Thank you, Hyung.

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His voice faltered as he attempted to explain, but Jin's stern gaze silenced him. In that moment, Jimin could sense Jin's disappointment and disapproval, a stark reminder of the consequences of their forbidden love.

Jin: Me or him?

Jin asked making Jimin shudder in fear. 

Jimin: H-Hyung P-please...

Jin: Me or him? 

Jin asked the coldness evident in his eyes and voice. 

Jimin: Hyung you b-both are i-important to me... p-please don't make me choose in between both of you... 

Jin wanted to go hug his baby brother but no... He had to stay tough for Jimin's safety. Jin was confident that Jimin wouldn't choose anyone over him but after what Jimin said, Jin wasn't so sure anymore... 

Jin: Answer me Jimin. Me or Him? 

Jin asked one last time, making Jimin's hazel orbs swell up with tears. Jimin just couldn't choose between them. Of course if he had to choose between a stranger and Jin. Of course he would choose Jin... But that stranger here is Jungkook... Jimin liked Jungkook... way too much. 

Jungkook: Hyung please... I'll keep him protected... I promise. Even if it costs my life, I'll protect Jimin.

Jin: I don't want to hear all this nonsense, from both of you. I need one answer Jimin. Its either me or him. Choose now. 

Jimin looked at Jungkook with tears in his eyes, Jungkook just nodded his head with a smile reassuring that, they should just give up now... I mean they met like before what? 3 days? Of course they will be able to move on quickly right? right? Jimin looked away from Jungkook and he put his head down. Jimin wanted to choose Jungkook but Jin is the most important person in his life, without Jin, he is nothing. Jimin just closed his eyes and mentally prepared himself to answer Jin. 

Jimin: I choose you, Jin Hyung... 

Jimin said as a tear made it's way down Jimin's cheek. Jungkook gave a nod of approval to Jimin and a reassuring smile that Jimin made the right choice... But at what cost? Jungkook slowly gathered himself and made his away out of the apartment, thinking that for sure he is a play boy and he will be able to move on in few days. But somewhere deep down, Jungkook knew that it wasn't the case. Jungkook felt his heart break into millions of pieces, but what can he do? Oppose his hyung? Nah, he could never do that, even though he is a Mafia King. 

Jimin on the other side wasn't good either. When he witnessed Jungkook leaving, he felt as if a part of him was leaving him through the door. That was the connection they had, even though it was just four days. Jimin's heart felt like it was being torn apart as he watched Jungkook leave. a pang of regret gnawing at him despite his decision. He knew he had chose Jin to protect their brotherly bond, their family, but he couldn't shake off the feeling of loosing something precious. Jin, seeing Jimin's distress, softened his expression as he reached out and pulled Jimin into a tight embrace, offering him comfort admist the chaos. 

Jin: It's okay, Jiminie. You made the right choice. I'm here for you, always.

Jimin clung onto Jin, burying his face in his hyung's chest, seeking comfort in his familiar presence. But even in Jin's embrace, he couldn't shake off the ache in his heart. 

Days passed and neither of them are how they used to be... And these changes were being noticed by Jin. At home, Jungkook was just in his bedroom or his office and at the restaurant, Jimin wasn't Jimin. Every time a customer asked about Jimin because they wanted to compliment him, he just says that he is tired and tells Jin to take another chef instead. Jin noticed Jimin isn't bubbly anymore but instead he is in his own shell. Jin tried to talk to Jimin multiple times but the end result was always the same... "I'm fine." 

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