Chapter 38

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Emryk woke again after failing to see Mateusz in his dreams for the third time in a row. He knew they probably needed to be asleep at the same time as the other and wondered if that could be the problem. Maybe because he was sleeping though most of the day and only a portion of the night, their sleep periods didn't cross.

Either way, every time before he fell asleep, he offered prayers to Lunaris to dream of him. But it never happened. At least, not yet.

Rising and feeling tired, he looked up to see the sun fading down below the large rocky hills to the west. While some would refer to them as smaller mountains or something else, he couldn't bring himself to since mountains along the northwestern areas of the Kingdom were far larger. While he's never seen the dwarven mountains, he knew they were far larger than any on this continent.

Regardless of their size, it's making him more tired every time he's had to climb some cliffs or large hills to hide from some of Iseron's semi-aquatic creatures. He decided not to sleep near water just in case any animal came ashore near him. Pulling out his first water bottle, he felt the weight to determine how much he had left.

Since leaving, he hasn't drunk more than a few sips of it. He continued adding a small cap-full to a full bottle of sea water. In one book he read, there were estimates to how long it would take to travel to certain areas in Iseron from the border.

However, those numbers were from before the land was destroyed. While there were no roads back then, there were paths that people could travel to the major cities of elves. Based on what they knew, he was warned it could take from three weeks to a month to make it to where Aerimoaer was.

But with no idea how to find them, if they were still in the same general location, it could take him far longer. They offered no suggestions on what to do if he never found them. He was smart enough to know the risks. Especially since none have ever returned.

Only now did he realize how naïve he was to think he would find them if he just made it there. Etieniel suggested he search for some ruins or any signs of life. But what if he saw none?

"Stop your worrying," he said to himself aloud. "There's no going back. Mateusz is counting on you to save his life."

With that, he packed his pack again and made his way down the hills to the water. Making sure nothing dangerous was around, he repeated the process of making clean and rejuvenating water for himself. He drank almost half the bottle before refilling it and began walking again.

 He drank almost half the bottle before refilling it and began walking again

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People were running around wildly, trying to discover what happened. Vitalis would not believe it was an accident and not an act of Terrianis. Her mind kept telling her Terrianis was devious, but would never act so directly against another god.

But she knew what happened to Katarzyna. They were all her children, in a sense. She took time to study every soul she held before giving them a form. Since souls were genderless and with no sense of identity, she didn't know what made her choose to give them a male or female form. Nor how she decided if they should be human, elven, dwarven, or any of the others.

(Complete First Draft) Death of a Guardian: An Amber Kingdom NovelWhere stories live. Discover now