Chapter 1

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All I could here was my heart pumping as I ran down the promenade of Bondi, towards Bondi beach. It felt like it was going to pop out of my chest. I knew I shouldn't be going here but I didn't have a choice, where else am I going to go.

But What if my dad doesn't want me?

Once I reached Bondi beach it didn't look to busy, it wasn't a very sunny day, I walked down to the water,  I've never been to a beach before, the water looks so pretty. I decided it would be a good idea to sit down in the water, though I was still wearing my nappy even though I don't have a spare one,  I'll figure that one out later.

"Excuse me darling" I jumped at hearing the voice so close, it came from a man who was crouched down beside me, he was wearing a bright blue to, it had big black writing, but I didn't know what it says.

I knew I was in trouble, I wasn't supposed to talk to strangers, so i did the only thing I could think of.

I turned and ran as fast as I could down the beach, I never realised that it would be hard to run on sand, it was sinking beneath my feet.

I didn't know whether or not he was chasing me so I ran as long as I could, which wasn't far, before I stopped. I jumped when I felt a hand clamp down on my shoulder. I looked up to see the same man.

I turned around and started to run, but didn't get far, because I felt a a arm wrap around my waist, stopping me from running. I squirmed around trying to get away.

"Hey, Hey, I'm not gunna hurt you, calm down" I stopped squinting. "Ok good girl. Now can you tell me your name" I thought about it but figured it couldn't hurt anyone. "Hadley"

"Ok Hadley are you lost" I shook my head "ok, are you here alone"
I looked around to see if there was somewhere to run but I saw a car thingy, with another man in, watching us, I sighed.

"Yes"the man looked shocked before nodding "ok how about you come with me and my friend here, do you see that tower over there" he said pointing up at a weird shape building at the other end of the beach, I nodding.

"We'll take you up there and see if we can sort you out ok" I was starting to get cold so I said yes. "Ok come on then" he held out his hand I didn't really now what to do with it, I grabbed one of his fingers, and he seemed happy with that.

He led me to the car thing, and told me to get in, and then got in after me.

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