★calm before the storm★

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★4th of April 1995- when Ophelia was born★

When Ophelia was born into the world everyone adored her maybe it was her bright blue ocean eyes that you could look at and fall in love with them straight away or maybe it was her beautiful brown hair that got brighter in the sunlight.

When Ophelia was born she was so quiet and didn't cry as much as her siblings but that only happened when her dad was around her, no one knew it was because Michael was around until Michael was looking after her and went to the toilet when playing with Ophelia.


Michael couldn't stop staring at his beautiful daughter when playing with her, he didn't want to leave her but his bladder was screaming at him to take a pee, so as he got up Ophelia's bright blue eyes were on him instantly watching where he was going.

Micheal looked at Ophelia and said "two minutes lia, daddy needs the toilet, you stay right there sweetheart I'll be back before you know it" he obviously knew babies couldn't understand him but the way Ophelia's doe eyes stared at his dark blue eyes he knew, she could understand what he was saying.

As soon as he left the room he could hear Ophelia babbling away and getting upset and could hear things getting tossed about.

He sped up the process and washed his hands and walked back into the room where Ophelia was and as soon as she seen him again, she was smiling with her gummy mouth and blabbing away to him.

Michael couldn't help but shed a tear as he walked back to her and lifted her on his lap and star at her lovingly, knowing she needed him as much as he needed her.

Ophelia just stared at him in awe meeting his eyes there was this spark in them, the spark that Michael always had when robbing banks and other things with his best friends.

Michael started talking to Ophelia and Ophelia just sat staring at him as he spoke with such passion about whatever it was and even then Ophelia started talking(more like cooing) but Michael just went along with it.

★end of flashback★

From there on Michael knew Ophelia was a daddy's girl and he would always gusher about it to anyone he spoke to. Michael was scared for Ophelia to grow up, not only because she would be getting older but because Michael didn't think that Ophelia would be a daddy's girl anymore he thought when she grew up, she would grow out of that phase and it scared him, he wasn't ready to see his little girl grew into someone like Amanda or Tracey not in a bad way but he couldn't let her go and become someone that was just there for money and shopping sprees.

Ophelia hated when her dad was gone, I think everyone hated it because Ophelia would be non stop crying but Jimmy found a way to help her calm down but giving her, her dads t-shirt when she was taking a nap and from then on Michael would come home to see his little girl wearing his t-shirt or have a grip on his t-shirt in her hand. Michael loved coming home to see that, he didn't care that most of his t-shirts were gone because it was for a good cause.

But as the saying goes 'the calm before the storm' everything went shit.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13 ⏰

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