The End

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??: Hello there Mafia King... Are you searching for something? I may or may not have HIM.

As soon as Jungkook received informing that Jimin was kidnapped, his heart dropped into his stomach like a hard stone. The world around him seemed to be a blur as he struggled processing the words he just heard. His hands trembled and clenched on his phone, his mind racing with thousands of thoughts and fears.

Without a second thought, Jungkook sprang into action. He knew if he loved Jimin, he would be at risk, but he never imagined that his lover would become a target for this dangerous world. Racing through the city streets, his mind was a whirlwind of worry and determination. He had to find Jimin—no ifs, ands, or buts about it.

Jungkook called in every favor he had, pulling strings and pressing contacts in the underworld. Every second felt like an eternity as he waited for news, his heart hammering in his chest. He couldn't bear the thought of Jimin out there, scared and alone.

Meanwhile, Jimin was trapped in a dingy room, his hands tied behind his back and a gag muffling his cries. Panic crawled at his chest as he struggled against his restraints, his mind a jumbled of fear and confusion. He prayed Jungkook would come for him, but with each passing hour, hope dwindled like a flickering candle in the wind.

Just then Jimin heard someone walk in... He looked up and found someone who is much older then him. Jimin just kept watching him approach him.

??: Jiminie... Do you remember me?

He asks giving Jimin a physco smile and a crazy gaze.

Jimin: W-who are y-you?

Jimin asked still dazed due to the drug.

??: Park Ji hoon... Does my name ring a bell?

Jimin felt as if his world stopped. When he was about to run away from the orphanage he heard people talking about his family and how they passed away in a car accident and of course... They reminisced his their names also. And one of them was Park Jihoon... My dad.

Jimin: A-appa?

Jihoon: SHUT UP! I'm not your father. Your mom is such a bitch. She chose you over me!

and then he continues with a proud smirk.

Jihoon: That's why I killed her and dropped you off at the orphanage. If she doesn't belong to me, then she can't be with you either.

Jimin: B-but why... why do you want to do this now?!

Jimin asked feeling his frustration taking over.


Jihoon said as he harshly grabbed onto Jimin's neck, squeezing the life out of him. Jimin on the other side was determined to not beg. He knew that even if he died, no one would care, he has no one... except for Jin. But he thought his hyung would just forget about him along with Jungkook... "The world will never remember that a Park Jimin existed... Park? Can I even consider myself as Park?

All these thoughts were running through Jimin's mind and in no time he could feel himself loosing breath and was about to give up, when Jihoon stopped choking Jimin. Jimin took large and desperate breathes in order to compensate. Jihoon just looked at Jimin and laughed at his desperate situation.

Jimin: I-I j-just need answers.

Jimin's heart pounded in his chest as he stared into the eyes of the man who held him captive. Jihoon's words cut through the air like a knife, leaving behind a trail of pain and anger. But Jimin refused to let his fear show. He squared his shoulders, drawing upon every ounce of strength he had left.

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