Chapter One: Highschool

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Nicole's POV:

"guys!! guys!! I found this flyer at the mall, its for Battle of the Bands!!" i screamed as I ran into Kalie's garage, five minutes late to band practice.

"Nicole that is possibly the most cliche thing ever. " Sam said while laughing at my, yet another terrible idea. "I don't know, this could be fun. It also says that we will be playing for management teams. Capitol Records is one of them, they sign a lot if bands like us." Joslyn added. As we all surrounded the flyer we became fond of the idea. Then a voice caught our attention.

" What makes you think you will win that?" Luke, Kalie's annoying neighbor and student at West Pasadena High. He and his family, along with his group of friends, moved here a few years ago from Australia. All the girls at our school are always chasing after his group of friends just because of their accents. It's ridiculous!! At that moment Sam shoved the paper into Kalie's hands.
"Is this a challenge breadstick? Because I'm pretty sure we can beat your band no problem." at that moment, Michael, Calum, and Ashton started piling out of his house. Sam used to date Ash, until she got in a fight with Luke. Ever since, our bands didn't even want to look at each other.

"You're band should be called The Short Term, considering your height." Calum called out. We were all less than 5'7". We're short human beings, what can we say. They were all over 6' tall, and it was pretty scary because their voices are so deep. Sam isn't intimidated by anything though, she's the toughest little fucker out there. As we started to make our way over there, we heard a crash come from the garage, Kalie's sister was trying to take the dog out for a walk and bumped into the trash cans. Great.

"sorry guys." she apologized, which just caused us to fall in the grass laughing because she was so red. They just rolled their eyes at us when Michael spoke up.
"You cant even take things seriously, how do you expect to win at this?" After that they all just walked into the house and left us there. We got up and started practicing when all of a sudden I noticed that i started yelling "OH NO MY BABY, NOT MY BABY!!" all of my strings were broken, I don't even know how that possibly could happen. We all hopped into my car and drove to the music store. That's when I saw Joslyn knock down all the guitars and meet a cute guy all at once.

"Oh my god, I am so sorry about that." she kept saying, which only made him laugh. "Hey, its fine. My name's Dylan, its my job to help out customers here. So what can i get you girls?" he said with an extremely large smile. " Um yes, I'm looking for and E, A,D, and G string for my electric bass." I spoke up, he just looked into a drawer and pulled them out. "These are probably the best there are, It'll be about $90, but since your friend over here is a cutie cluts pie, I'll sell them to you for $30." he smiled as Joslyn blushed and looked at the ground. "Oh gosh, thanks." I handed him the money and he gave me my change. " Have a nice day, thanks again." I said, and we walked out of there and ran to my car so we can get back to practice.

Kalie broke the silence by saying " Wow Joslyn, for the first time, your clumsiness helped us." which caused us to all laugh. I just couldn't stop thinking about Battle of the Bands.

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