Chapter 2

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"First performance ..." Ethan let out a breath as he studied himself in the mirror. Tristine was in the middle of doing his makeup, applying an eyeline around his eyes. She explained that she wanted to keep it simple, not overwhelm his natural beauty.

"Are you nervous?" Agnes questioned from where she was resting on the couch, watching the two of them. Ethan offered a small nod, biting his lip as he stared down at the tight, leather outfit he was wearing. It was long sleeved, far less revealing than he had anticipated it to be. Tristine adjusted his makeup, applying a little sparkle around his eyes.

"Yeah. I never really saw myself doing something like this." He admitted lowly, though he startled at the sound of a knock on the door.

"That must be Knox. We will let the two of you talk." Tristine put away the makeup before they stood and made their way to the door.

"Hey, Knox." Agnes grinned at the male who chuckled quietly, nodding his head towards them. Ethan could not bring himself to look their way as he carefully adjusted his hair in the mirror, brushing the strands from his face. Tristine had dyed small strands of his hair light pink, giving his blonde hair pink highlights. Ethan had been hesitant, but he could not deny that he favored the way the change looked now.

Agnes had explained that some things helping him stand out could help him gain a following more easily. He had hardly been able to object, agreeing with intrigue at the idea.

"Nevaeh." Ethan allowed his eyes to meet Knox's in the mirror, and he offered him a hesitant smile.
"Hmm, this look suits you." He was surprised by how Knox reached out to touch his hair, hardly seeming restricted in how he touched him. Though he doubted there was a reason for them to by shy with one another when they would soon be having sex.

"You like it?" Ethan asked quietly, earning a slow nod as the fingers stroked through his hair before Knox's eyes met his in the mirror.

"Should we go over what will be happening tonight?"

The question caught Ethan off guard, and he hesitated, brows knitting together.

"Well, I certainly do not want you to be shocked by anything that is going to happen tonight. I would prefer to prepare you. This will also allow you to ask any questions you may have." Knox explained to him. Ethan listened quietly, chewing his lip before he cleared his throat.

"What is the first thing that will happen?"

"We will perform a consent video first. It basically states that anything we do in the video will be consensual. It is very short, maybe a minute at most. You are just reading a script from a screen." Knox explained, his fingers slowly brushing from Ethan's hair to the side of his neck.

"Will the other parts be scripted?" Ethan's brows knitted at his words. He did not know how real he could make the sex seem if he was expected to follow a script for it.

"Some people use a script. I do not. I will meet with you before our videos, and we will discuss what is going to happen. This will allow you to be prepared. I may occasionally throw something in to surprise you, to keep it realistic. However, it will not be something that may harm you or scare you." Knox explained. He was very open with his words, clearly allowing Ethan the opportunity to protest what might happen between them.

"After the consent video, we will have sex?"

"Did King tell you what types of videos I make?" Knox questioned, hardly seeming shocked when Ethan shook his head.

"No. He told me that you would prefer a partner who is familiar with sex and not afraid of what may happen. Why is that?"

"I partake in BDSM videos. I tie my partners up. Sometimes we partake in sadism/masochism scenes. Sometimes we play with shibari. Overstimulation. Is this something that scares you?" Knox questioned, his eyes searching Ethan's in the mirror as his other hand came up to touch the other side of his neck.

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