The promises

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Our hands were intertwined as we layed on the grass. Together. The garden had many bushes,plants and trees.

"You know it was my dream to stay in the rain with my life partner. I never thought it will be fulfilled." I said.

"Why ? I told you I will fulfill your every single wish. Don't underestimate your husband."He argued.

"I understood, my dear husband." I said pinching his cheek.

He held my arms and made me stand with him. The rain was still pouring, more heavily but the drops were soothing. He took out something from his pocket and knelt down.

I was not able to figure out what he was trying to do but then I saw the ring.

What is he doing ? Is he doing what I am thinking ?

He smiled  holding my one hand caressing my knuckles and started by saying

"Nain, first of all I want to tell you that this is not a proposal. This is a promise from me to you. I promise you that I will always love you, I will always keep you safe. I will never let any harm touch you. I will never hurt you or leave you. If you are in any trouble I promise to save you even if my life would be at stake. I promise that I will never make you cry or never fight with you. I will save you even by burning the world if I need to. I will save you even from hell. I will listen to your rants all day.I will kill anyone who hurts you. I promise you that, nain. All the fights that happened were past and now I want us to begin a new life. Lets leave all the hatredness behind and start our love life Together. I want us to be real. I want us in a real relationship. I know we accepted eachother and we are in real relationship right now but I want all that to be pure. So, Mrs. Nain Rajveer Agnihotri, with all my promises that are thousand percent true and with my feeling which are infinity, I want you to marry me again. Will you ?"

I didn't realise when tears rolled down my cheeks. Tears of happiness. He just made me feel so damn special. Oh God I  Iove him so much. He loves me as much as I do him.

I nodded my head immediately and said

"Yes yes, I will marry you. Again. Thank youso much, veer." I said holding his arms and making him stand up. He forwarded his hand asking for mine and I gave my hand.

He held my hand and caressed my knuckles before pushing the big diamond ring inside my ring finger. A promise ring. A golden colour ring with a big diamond on the centre of the ring. It was shining like our love shines. The brightest and shinest among all.

I hugged him tightly. And he kissed my cheek.

"I love you so much, veer. Thank you for making me feel so special." I said smiling.

"You are special to me so I made you feel that. But you don't know how special you made me feel by loving and changing a man like me----- " He was saying when I stopped him by pecking his lips. Then I placed my lips on his again for few more seconds.

"Don't ever say 'a man like me'. You are the bestest and the most caring man anyone would ever get. You are the most special person for me, veer. Stop saying that I am loving a man like you. What do you mean by 'a man like me' huh ? I love you and I am proud of it. Don't ever say that. You are the person with the most beautiful heart inside." I said. Actually scolded. He can't say like that I don't like it.

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