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Kota shows up 15 minutes later. He wore a mask as the doctors asked since they didn't know if she was contagious. "Eri yo-" Kota starts as he drops the food and gifts he got her as she was having a really bad attack. She fell off the hospital bed as she was puking up the ink, it was coming out of her nose, eyes, hairline, was getting worse and she felt like she was actually dying. Kota held her as she just begs him to make it stop while she sobs and trembles, "p-please make it hurts....make it stop-" eri starts to choke on the liquid so Kota tilts her head forward getting her to puke and cough it up. He didn't care that he was covered in the liquid he was just trying to comfort eri and just held her. Once the attack eased up and eri coughs up the rest of the ink. Kota carefully wipes the ink off her face and arms. "The hell happened?..." He asks "I don't know....I just remember the villain 'the black death' hit me in the face with this powder stuff...they got satsuki too....and then this fucking feels like my insides are doesn't describe how painful it is...."

Kota sighs and lifts eri's head and kisses her on the forehead. He could tell she was terrified and didn't know what was happening...and he was too....but right now eri just needed someone so he just stayed strong and brave for her. "Don't worry Hun...imma catch that bad guy and make them tell me how to cure this okay? You're gonna be just fine...I know it hurts so I'll do my best to find a cure... unfortunately I might have to send in some of your blood to a lab but that's so we can find some kind of cure" Kota promised and nuzzles eri. He thinks, he knew her family moved away awhile ago so she lived alone and with what's happening right now she definitely needed help. "Is it okay if me and Miyu move in with you for awhile? That way I can help take care of ya?" He asks, eri's place was bigger than his so she could easily take in three more people when he couldn't even take one for more than 2 nights. "mhm..." Eri nods " just have to put up with the brats" she says talking about her cats, "heh don't worry melody and Miyu adore the kitties so they won't be an fact it's more helpful than you know" he reassures eri.

Eri was stuck in the hospital for 5 days, by then Miyu, Kota, and melody all moved into eri's place. They really didn't know how long they would be there, Kota picked eri up and she seemed so tired and weak. They didn't know what happened or how to cure it...they did take some blood because it was an entirely new so they wanted to figure it out. Most of eri's day was spent in her room sleeping, Kota realized quickly the only reason she wasn't dead was because of her quirk. Knowing that she was running low on energy, he actually just started to give her energy supplements and just did everything to keep giving her quirk energy to use. Eventually that actually made her quirk stronger and her attacks happened less and less and she could actually live her life....she could actually go 2 to 3 days without an attack though they happened at random.

Eri was actually in the middle of a conversation with Kota when the ink starts to leak from her nose. Kota quickly catches her and they both sit on the floor as soon enough another attack happened. "Miyu take melody to the room..." Kota says not wanting his kid to see this as it really was a disturbing sight. Miyu nods and goes to take melody to their room and she saw eri and Kota saw the fear in her eyes as the girl really did look terrible. "Deep breaths....I know it hurts....just get it all out...." He says rubbing eri's back as she cries, "make it stop...please" she begs, "shhh... don't worry we're working on a cure okay?...." He says as eri screams while she sobs. "MAKE IT STOP PLEASE! I CAN'T TAKE IT MAKE IT STOP!" eri says as the pain was getting worse and Kota being desperate looks around he sees some painkiller shots...he thinks and grabs one injecting it into erim soon enough the area turned black and she let out a blood curdling scream of pure agony as the skin in that area burns off her arm leaving a huge gash in her arm. "!?" Kota tries to stop the bleeding, "I'm sorry...I'm so sorry....I didn't mean to make it worse..."

Kota sighs sounding so defeated. Once the episode was done Kota just focused more on her arm making sure it was disinfected. He wraps it up and holds her, "I'm so sorry...I just wanted to stop the pain...." He says near tears. "I-its okay....why the fuck can't I heal?" Eri growls and Kota kisses eri on the forehead, "relax okay? Your quirk is trying to help you fight whatever you have...." Kota nuzzles her "just relax okay? Until we figure out how to cure what you have your quirk will keep you alive....just like I promised you're not gonna die" he smiles rubbing eri's head as her cats curl up next to eri purring they were worried about her and were clearly signalling something wasn't right. Just then eri pukes up a shit ton of blood she didn't really remember what happened next as she just completely blacked out.

When she woke up Kota was next to her with a nurse and doctor they managed to bring over. Eri was so confused as she sees they were giving her fluids and medication through an IV. "You're awake" the doctor says looking at eri, "how are you feeling?" "Umm okay....a little light headed...what happened?" She asks confused. "You puked up blood, had a seizure, your heart stopped and you died for like 2 minutes, I revived you for like 5 minutes then you died again." Kota explains, "let's not go for a third time." Kota sighs as he was mentally exhausted from the fear of losing her and physically tired from doing CPR for about 5 minutes. "You just did chest compression?" Eri asks and Kota looks away. " just did chest compressions right?...." Kota walks away ignoring the question. ".... RIGHT?!!!"  She panicked, "SIR THIS SILENCE ISN'T RESURING! IT WAS JUST THE CHEST COMPRESSIONS RIGHT?!" she screams once again no answer. "Imma smack that boy I swear to God....KOTA IZUMI YOU BETTER ANSWER ME YOU SON OF A BITCH!"

"STOP YELLING YOU NEED REST!" Kota shouts back. "I can almost guarantee that it involved lip to lip respiration as well" the doctor says and eri gags. "Ew ew ew" she shivers, "DID YOU AT LEAST HAVE SOME KINDA BARRIER?!" eri asks desperate and once again no answer. "I WILL BITCH SLAP YOUR ASS! YOU BETTER FUCKING ANSWER ME!" eri growls, "DEAD PEOPLE DON'T HAVE A SAY IN HOW OTHERS SAVE THEIR ASSES!" kota finally responded. ".... touché..." Eri sighs and thinks, "DID YOU AT LEAST BRUSH YOUR TEETH THIS MORNING??" she asks, "YEP!" he says, "well at least his mouth was somewhat clean...." Eri sighs and shivers at the thought of his lips touching hers. "Ew ew ew nooo"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15 ⏰

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