21. Engagement

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Author's POV

At the police station, Kashish was sitting along with Krish and talking about a case when Jairaj came there. Kashish and Krish looked at him and got up. " How are you, Thakur sahab?" asked Krish, " Fine. " replied Jairaj and sat down. Jairaj looked at Krish and Kashish. " As you both know the elections are coming up and my son is standing in elections. And you know that they need special protection. You and this girl are really good cops. I want you both to be the head the security of Vardhan." said Jairaj, " As you wish, Thakur sahab." said Krish. 

Kashish looked at him. " But Krish, we are cops. We can't do this." said Kashish. Krish held Kashish's hand. " Come on Kashish. If we support them they we might get a promotion also." said Krish. Kashish was shocked with this. Jairaj got up. " So, we can start with the security from tomorrow." said Jairaj and then went from there. Kashish looked at Krish in anger. " Krish sir, I thought that you are a cop with dignity. But I was wrong." said Kashish and turned to go but what Krish said made her stop. 

" Kashish, I have a daughter and she has cancer. My salery is like peanuts. With this little amount of money, she can't be treated." said Krish. Kashish looked at him. " I am sorry. I didn't know about this." said Kashish, " It's okay. I never share anything about my family with anyone." said Krish and then went from there. Kashish was standing and looking at Krish. " Don't worry Krish. I will help you with this." said Kashish and then went inside her cabin. At the Thakur haveli, Nitya was sitting and 2 maids were getting gher ready.

Nitya's POV

I always wished to see myself getting ready for Ekansh. But just because of his betrayal. When I felt someone coming inside. I looked through the dressing mirror and saw my mother standing there. " Maa, what happened? " I asked because I saw tears in her eyes. Maa came to me and sat down with me. " I never thought that my Nitya has grown so much that she will now leave me and go forever." Maa said while cleaning her tears. I held Maa's hand. 

" Maa, I will not go anywhere leaving you. " I said. I knew that this might not be possible. Because Neel lives outside India and doesn't like India at all. After this marriage, he would surely take me to London to stay there. " Mami, Mami.". Preeti while calling Maa came inside. Preeti looked at us and smiled. " You both look so good together. " she said and came to us and hugged us. We smiled. I looked around for Nandani. " Where is Nandu?" I asked while looking at Preeti. She looked at me. 

" I don't know. I went to see her but she has locked herself in her room and she is not opening the door." she replied. What has happened to her? I am getting scared for her. I might have known her only for a month but she is like my friend. I should call Bhabhi sa and tell her that Nandani isn't well. But before I could call her, I saw Bhabhi sa coming inside. " Bhabhi sa." I said. Bhabhi sa looked at me and smiled. 

" Nitya, you look so good." Bhabhi sa said with a smile on her face. I also smiled. " Bhabhi sa, there is something wrong going with Nandani." I said. I noticed the expression of Bhabhi sa changing. I knew this would happen because Bhabhi sa and Nandani are more closer than I am to her.

Author's POV

Listening to what Nitya said, Kashish was very scared. She quickly ran out of the room and started to run towards Nandani's room. " What has happened to her? I need to know. I need to know what has happened to her. " said Kashish. Kashish came to Nandani's room and started to knock the door. " Nandu, Nandu, open the door." said Kashish, " No Kashish, just leave me alone. I said this to Preeti also." said Nandani, " And I am not Preeti. Open the door otherwise I will break it and you know that I can do it also." said Kashish in anger. Nandani looked at the door and got up. 

" Okay, coming." said Nandani. Nandani came to the door and opened the door. Kashish came inside. She closed the door and looked at her. " Now tell me what is the problem? Why have you locked yourself inside the room? And I want the truth and nothing else." said Kashish. Nandani broke into tears and fell down. Kashish got worried. She sat down with her. " Nandu, what happened? Tell me." Kashish said. Nandani hugged her and started to cry more. " Sikander ji." said Nandani while crying. 

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