"Parker, if you can hear me respond. This is Captain Ross." I read you loud and clear sir." Parker popped the hatch off and climbed out of his pod. He looked around. It looked like he landed in a parking garage."I need you to advance on my position. I'm surrounded by covenant. Hurry!" " I'm on my way," responded Parker. He started jogging down the stairs of the building and ran out onto the streets. He looked at the map again. The map said he had to go South through a small jungle.
When Parker got to the jungle, he saw there was a path straight through it. There was a couple of Scarabs off in the distance, they were too far to be a problem. Parker started moving next to the road but not on it.
After two minutes of traveling, Parker saw a squad of marines ducking behind a big dumpster. "Hey are you guys okay?" he hollered at them. Parker started running towards them. Suddenly a brute chieftain lunged at Parker. Parker fell onto his butt trying to crawl backwards. "Shit!" He started breathing heavy. The brute was clawing at him, trying to rip him to pieces. The brute's drool was flying all over the place. Parker pulled out his pistol and kept shooting it in its chest. Then Jamie came out of nowhere and tackled the beast. The brute threw him off. He picked up Jamie. Jamie pulled out his knife and stabbed the brute in his neck. It dropped him then slowly lost all of its blood. "You ok?" asked Parker. "Never been better", replied Jamie. The marines regrouped on Jamie's position. "Thanks you two. We thought we were goners," said one of the marines. "Are you headed to Captain too?" asked Jamie. "Yeah, let's go. He is only a few blocks away". Jamie led the group to a courtyard with a couple trees and a clothing store nearby. In the middle of the courtyard there was a phantom, two brute chieftains, and a bunch of jackals. "Rookie, you go up to the clothing store's balcony and start sniping the brutes on my mark", said Jamie. "On it", replied Parker. He went into the store. He went into a big room with a few grunts and two brute captains. He weaved his way through the coat racks and crates without alerting anybody. Parker went up the stairs and out onto the balcony. Parker saw Captain being pushed around by one of the chieftains. He loaded his SR and zoomed in on the chieftain's head. "Take the shot now", commanded Jamie. The first shot went straight through the first brute's head. Jamie and the marines charged over a barrier and started taking out the jackals. Captain picked his assault rifle off the ground and started firing armour piercing rounds at the brute, but they bounced off. The brute hit Captain Ross across the courtyard. Finally the marines and Jamie were able to bring the brute down. Jamie rushed to help Captain. Parker jumped down from the balcony and ran over to Jamie. Captain was knocked unconscious. The group set up camp in the courtyard and waited for Ross to regain conscious.
ActionA squad of ODST try to kill rebel covenant forces in the city of New Madrid.