Chapter 30

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Mel led Michael to his truck. It took longer than expected due to the police now actively looking for The Shape of Haddonfield in the wooded area. Once back at the truck Mel picked up a tarp in the bed and motioned the man to get in. Michael wasn't sure about this plan but he trusted Mel and so he climbed in and laid down. The older man covered him well and got into the driver seat. He slowly pulled out into the mostly dirt road. Soon after a cop flagged him down. Mel was cooler than ice as he flashed a smile to the man as he stopped the car.

"Well hey there officer." He said with his arm resting on the open window. The officer leisurely walked up to the door. "What're you doin out here today?" The man said, he seemed suspicious of the elderly man. Mel simply smiled and replied "I was lookin' for good place to relax. My kids birthday is comin' up and they love being out here."

At this the officer seemed to relax a bit. "Well it's dangerous right now, you should hurry home. There's a killer on the loose." He said, trying to urge the truck driver to leave the area. Mel feigned shock "I had no idea. I'll hurry home right now officer."

With that he slowly rolled up his window and drove off, after all who would assume an elderly looking man to be involved. Michael held his breath during the entire conversation, he was ready to kill the officer if needed. He stayed still for the entire ride, his mind bringing him back to the vision of his humans bloodied body on the forest floor. He felt that he didn't deserve to be brought home by Mel, not after what he did to the kind mans' child. His mind wandered to those dark places while feeling every turn and bump in the road. He hadn't even realized they had stopped until Mel pulled the tarp off of him.

"Well, come on now, can't be out here all day." He said, motioning for the masked man to follow. Slowly the killer sat up and looked around. It was a two story cabin in the dense woods. A beautiful garden surrounded the building, it seemed like something out of a movie. All that could be heard was the sounds of nature. "Welcome to my happy place" Mel spoke, breaking the mans wonder. This made Michael look at him as he hopped out of the tuck bed. "Ida and I built it from the ground up. The garden is hers but I've been maintaining it since she passed. I do my best but I gotta admit she had a special flair when it came to gardens. (Y/n) loves it out here, pretty sure they'd live off grid here if they could." He said with a smile as he unlocked the front door.

Michael took one last look at the garden before walking in behind Mel. The cabin walls were adorned with pictures of Mel, Ida, and (Y/n). There were pictures of his human when they were still small. Their smile in each photo was bright and filled with joy. The cold hearted killer stopped at a certain picture. It was of (Y/n) holding a fish on a line, with their wide smile he could see they were missing a front tooth. They seemed so happy and innocent in the picture, Michael couldn't help but think of your broken body on the ground. He flinched when a gentle hand was placed on his back. Realization flooded over him as he saw Mel by his side.

"They were five in that picture. Their first ever fish." The older mans smile was warm and his eyes seemed as though he was back in that moment, proudly taking a picture of his kid. Michael huffed quietly lowering his head. "Hey big guy perk up. They're tougher than they look and I trust they know what they were getting into. I'll call that Danny fellow a bit later. For now you need to rest and eat and I need to look at those wounds you got." His voice was gruff as always but a small waiver came through slipping the fact that he was concerned about his injured kid. He cleared his throat "Upstairs there's three rooms and the attic is a room as well. My room and (Y/n)'s room have name signs on them that (Y/n) made. You can pick out of the other rooms that you'd want." He said as he walked into the kitchen. Michael gave a slight nod before walking up the stairs.

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