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The doctor ushered them both into the office, closing the door behind them. Heading over to his desk he sat down. "Now as you have most likely been told by Susie here. You would be our newest addition killer," The doctor stared Salem down, his wide open eyes basically staring straight into her soul. "However I do find it weird that for a killer your first instinct would be to run. Usually they'd rather fight back." He placed his elbows on the desk resting his chin upon the backs of his interlocked fingers. "Why didn't you try fight?" He asked curiously.

"Uhm, because you're a big fucking guy? And you like, I dunno know you tried shocking me? I mean look at me, I'm like a little twig of a thing why wouldn't I run?" She said gesturing towards herself. "Besides before I was running from you I was already running from police, did you really expect me to stand there and try fight back?" She said defensively.

"No, not at all!" He let out a laugh. "Thank you for your answer though. I was just making sure you weren't an idiot." He glanced towards Susie, "unlike some of the killers here." He exclaimed bluntly.

Susie giggled in response, "hey, heyyy. I'm not an idiot, Frank definitely is though." She nodded.

"Ugh don't get me started on him." The doctor rolled his eyes, then shook his head clearing his throat. "Anyway, back to the main topic. As you are new here I will be the one showing you how things work here, you'll need to learn trials. We will also have go figure out what powers you gained coming here and what weapon you'll be using." He pulled away from the desk standing up. Looking over Salem he took note of the clothes she was wearing. "We will also have to get you a new outfit. You won't be good at chasing survivors down in that." He stated bluntly.

"Huh? What's wrong with what I'm wearing?" She raised an eyebrow looking down at her current outfit. It consisted of a dirty white tank top, black sweat pants, dirty boots and her grey hoodie, along with her messenger bag that she had slung across her body.

"It'd get you caught on tons of shit," Susie chimed in. "Those sweat pants would tear in a normal chase, the boots aren't good for sprinting either. Plus with how exposed your skin is, it leaves you open for cuts and other wounds. Some of the maps are real hell to get around so it'd be better to change to something more covered." She said with a shrug.

Salem let out a dissatisfied groan, "oh for gods sake. Fine." She leant back in her chair, "what about all this other stuff you were talking about though? Why would I have any powers being here? I was a normal person before I got here why would that change? Also what the hell is a trial??" She said completely dumbfounded.

"Having been brought here by the entity, she would've given you some kind of power. You're a killer, it wouldn't be entertaining for her if you were just.. a normal slasher. Like them." He gestured to Susie. "But anyway. We will get into those finer details at another time. For now let's just figure out what powers you've been given and while we are doing that we can get you a new weapon too."

They head out of the room together, walking down one of the many halls in the institution. It was silent between the three aside from the occasional chuckle or fit of maniacal laughter from the doctor.

Salem sighed sliding her hands into her pockets, everything in this place was giving her a headache. She started to regret actually running from the cops. Maybe if she had been caught by them she wouldn't be stuck in this mess currently, where she was walking with an insane doctor and another edgier teenager.

Honestly what the fuck is with this place, trials? Killers? Survivors? It's fucking wacko. Let's not forget this supposed entity thing either... Jesus Christ I really wish I hadn't of ran through that fog, I would've preferred being stuck in a jail cell right now.

Eventually they got back to the front of the institution, heading through the dark fog the appeared in a campsite, looking over she saw a group of people sitting by the fire. "Who's over there? Are they killers too?"

"No those are survivors. They're waiting for their next trial. Which I'm prettyyy sure Doc over here is supposed to be taking," Susie reached up patting doctor on the arm. "You're not wrong. It Is supposed to be my trial, however, since we are going to be seeing what powers you have. You'll be doing it instead." Doctor shoved Salem in front of the both of them.

"Don't worry though, we will both be with you when the match starts." He placed his hands on her shoulders letting out a fit of laughter.

Salem jolted at the slight electrical shock she got from being in direct contact with the doctor. Looking back at him she glared. "I have no idea what I'm doing and you're already gonna shove me into a match?" She pulled away from him. "Nono, I don't even know how anything works yet, I don't have a weapon either!" She looked back over at the campfire, staring at the survivors.

"Oh not to worry, that'll all be given to you by the time you get into the trial." He laughed maniacally. "Don't be a coward, you're a murderer. You'll figure it out." He says with a sigh calming himself down. "Besides, it's not like they have any weapons themselves. As long as you can run and dodge you'll be just fine."

"Yeah and if they do try fight back, just stab them! They lose all momentum when that happens." Susie said with a giggle. "Just try not to stress okay? We'll be there with you. So if you do end up needing help doctor will handle it." She smiled at Salem.

Salem sighed shaking her head. "Fine, fine whatever. Let's just get this over with."

Slowly a dark black fog started to creep in, enveloping everyone, leaving only a pitch black sight. Signalling that the match is about to begin.

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