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A Phoenix rising from the ashes, from the depths of adversity to emerge stronger, more resilient, and more successful. The ship is tossed and battered by the waves, but it remains afloat and eventually makes it to its destination. Faith is a giant pillow in that it suffocates us all.

I realized that I could not wake up my mother, she died giving birth to me. I don't remember any nest to remember her. Both are depressing. It came to raise me even though I didn't want to obey but it was raised to me. In the great harvest the depressed are banished from sorrow. In Anthese where the residence is normal and plain.

He looked steadily out of the picture, his vision unclouded by cataracts, the whites of his eyes unyellowed by time. Claud's beard was neatly trimmed; his shirt was worn but neatly mended. During the time he lived in Anthese as the old city mayor, his family was recognized for the expertise and heroism in the town but time has passed. But one day my friend got lost and stumbled on the door of our house.

Barnaby appeared to me as the door opened.

"Hi, Mr. Claud.'' He greeted Papa.

"Hey, Mr. Fisher!'' I asked stupidly because of his sudden arrival. "Where's Minerva?"

''I received news about the dragoon dancer, the prime minister has announced that it needs to be shut down and has declared bankruptcy.''

June goes with him to the most famous place where ballets are performed. He caught up with Minerva in the studio.

''We have to find a way to not close the dragoon danser. I have many more dreams for this. It will be difficult for me to lose and get rid of what my dad built. That's our dream that Mom didn''t finish.'' A heavy sigh escaped her lips, June's heart felt like it was being squeezed by a cold, metal fist.

''I know our dreams for this have been lofty, but there is nothing we can do. In fact Hartley will come today to inspect the dragoon.'' Her friend is so downhearted today that she wouldn't go to work.

It was dark, you don't know where you are, you don't know who you are, you don't know what is real or not real. It takes a few moments to figure out what's going on, and those few moments could be chaotic and panicky. There are suffocation or drowning dreams too.  You could describe the jerking oneself awake and the feeling of going down the hill on a steep roller coaster. There’s also the sense of dizziness and confusion.

You could wake up crying—feeling an overwhelming grief you can’t explain.

The afternoon sun bathed the buildings in its warm light, a prominent distinguished gentleman entered the studio, and found June.

''Is there someone I can talk to?''

That was the first time they talked to each other. June's attention was aroused by the young gentleman and made her speechless. He was dominant, abstracted by his presence, cultured, courteous, and well-educated, while she averse change and holding traditional values.

''I'm the only person here. Are you the person who is in charge of their plan for the future of dragoon danser?''

''I was just ordered. But the major that will handle the project is the company where I work. I think many people will be disappointed with the demolition of this prestigious place because it embellishes the exceptional history of this town.'' To his dismay by having his goals by setting deadlines.

Ballet was her life. It was her joy, her therapy, her first love. She trained quite intensively throughout my childhood, started going for classes twice a week when she was six, and eventually led to her starting point work at ten and training around 4, sometimes 5 times a week at around eleven. Ballet feeds our inner child and reminds us what it’s like to be a little kid.

It means a lot to her. It’s a way to express herself and she connect very deep emotions with it. She feels free and fulfilled when she dances. Ballet is such a huge part of her life, to her it is essential.

She witnessed how her parents built their dream. The dragoon danser. Built from love and dreams that cannot be paid for.

Her mother guided her to dance ballet was still fresh in her memory. Her mother smiled. Her pink lips curved, her rosy cheeks glowed. An irresistible, tender, captivating smile on her face, spontaneously puts up a smile on June's lips too.

She can't afford to break the dream her parents that they had built.

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