First infected

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"god...I'm getting annoyed with this wanna-be-villains....the black death? Sounds lame" Satsuki laughs and eri giggles, "yeah! Let's just get them and go back to fill in that report...kota can only petsit my cats for so long" eri sighs, "oh right! Didn't he and Miyu have a baby?" Satsuki asks and eri nods, "mhm, lil baby melody" eri smiles, "she's the most adorable little girl!" Eri smiles as they see the villain.

"I can show ya pictures later! Let's just get this sad excuse of a villain" eri says and satsuki nods. They run after the villain, Satsuki was the distraction and eri was gonna apprehend him. "Freeze!" Satsuki says as they had the cornered, "you're coming with us...lets not make this any more difficult please" she sighs grabbing the guy. Without warning Satsuki was hit in the face with his quirk, eri then tackled the guy. They hit eri in the face with the same quirk and ended up getting away. Eri tried to go after him when this strange black liquid starts to come out of her nose. "What the-" eri starts when she was suddenly hit was a jolt of pain as she coughs up some of the black liquid, it felt like her insides were melting....It was absolutely agonizing.The pain causing her to fall down, trembling as she couldn't even move from how much it hurt. Of course Satsuki was dealing with the exact same thing, it was hell for the two. Eventually two other heroes ended up seeing the two girls after they went on patrol. By this point Eri was leaning against a wall breathing heavily as she was completely covered in the black stuff, she was trying to figure out what it was. Meanwhile, Satsuki lays there completely unresponsive as her attack was worse than eri's since she inhaled more of the quirk. "C-check her pulse..." Eri says completely weak and still in pain from that sudden attack.

When they did check Satsuki it was found that she was dead. She actually ended up checking on the unlike eri she wasn't able to sit up and wasn't able to cough and puke everything up like eri did. Because it really did hurt more when they did cough or puke...just made the pain and burning even Satsuki didn't wanna do either.

They make a report and took eri in to get examined. Unfortunately for eri that one episode wasn't the last, she would just randomly get another attack and it hurt like all hell. No one knew what was going on let alone how to stop it. They knew it was possible to die...but soon they'd learn that choking on the liquid was the most merciful way this quirk would kill people...

Meanwhile, Kota was trying to calm his 2 week old baby while trying to call eri to know when she was gonna come get her cats. "Heya eri, just me calling again making sure you're okay...ya know since you were supposed to pick up your cats 3 hours don't worry if you need me to watch them longer I can it's no big deal...I just wanna make sure you're okay...just give me a call back or just shoot me a text okay?" Kota says hanging up. Kota never did mind if he had to petsit for eri, especially since she would occasionally come over and help them with melody. Plus the cats were well trained...assholes, but still trained...they seemed to help with Miyu's postpartum and they even calm Miyu down most of the time. "look babygirl!" Kota says kneeling down next to one of the cats, this got Miyu to calm down as the cat sniffs her and rubs against her.

Kota sighs glad that melody finally called down. He sets her in her little swing which just gently rocks her, the cats all kinda stayed close to her and Miyu as if they could tell the two really just needed them there. Eventually he gets a call from eri, she of course had to wait til she felt somewhat better, "heya eri" Kota answered relived she wasn't dead. "Hello..." Eri says obviously sounding like shit "you good?" He asks worried "um...yeah..just got attacked during Satsuki didn't make it" eri sighs rubbing her chest to try and ease the aching from her coughing. "What?!" Kota whisper shouts in shock, "fuck.... you're okay right?" He asks and eri went silent, she wasn't able to lie to the male...she never was, so she sighs not wanting to tell him anything. "Actually um....I might be dying too...they don't know for sure....but I'm alive right now...and we can work with Alive right? Isn't that what you always say" she says and Kota sighs worried beyond belief. "Yeah...we can work with Alive" he says not wanting to worry eri, "and hey Don't worry we'll figure it out okay? You won't die I promise..." He says, sure he could keep that promise but he was gonna try...and he definitely didn't wanna scare eri and luckily that promise got her to sigh in relief as she was clearly scared of dying. "Okay...." She says, "I'll go let Miyu know that something happened and let her know imma visit you okay? Just hang tight okay?" He says hanging up before eri could stop him. "Fuck..." She sighs as she really did look like shit she was really pale, her eyes sunken in a little bit, her skin was stained from the liquid which they found out was ink and blood that she was coughing and puking up.

"Do you know what the hell is wrong with me?..." Eri asks looking at the doctor, "...I'm so sorry Ms...but we're unable to figure it out...let alone how to cure it...I'm so sorry" the doctor says and eri nods looking down and hugs her knees fighting back tears. "It's's okay Kota promised I wouldn't die.... he's never lied to me before.... I'm gonna be okay..." Eri tells herself she honestly didn't wanna be alone right now.

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