jealous of travis

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Taylor Swift: Sister

Travis Kelce: Taylor's Boyfriend 

Savanah: Female & 4

Savanah's POV:

Mama and Dada were dropping me off at Tay's house after days of begging them to. They got to see Taylor yesterday at her boyfriend's football game but I couldn't come. They said I would get cranky and sleepy and it was too long for them to carry me. But I was a big girl, I didn't need to be carried. But it's okay because I get to have a sleepover with Tay today.

"Are we there yet?" I whine, I really wanna see Tay.

"Almost, honey," Mom replied.

I kicked my feet as I looked out the window at the line of houses. We took a turn and then I saw the huge familiar house. I could see Tay standing there with a man. He was holding her from behind and they were both laughing. As soon as the car stopped, I tried to take the seatbelt off but I couldn't do it. Mama came over and helped before setting me down on the grass. I ran over to Taylor and she didn't seem to notice me until I hugged her legs. She was too busy talking to that tall man who was also hugging her.

"Savvy!" Tay exclaimed and picked me up.

I pushed the man away because I wanted to hug Taylor all by myself. Taylor gave me a stern look but she didn't say anything. The man carried my backpack inside while I said bye to Mama and Dada. Taylor walked back inside with me in her arms before setting me down on the couch.

"What would you like for dinner, babe?" Tay asks, as she looks through my backpack.

Thinking she was talking me, I say "Mac and cheese!"

"Hon, I was asking Travis," Tay said.

"Mac and cheese is good with me," he replies.

I started to feel sad all of a sudden, Taylor always asks me what I want even when her friends are there. But this time she asked that mean man who was stealing her from me.

"Would you like to help me cook?" Taylor asks.

After a minute of silence, Taylor repeats the question.

"Babe, I think she thinks you're asking me," the man says.

"Savvy, would you like to be my helper?" Tay asks, bending down to my level.

"Why don't you ask your boyfriend," I huff.

"There is no need for that attitude, Savanah," Taylor said, sternly.

"Fine," Taylor sighed, after I didn't respond.

She went over to the kitchen and that stupid man followed her. I just wanted to go back home, I don't like Taylor anymore. Luckily her phone was right next to me on the armrest of the couch. I unlocked it and decided to call Mama and ask her to pick me up, Taylor was being mean. I didn't know which was Mama so I clicked on a random one and hoped it was her.

"Mama?" I ask, as the person lifts the call.

"Savvy? Can you give the phone to Taylor?" the person asks.


"Yeah, honey, why'd you call?"

"Taylor is being a poopyhead and I wanted to call Mama to pick me up!"

"Don't say that, what did she do, baby?" Selena asks.

"She has this stupid guy over and they both are ignoring me!"

"I'm sure she doesn't mean to, why don't you talk to her," Selly suggests.

Before I could respond, Taylor strides in the room and grabs her phone from me.

"I'm so sorry Sel," Taylor says before hanging up.

"Savanah! You can't just call anyone you want from my phone! What has gotten into you, you never behave like that!" Taylor snaps.

"I want Mama! I wanna go home, I don't like it with you!" I scream and I can see Taylor's face turn sad.

Before she could say anything, that man comes back in and that makes me more angry. I storm out the door as Taylor yelled after me. I couldn't get past the lawn cause that stupid man picked me up and brought me back inside. Taylor locked the door and he handed me over to her when I started to hit him.

"Savanah! What are you thinking! Why are you acting like this!" Taylor exclaims.

I loosen myself from her grip and run into her bedroom. I lay underneath the covers and sulk. This wasn't fair at all! I could hear talking from outside and then the door opened and closed again. I felt the bed dip and the covers were pulled off of me. Tay slid in next to me and put the covers on top of us.

"Are you jealous, baby?" she asks, playing with my hair.

"Do you like him more than me?" I ask.

"Of course not, I love you the mostest. Why would you think that?" she asks.

"You asked him what he wants to eat and you're always with him. I looked on Mama's phone, there's so many pictures of you guys, it's not fair, you never take pictures with me!"

"Sweetheart, it's different. You're too young, I don't want your pictures getting out, but I love you more. I'm sorry I spent too much time with him instead of you today. I just wanted you to get to know him,"

I incoherently mumble something before closing my eyes. I hear the door open and that man walks in. He lays down next to Taylor and Taylor scoops me up and I cuddle into her chest. He starts telling me a story and he even gave me a cookie in bed, maybe he isn't so bad. Taylor wasn't happy about the cookie in bed, but she let me eat it anyway.

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