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What the hell I did yesterday ? Hubby ? I called that rude idiot man hubby ? Ewwwww. I said him to sleep with me ? I said I want to see what's down there and how long it is ? I am so disgusted. It feels like I will puke now.

I am never going to drink in my life again. Never ever.

I picked my phone from the bed and called Aarohi. She picked up and I shouted

"You bitch why the hell did you let me drink this much ?"

"I was telling you not to. I even pulled you far from the drinks but you were running there again and again." She replied.

"Urghhhhh." I shouted.

"Did something spicy happend ?" She aske laughing.

"I will kill you." I said and hanged the call.

Then I heared a knock on the door. I am not going face him now after I did all this.

"What ?" I asked.

"Open the damn door." He shouted loudly.

I went and peeked out of the door.

"Dada and dadi are calling us for your peheli rasoi. Get ready. We will leave in fifteen minutes." He said and went.

God why are you doing this to me ? I thought and sighed.

I called at my home and asked maa.

"Maa how to wear a saree ?"

"This haven't learned how to wear saree till now. I told you to learn how to wear saree before your marriage." She said.

"I can't say you in call now and I don't have time for video call now guests are coming. Do one thing search in youtube and please wear properly don't mess it up." She said.

"Okay." I said and hanged the call.

I searched in youtube and played the video. After struggling with the saree I finally managed to wear the saree. It was not perfect as I wore however I could. I didn't understand the video.

I was wearing a dark blue saree with a backless blouse.

I went out of the room and saw him coming out of the room too.

"How am I looking ?" I asked flaunting my saree.

He ignored me and went out of the house. I went and sat inside the car. I looked at him driving the car with a straight face while looking at the road.

"I am getting bored talk to me." I said to him.

He again ignored me.

"Stop ignoring me. I hate it." I shouted.

"I don't care what you hate and what you love." He mimicked me the way I said him before few days.

"Bhaad mein jao tum." I shouted and looked out of the window.
( you go to hell )

I sat silent for whole five minutes and then again talked because I can't remain silent more that that.

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