looked at Vardhan.

" Thakur sa, we should leave before more men come. " said Sikander, " Okay. " said Vardhan. Vardhan, Kashish and Sikander sat in the car and then left from there. Nandani looked at Kashish. " Are you okay? " asked Nandani, " Yeah, I am. " replied Kashish. They reached the Thakur haveli. Vardhan, Kashish and Sikander along with Nandani came down. The servants came to pick up Kashish's luggage. Ashwini came to them.

" Oh god, what took you all so long to come? You were on the way, right? " asked Ashwini. Sikander looked at Ashwini. " Thakur Rani sa, we were under attack. So that took us too long to come back. " replied Sikander. Ashwini got worried. " Are you kids okay? I hope that you didn't get hurt." said Ashwini, " No, we are fine Maa." replied Vardhan and went inside. Sikander went with him. Ashwini looked at Kashish and Nandani.

" Who are you beta?" asked Ashwini. Nandani touched Ashwini's feet. " I am Nandani, Kashish's best friend. " replied Nandani, " Maa, can she stay here with me?" asked Kashish, " Yeah sure. Get her in." replied Ashwini. Kashish walked inside along with Nandani. In a room, Bua along with her daughter Reena was sitting. Reena looked at Bua.

" Maa, we have to do something and kill this Vardhan, otherwise how will all the property come into my Preeti's name." said Reena. Bua looked at Reena. " Reena, it is not just killing Vardhan, it is also Nitya and Rohit. They both also have to die otherwise you forget the thought of ruling over the Thakur family money." said Bua, " So what is the plan?" asked Reena, " Wait for a few days. The elections are coming up. That is the best time to get Vardhan killed. Once Vardhan is killed, the Thakur family will die automatically because he is the lifeline of the whole Thakur family. " said Bua.

Reena smiled. " Okay. I can wait till then." said Reena. Meanwhile, Kashish was sitting with her phone in her hand. She was in a bathrobe. She was looking at a photo in which she was hugging Anand ji. When her phone. Kashish picked the call. " Hi commissioner uncle." said Kashish, " How are you, Kashish? " asked Anil ji, " I am fine." replied Kashish, " I got to know about Anand's death. I am sorry that I wasn't able to come." replied Anil.

Kashish forced a smile on her face. " It's okay, commissioner uncle." said Kashish, " So listen, there is something that you don't know at all." said Anil, " What is it, commissioner uncle?" asked Kashish. Anil was about to say something but the call got cut. Kashish looked at her phone and saw the battery was dead. " Oh god. I forgot to charge the phone." said Kashish.

Kashish quickly found the charger and put the phone on charging. " Commissioner uncle was sounding very worried. What could it be?" said Kashish. When Preeti came inside. " Bhabhi sa." said Preeti. Kashish looked at her. " Hi Preeti." said Kashish, " Come, it is time for dinner. Everyone is calling you." said Preeti. Kashish smiled. " I will just change and come." said Kashish, " Okay." said Preeti and then went from there.

Kashish picked jeans and kurta and wore it. She picked the bangles and wore it. She wore the nose ring, earrings and anklets. Then she came down. Everyone looked at her. She came and sat down along with Vardhan. The servants came and served everyone. Reena looked at Kashish. " So Kashish, what is your family doing? Are they royal blood?" asked Reena.

Kashish looked at her. " No, I am from a simple Brahmin family of Banaras. And my father is the police commissioner of Banaras." said Kashish. Reena laughed. " So that means you are not a royal blood. Vardhan, how can you marry her? You know that Thakur's marry only into royal blood only." said Reena. Vardhan looked at her. " That is none of our business. And didn't you even marry Keshav uncle who is not even a royal blood." said Vardhan.

Reena closed her mouth with the reply Vardhan gave her. Kashish smiled. Bua slammed her hand on the table. " This is enough Vardhan. How can you say this to your elder?" asked Bua. Vardhan looked at her. " I can. This is my house and if you have some problem then you can leave." said Vardhan. Jairaj looked at her. " By the way, Bua, you can't insult my daughter-in-law like a daughter like this. This is wrong." said Jairaj.

Bua looked at Jairaj. " You are favoring a girl who has just come into your family." said Bua, " Yes. Because you have always been like this. It would be good if you leave by morning." said Jairaj and got up. Jairaj then went from there. Ashwini went behind him. At night, Kashish and Vardhan came to their room and saw the broken bed.They were so busy that they didn't realize the bed was broken. The mattress was still on the floor. Kashish and Vardhan looked at each other.

" I will sleep there." said Kashish, " Who cares? You sleep. I will enjoy myself on the terrace." said Vardhan. Vardhan then went from there. Kashish lay on the bed and then slept. On the terrace, Vardhan, Ekansh and Sikander were sitting and enjoying the drinks.

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