Chapter 8 Part 1: Book Finale

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The next day, Charm had another interview and wouldn't be back until dinner. So, Khloe made her way downstairs to talk to Leo. "Leo, my tea-spilling bestie. What's going on?" she called out to him.

"Girl, you won't believe what I found out about the people on the 13th floor." he told her as soon as she got close enough to hear him.

"Tell me, so I can believe about the people on the 13th floor." she said quickly. The two dived straight into their gossiping session until the floor started to shake. The pen holder, computer monitors, and water bottles were all shaking. "What's going on an earthquake?" Khloe said, panicked.

"Sure is. A Charmie earthquake." said Leo.

"Man, that name went around quick." said Khloe. The two looked in the hoard's direction.

"Well, at least you know Charm is here." Leo said.

"The perfect Charm tracker." Khloe said, jokingly. Charm walked out of the car with a completely different outfit than what Khloe saw this morning. She couldn't stop staring at him, she couldn't believe her man was looking that good.

"I don't think he can get anymore fine, Khloe." Leo told Khloe.

Khloe put her index finger to her mouth signaling for Leo to hush. He laughed at Khloe but was interrupted buy her sudden gasp. "Charm, doesn't know about our gossiping sessions. I've been here since he left, I've gotta go." she told Leo.

"I don't think he sees you. There's a bathroom over there wait for a little while then come out." he told Khloe. She put her hands together to tell him thank you and then ran for her life. Charm was finally able to get out the Charmie's grasp and made his way to Leo.

"Hey, Leo! You busy?" he asked.

"Not as much as you." he told Charm.

"I know, right." Charm smiled.

"Hats off to you." Leo replied.

"Have you seen Khloe by the way?" he asked Leo.

"No, not since this morning." he answered.

In the meantime, Khloe was devising a plan to escape the bathroom. "I don't want him to see me." she thought. "She poked her head outside and examined her surroundings. There were a group of girls heading outside the hotel in her direction.

"Thank you, god!" she said to herself.

She quickly went on the other side of them and walked out the hotel. To play off having to go back into the hotel, Khloe shouted out, "Aw man! I left my wallet." She walked back into the hotel. "My plan was a success!" she thought. She walked to the elevators that were near Charm. She almost walked past him before he grabbed her hand.

"Hey Khloe!" he smiled.

"Oh hey, Charm! I didn't see you." she said.

"Really?" he asked her.

"Nope! There're too many people." she answered.

"Aw, I'm a little hurt." he said with one eye open and the other closed. "You would think my GIRLFRIEND would have been the first to notice me." he said, dramatically.

Everyone's eyes went as wide as the  galaxy. Charm really blurted out his relationship with Khloe, purposely. He stepped closer to Khloe giving her a hug and a kiss. "Happy birthday, my love." he said.

He pulled out a box from his pocket and opened it. It was a diamond covered necklace. It had the initials K and C. He turned her around and put the necklace on her neck. "There. It looks beautiful on you." He turned her around once again to see her face. Khloe's head was facing downward.

"Beautiful, I can't see your face." he whispered, kindly.

"M-maybe I-I d-don't want-t you-u t-to." she hiccupped.

Charm placed his hand on Khloe's cheek and lifted her head up. She was shedding tears as he looked at her face. "Why are you crying, Khloe?" He wiped her tears away and kissed both eyes. "You're going to look like a little pufferfish." he joked.

"Thank you, Charm!" He gave her another kiss and hug. The shock finally cleared out and everyone started clapping for the couple. It was such a beautiful moment that the press couldn't let slide.

"Charm! Charm, over here!" The press started to take pictures and shoving microphones in their face. Charm tried to get them settled down, but they were busier about finding out how he met Khloe than listen to him talk about leaving them alone.

One reporter didn't come for Charm, but Khloe instead. "Miss Khloe! Can you tell me how you met Charm?" she asked. Soon, a flush of questions was coming to her. Charm tried to tell her to go, but she told him to stay. She wanted to answer their questions now, so she can shut them down later.

"I first met Charm at his birthday party. Someone knocked into the champagne tower, and it spilled all over me," she started to explain.

"He was the only person that didn't think I did it on purpose. From that moment on, we started to hang out together and eventually became the couple you see now." she finished.

"That is a lovely story. Thank you for answering my question." the news reporter said. Before she could ask another question, someone else spoke in her turn.

"That is a lovely story indeed." the person said while clapping. Khloe's blood froze solid, and Charm's muscles tensed up. The crowd moved to the side to see that Isabella was the one that was clapping. She walked closer to Khloe and Charm, but not fully.

"Isabella! It's such a surprise seeing you! I thought you went back to the states." Charm told her. Khloe looked at him with slight concerned, but she could tell that he was furious.

"Well, I decided to stay a little longer. I realized that I left my wonderful fans without something to remember my visit. So, I decided to hold a little concert for old times' sake. Let's call it, Down Memory Lane." she said with a smirk on her face.

"I hope that you two will come to my concert. I'm personally asking you." she said.

"Sure, we'll go. Thank you for inviting us. I can't wait to see a legend back on the stage." Charm said.

"Bye, then." Isabella waved them off and they went to the elevators. Once they reached their room, Khloe broke down fully. She started to cry, and Charm did his best to comfort her. "I don't want that to happen to me again." she said to Charm.

"It won't. We'll be ready for it this time."

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