Chapter 1 Part 1: Surprise! Surprise!

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"KHLOE ROSE! I know very well that my ears are deceiving me!"

Khloe waved her hand at her best friend/boss, Christina.

"Shush! You're being too loud," whispered Khloe.

"Don't shush me. You're trying to work overtime on your birthday week!" yelled Christina.

"WHAT!" yelled one of the workers.

"You're trying to work during your birthday week?!" yelled another.

"Christina! Look at what you did. Now, everyone and their mother knows I'm trying to work overtime!" said Khloe.

"First, don't sass me. Two, I'm your boss and refuse your overtime request. Three, I booked you a flight to Las Vegas, Nevada." said Christina.

"YOU DID WHAT?!" Khloe's face was in utter disbelief. She couldn't believe Christina would do something that insane.

"Christina, I don't have time to go to Las Vegas," She sighed and turned to Christina. "I need to work to get an official job here. Internships don't have that good of a pay," said Khloe.

"If you can do overtime, you can go to Las Vegas," said Christina. "Besides, this place isn't going anywhere. Let's go get some lunch."

As Khloe and Christina walked to their favorite spot, Enzo's Pizza, Khloe couldn't help but smile at the fact that Christina did all of that for her.

"Why are you smiling like that?" asked Christina. "Nothing, I'm just happy," replied Khloe.

"Or maybe, you're thinking about all the possible boyfriends you might meet over there?" said Christina.

"Christina!" yelled Khloe her face all blushed. "Am I right?" said Christina with a smirk. "You're wrong! Incorrect!" said Khloe.

As they walked into the restaurant, the owner of the Enzos welcomed them in. "Why, if it isn't my two favorite customers." The girls pulled out their wallets and greeted him back, "Hey Pablo!"

He raised his hand and stated, " No need for you girls to pay. It's on the house. Cross my heart." He put an X over his heart to show he was telling the truth. Christina and Khloe were both in shock.

Pablo was known for his cheapskate tactics and tricks. Just last week, he tried to trick the girls into buying 4 pizza for $30. The week before that he told the girls, they could have an all they can eat buffet.

Then, he charged them for every single thing. They didn't say anything about it, though. "Thanks, Pablo," Khloe said with a smile.

"Really? You're not going to deny my generous offer?" he asked, dryly.

"Nope! Should have thought about that one," responded Christina.

The girls looked at each other for a second or two. They busted out laughing, tears streaming down their faces.

Pablo rolled his eyes and asked, "Would you guys like the regular?" It was a medium sized pepperoni pizza with green bell peppers.

Pablo couldn't help but smile, "I'll take that as a yes." Once, they finally calmed down, the two girls took a seat and fell into silence.

The restaurant looked the same as always an antique look to it. The chairs were a little chipped and rusted, but it made the place look nice. The tables were polished to perfection.

There were homemade lights hinged up everywhere. It feels like a second home to everyone that goes there. Christina finally broke the silence that seemed like it would go on forever.

"But honestly, you should find a boyfriend."

Khloe understood where she was coming from. She always worries about her well-being, especially because of Khloe's past. "I know, but I can't jump into a relationship without an official job." voiced Khloe.

Christina sighed in defeat. There was no way she could have convinced Khloe otherwise. "I've been wondering, how long did you schedule my stay for?" questioned Khloe. "3 months," said Christina as Pablo walked over with the pizza.

"Okay, 3 months," repeated Khloe.

"Huh? Did I miss something?" asked Pablo. "I scheduled a birthday vacation for Khloe," said Christina.

"Cool. How long did you put her stay for?" he questioned. "3 months," replied Christina. "Wow! How does she feel about that?" he asked. "I don't know. We're about to find out."

Khloe's face was blank. It was like, she was Siri unable to understand a certain phrase. "I'm sorry could you repeat that?" she asked. Both Christina and Pablo were laughing uncontrollably.

"I'm sorry, your reaction was priceless," said Christina, wiping the tears from her eyes.

"Christina!" exclaimed Khloe.

"I don't want to hear it. You haven't taken a vacation since you started working here TWO years ago. Besides, You're still an intern. Legally, I have to give you the summer off, " she interrupted Khloe.

"I have to work," Khloe complained. "I said, I don't want to hear it!" Christina put her hands over her ears.

Pablo stepped into the conversation. "She not wrong, Khloe. You need to take a break sometime."

Khloe thought about what the two said. She didn't feel like she was overworking herself, but she had to listen to the facts.

"Argh, fine! When is the flight?" she asked. "Today. At 7:00 pm," answered Christina.

"That's seven hours from now! Why don't you tell me about these things at the same time?"

Christina shrugged her shoulders and said," Because you don't ask these things at once."

Khloe looked at her completely dumbfounded. "You're a piece of unexplainable art," she said.

"Thank you." Khloe rolled her eyes. "Do you want to come help me pick out some outfits?"

Christina swallowed her last bite and yelled, "OF COURSE!"

"Can I drive this time?" asked Khloe, hopeful.

"Not a chance," said Christina.

"Wait. Don't we have to go back to work?" questioned Khloe.

"We didn't have to come in today. It was your day off," said Christina with a sheep-like grin on her face.

"How many hours did you put in?" Khloe looked at Christina daring her to say less than five. "Seven and a half hours." Khloe took a deep breath. "Okay, let's go."

Christina looked at her fearful and asked, "You're not mad?" Khloe smiled.

"Nope. I would've been if you said anything less than five hours." Christina wiped her forehead. "Whew!" Khloe's smile dropped. "I am mad that I'm still not in my apartment with less than an hour to get ready."

With those words, the two girls took off. As they entered Khloe's apartment, they dropped their bags on the countertop and rushed to her room.

"WOW! I never knew you had going-out clothes. Were you secretly planning a trip?" asked Christina.

"Nope. I just got things that I wasn't able to use." Khloe replied.

"I'm so happy. My bestie is finally going on a forced trip." Christina said, jokingly.

The two packed Khloe's luggage and bags and put everything in the car. They stopped by the gas station to get some snacks for Khloe's flight. Once they reached the airport, Khloe gave Christina a big hug.

She thanked her for everything and went on her way. Some hours passed by, and Khloe was finally able to board the plane. A few minutes after boarding the plane, they were ready for takeoff. An announcement came from the plane's intercom.

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